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NEW - A Call for Civility in Public Discourse
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Total Number of Pages: 2

Suggested Title: A Call for Civility in Public Discourse

New Resolution

General Church Budget Implications: None

Global Implications: Yes

All too often public discourse on political and social issues devolves into name-calling, personal attacks, demonization of vulnerable groups, and a general dehumanization toward others. This climate is evident in the  public square, the Church, and in other areas of society. It leads to real acts of violence against individuals and  groups, contributes to the deterioration of civility, and impedes our search for possible solutions to the complex  issues facing our church and world. 

Scripture shows us another way. Jesus modeled a patient and welcoming love for even those who vehemently  disagreed with him, while also never yielding in his commitment to truth and honesty. The apostle Paul  reminded the divided Corinthians that "certainly the body [of Christ] isn't one part but many" (1 Corinthians  12:14), and their greatest calling is to love (1 Corinthians 13). Jesus' call to proclaim and live out God's  unconditional love for the world was not deterred or dissuaded by the false accusations or personal attacks by  his critics. In staying committed to his mission, God’s love transformed the world.  

Let us do likewise. Unfounded accusations, misleading charges, and personal attacks have no place among  leaders in the Church or society. Discourse that dehumanizes others, especially vulnerable groups, must end. 

Let the whole earth be transformed and may it begin with the house of God. 

Date: August 26, 2019

The Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe

General Secretary

Bishop Sally Dyck

President of the Board

General Board of Church & Society

Phone: 202-488-5629

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