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December Newsletter
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Park Street School December Newsletter The weary world rejoices!

December Curriculum 

December 4-8: Christmas Around the World/ Letter E/ Number 14 December 11-15: The Nativity and Christmas/ Letter M/ Number 15 December 18-21: The Nativity and Christmas/ Letter N/ Number 16

December Memory Verse 

"Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving each other just as Jesus did."

Ephesians 4:32

December Christian Character Trait 

This month we will be focusing on being kind to one another just as Jesus was kind and compassionate. We will also be focusing on forgiving each other when we are wronged.

December 14: Christmas Program @ 6:30pm (see below for more details)

December 16: Fundraiser at Millers and Tractor Supply Co

December 18: Show and Tell

December 18-21: Goldberry Coffee fundraiser will be distributed this week before break

December 22-January 1: CLOSED for Christmas Break. See you on Tuesday, January 2nd!

Park Street School is

Park Street School is

putting on a

Christmas Program

on Thursday,

December 14th at

6:30pm. The

Toddlers, Littles, Middles, and Pre-K

classes will all be

participating! The

doors will open at

6:00pm and

refreshments will

follow the program.

Please invite your

friends and family!

The more the


Park Street School

will be selling

handmade chocolate

bark at the Christmas

Program. We will

also be selling

chocolate bark at

Millers and Tractor

Supply Co on

Saturday, December

16th from 9:00am 12:00pm. We hope

you can stop by and

say hello!

November Highlights 

Bible Class Reading Time

Silly Friends Library with Miss Diana

Fun with Leaves Painting

Mr. Mark is the best! Walk Around the Block

Friends Music with Mr. Mark

A Note From Administration Can you believe it is December already? We have had such a wonderful fall time and now we get to jump into the Christmas season. The kids have been working so hard on their Christmas Program! It is so sweet to hear their little voices sing about Jesus being born.

We have also continued practicing thankfulness in our morning prayer time. We always try to spend more time thanking God in our prayer time than we do asking for things from Him. The children have the sweetest things they are thankful for such as being thankful for mommy and daddy, their pets, their toys, their teachers, and so much more!

As we get closer to Christmas, we are learning about the birth of Jesus. We have learned that Jesus is God's son and He came to be born on Earth in a barn. The kid's think it is crazy that Jesus' crib was a feed trough!

This Christmas we hope to foster a love and wonder for Christmas because that is when Jesus came into the world so He could be our Savior. We will continue to talk about the life of Jesus between now and Easter during our morning Bible and prayer time. We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and cannot wait to see what God has planned for Park Street School in 2024!