THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on this _____day of _____, 20___ by and between the public entities of_______________, _______________, _______________, and _______________, pursuant to state legislation.
WHEREAS, each of the parties hereto maintains equipment and personnel for the suppression of fires with in its own jurisdiction and areas, and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to augment the fire and emergency medical protection available in their various establishments, districts, agencies, and municipalities in the event of large fires or conflagrations or other disasters, and
WHEREAS, the lands or districts of the parties hereto are adjacent or contagious so that mutual aid assistance in a fire or medical emergency is deemed feasible, and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the above named municipalities or other districts and their governing bodies to conclude such agreements wherever practical, and
WHEREAS, it is mutually deemed sound desirable, practical and beneficial for the parties to this agreement to render assistance to one another in accordance with these terms:
1. Whenever it is deemed advisable by the commanding officer of a fire department belonging to a party to this agreement, or by the commanding officer of any such fire department actually present at any fire or other emergency including any medical emergency, to request assistance under the terms of this agreement, that officer is authorized to do so, and the commanding officer of the department receiving the request, or authorized subordinates shall forthwith take the following actions:
A: Immediately determine if apparatus and personal can be spared in response to the call.
B: Determine what apparatus and personnel might be most effectively dispatched.
C: Determine the exact mission to be assigned in accordance with the detailed plans and procedures of the operation drawn in accordance with this agreement by the technical heads of the fire departments concerned.
D: Forthwith dispatch such apparatus and personnel as, in the judgment of the responsible officer receiving the call, should be sent, with complete instructions as to the mission, in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
2. The rendering of assistance under the terms of this agreement shall not be mandatory, but the party receiving the request for assistance should immediately inform the requesting agency if, for any reason assistance cannot be rendered.
3. A. Each party to this agreement waives all claims against the other party or parties for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring in consequence of the performance of this agreement.
B. All service performed under this agreement shall be rendered without reimbursement of either party or parties.
4. The Commanding officer of the Department requesting assistance shall assume full charge of the operation.
If that officer specifically requests a senior officer of a fire department furnishing assistance to command, the requesting department officer shall not, by relinquishing command, be relieved of responsibility of the operation.
5. The chief officer and personnel of the fire departments of all parties to this agreement are invited and encouraged on a reciprocal basis, to frequently visit each other’s activities for guided familiarization tours consistent with local security requirements and as feasible, to jointly pre-fire planning, inspection and drills.
6. The commanding officer of the fire departments of the parties to this agreement are authorized to meet and graft any detailed plans and procedures of operation necessary to effectively implement this agreement. Such plans and procedures of operation shall become effective upon ratification by the signatory parties.
7. This agreement shall become effective upon the date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect until cancelled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto or by written notice by one party to the other giving ten (10) days notice of said cancellation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have to execute this agreement the day and year first written above.
Fire Dept. Officer-in-Charge
Fire Dept. Officer-in-Charge
Fire Dept. Officer-in-Charge
Fire Dept. Officer-in-Charge
Fire Dept. Officer-in-Charge