Myanmar - Questions

Please read the article on Myanmar  here before answering the questions.

1) Myanmar is a country in __________ Asia. 

a) Northernmost                b) Southernmost

c) Easternmost                d) Southeast

2) What is the current capital city of Myanmar?

a) Yangon                        b) Bangladesh

c) Alaungpaya                        d) Nay Pyi Taw

3) “Myanmar is a mountainous country” .. what does mountainous mean?

a) rocky, hilly                        b) covered in water

c) covered in mud                d) massive, gigantic

4) What are the countries that share the same borders as Myanmar ? 


5) How much percentage does the forest cover Myanmar? 

a) 88%                                b) 1989%

c) 19%                                d) 43%

6) Why are there a lot of animals that reside in Myanmar?

  1. there is heaps of food
  2. The rainforests gives them shelter
  3.  There is a big zoo                        
  4. None of the above

7) In Myanmar there are different groups of people that make up the population.  Which one is not part of it? 

a) Karen                        b) Shan

c) Chinese                        d) Rakhine

8) Myanmar is a ____________ country.  Over half of the population are farmers. 

  1. rich                        b)  wealthy

c) undeveloped                d) poor