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English translation: "ASL - Guess what's racist now."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Recently I sat down, turned on my laptop, and logged on to the Internet.  I sat down to research future video topics.  In several videos, I have talked about how liberals say that everything is racist.  Do you know Time Magazine?  It’s a news magazine.  

Well, now I guess I would say it’s a fake news magazine.  Recently, Time Magazine published an article about how exercise is bad, because it shows white supremacy.  I’ll explain.  

The article said that exercise became popular in the 1980s.  In the 1960s and 1970s, girls were not allowed to play school sports.  Before that, girls didn’t play school sports, because they were fragile.  

Before 1920, people thought that being fat was good.  It was believed to show wealth.  Now, many people who are fat are also poor.  

The article said that white women exercise to overcome immigration, by giving birth to white babies.  Now, white people control the exercise industry.  

WOW!  Liberals are mentally ill.  Long ago, people didn’t exercise, because they didn’t need to.  Now people need exercise.  I will explain.  

Long ago, people hunted and gathered their food.  All day they would walk and work.  They might take care of fruits, vegetables, and grains.  If they didn’t walk and work all day, they had no food, which meant they would die.  

Now in America, for most people, when we want food, we get into the car, drive to the store, buy our food, drive home, cook the food, and eat it.  It’s easy.  Now most people don’t have the skill to hunt.  They also don’t know how to maintain a fruit and vegetable garden.  Now in America, most people don’t do hard, physical labor.  

It’s not white supremacy.  It’s laziness.