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MARAC Diversity and Inclusion Resources
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Resource list of publications, reports, and other content related to diversity and inclusion in the archives the cultural heritage field

MARAC Diversity and Inclusion Committee - Resource List

This page contains a growing list of resources that relate to diversity and inclusion in the archives, information science and cultural heritage fields. Originally compiled by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion in 2016, and now maintained by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.  

All members are encouraged and welcome to submit articles, blog and social media posts, books, AV materials, or any other resource that would be relevant to the organization on this topic. Please share any suggestions or resources with the chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (

General Resources on Diversity and Inclusion

Critical Librarianship

Cultural Competency


Documenting Protests and Police Abuse

Resources on ethically documenting protests and police abuse:

Activists' Guide to Archiving Video:

Documenting the Now - tools + community + ethics for documenting the now @documentnow 

Open Camera app: photos and video, open source, free, no ads, transparency on what info gets collected and why ( - most kinds of data collection are opt-in, like choosing to use the voice control option which relies on the Android speech recognition service, rather than Open Camera itself So it doesn’t collect location info by default.

How to remove EXIF data, including geolocation data:

Tool for anonymizing photographs taken at protests:


Persons with Disabilities


Retention of Diverse Professionals

Social Justice