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review @@2024
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Ok well now that @@ is over, it's time to give an honest feedback. From an artist who has been exhibiting there for 10 years.

First the positive. And I'm going to talk by comparing to a whole bunch of other convs: Tw1tchC0n, D0k0m1, 4rtT0Pl4y...etc.

1/ The people who come to my stand are always lovely, curious and respectful. Really, I’m always really happy to meet you. I can feel that for some of them, it's the only time of year when they can share their passion openly, without complexes. Well, on this point, it's clearly not exclusive to @@, I found the same enthusiasm in many medium and large conventions.

2/The publisher stands are super interesting every year in terms of staging, that’s cool.

3/The duration of the convention, 4 days, means that we have plenty of time to tour all the stands. will be all about what is specific to @@. Now let's talk seriously.

1/ I was able to gradually observe the quality of reception of artists profoundly deteriorating. 2015, we had 3M long stands for roughly €500, with rear partitions. Now, for €300, you are entitled to a 1m60 table, without a rear partition. The hallways don't make any sense. Artists are mixed with artisans, and worse...

2/ because no, there is no selection criterion for @@ other than not being a full-time artist (under penalty of paying €1500 for your stand, for EXACTLY the same stand as someone who is part-time). And that's where it starts to hurt. Artists/artisans are mixed with anything and everything: wood engravers stealing visuals, mug printers stealing visuals, tracers, AI users. We are placed on the same level as scams. Not to mention the dropshipping stands which are right next to the artist village too. Artists are not welcome at @@, and this is becoming more and more evident.

3/ Regarding the fact of justifying not to be a full-time artist, the supporting documents to be provided border on the legal limit. Identity documents, pay slips, diplomas, France Travail certificates...Absolutely, I mean ABSOLUTELY NO other convention allows themselves to interfere in the private lives of artists to this extent. I saw design students being turned away from passion stands and having to rack up €1,500. Some artists are forced, by their disability, or inability to work, to reveal details of their private life to the @@ team.

4/ Now I would like to talk about paying more if you are a full-time artist. This is a measure that, in my opinion, could not be more unfair. Full-time artists don't spend more time making their goodies than part-time artists. We work on client projects the majority of the time. Customer projects that we do not sell on the stand. The goodies are mostly drawn in our free time, in the same way as part-time artists. This measure makes no sense.

5/ The price limit. Among amateur artists, the authorized price limit has been the same since 2001, despite several market crashes, inflation, COVID, the war in Ukraine...etc. It is set at €12. I'll let you imagine what we can sell for €12. Spoiler: no books, no standees, no fabric, no posters...etc, unless you sell out like the French artists are used to do. As proof, I have the prices of DKM artists and the comments of my clients when I exhibited there: French prices are reduced, by far, compared to international artists. @@ being the largest French convention, they have a huge share of responsibility in this shameful sale of artists' work.

6/ The inability to discuss with the team. A few years ago, an artist tried to negotiate with the @@ team to cancel this ridiculous price limit. Result : they were blacklisted from all @@ events. Besides, I'm not gonna lie to you, if anyone from the team comes across this thread, I will most certainly be blacklisted in turn. But I don't care, I don't plan to go back. There are many other conventions, in France and elsewhere, which deserve more attention than this mafia.

7/ The Gestapo. Random checks are carried out, at artist stands only. We are closely monitored. The slightest price that exceeds €12, one person whose pass does not correspond to the identity provided during registration, (coz yes, the passes are nominative and are very expensive, the private lives of everyone on the stand must be revealed) and it will cost you several thousand euros. No warning, no notice. The slightest mistake = you pay.

There would be many other things to focus on: the thefts, the exorbitant prices of food (€14 for ham/butter + drink + a single cookie), non-compliance with safety instructions during COVID, attacks on stands with LGBT content...etc. But I'll stop there, if other artists have things to say, don't hesitate. But remember that this is at your own risk.

On that note, this was my report on 10 years of @@, this convention disgusts me to no end, and I am very happy that the majority of people who came to my booth also go to other conventions which are much more worthy. As for it, I prefer that people finance ethical conventions (Yc0n, 4rtT0pl4y...etc) rather than this mafia without the slightest form of decency.

Bye Bye @@, you won't be missed~