Registration Process
For Parents, Caregivers and Families
Below, you will find step by step instructions with some more details about how to sign up for a parent, caregiver or family account using Aspen.
Please note: You will require a desktop or laptop for account creation but may use a mobile device to register your child after successfully creating your account.
To Register Online
- Visit and select “Register for Schools and Programs”
- Select a green “Register for…” button to go to our new registration system
First time users:
- To create an account, select “Request an account”
- In the “Account Type” window, select the first option to create an account as this will be the first time that you will be using our online registration system

- At the next screen, enter the name and phone number of the parent creating this account and click “Next Step”

- At the next screen complete all the questions including email address (in lower case letters), password and use the drop down to select and create a security question and answer.
- Once complete, select “Create my account”. You will receive a confirmation message:

Next Steps:
- An email will be sent to the address used in the account set up. Select the confirmation link in the email to verify your information. Please note, if you do not see the email right away, please check your spam or junk folder.
- Once you have selected the link, the registration system will provide a pop up box noting that the verification was successful and the account is now active. Please close this box and you can then use your email address and password to login and create the registration.

- Once logged in you will be at your dashboard. Select the “initiate” button under the heading, “Start a new student registration”.

- In the window that opens, please start completing the information under each tab. To move to the next section, please select “Next” at the bottom of the page.

- If you need to leave the registration and come back later, select the “Save and Close” button. Your information will be saved and bring you back to the parent dashboard. Your dashboard will show that the registration has been started but not submitted.
- To continue the registration, please select the green check box and the window will pop up to complete the registration.

- Once the registration is complete, select “Submit” on the final page the registration will be sent for review.

- You will be brought back to the parent dashboard, where you will notice that the registration is now awaiting review. The registration will remain this way until the registration has been reviewed.

- Please note that once you submit your registration, changes cannot be made.
Troubleshooting Tips
- Try using a laptop - portable devices can have issues with the online format. Please go to the link from a laptop or desktop computer to see if this resolves the issue. Parent Accounts cannot be created on mobile devices (this includes chromebooks).
- Once an account is created on a desktop or laptop a mobile device can be used to register a student.
- Always click the Gray Log On Button. Please Do not click on the AASP button when logging in.
- The parent account email address should be created in lower case.
Best Practice- create an Aspen account with lowercase email address.
- If having difficulties, clear Browser cookies and cache- this solves many things.
- If the password is forgotten, Select the “I forgot my password” link and wait for a new one to be emailed. Please do not call the school as they cannot help with password recovery.
- Please check the junk/spam folder if not received in a timely manner.