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Steve Everett

Provost and Senior Vice President

365 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10016-4309


October 2021


Composition and Conducting Video and Audio Recordings

and Scores of Steve Everett


1.    First Life (2012) for string quartet, narration, live audio–video based on chemical models of early earth polymers (75’)

a.    Part 1 (9’)

b.    Part 2 (19’30)

c.    Part 3 (19’30)

d.    Part 4 (12’35)

e.    Part 5 (11’20)


2.    Ophelia’s Gaze (2008) chamber opera for soprano, string quartet, live audio, and live motion capture video

a.    Complete work (65’)

b.    Letter Home (12’)

c.     March 1911 (9’35)

d.    Shiver (6’)

e.    Vignette (9’30)

f.      Out of the Frame (2016) interactive video installation based on Ophelia’s Gaze (trailer) (4’45)


3.    Quiet Silence (1999) marimba and live sound processing (10’20)


4.    Sun Dial (2005) digital audio and solo dancer


5.    Triptych for V (excerpt) (2003) digital audio and dancers


6.    Opaque Silhouette (2000) music-video (10’)


7.    KAM – Ki Ageng Mangir (1998-2000) shadow play for Javanese puppeteer, actors, vocalists, dancer, gamelan and Western musicians, interactive electronics, interactive video installation. Based on an unpublished manuscript, Ki Ageng Mangir, by Indonesian author and political dissident, Pramoedya Ananta Toer (trailer)  (7’05)


8.    Warrior Woman Pantoum (2009) digital audio and solo dancer (7’50)



1.    Aurora Consurgens (1988) MIDI grand piano and live electronics using HMSL (7’30)


2.    Bleached White (2008) flute and live electronics (11’40)


3.    Blow Back (2002) trumpet and interactive live electronics (11’40)


4.    Magi (2006) digital audio and masked dancers (8’10)


5.    Rendezvous II (1992) brass quintet (5’10)


6.    Rendezvous IV (2004) violin and live electronics (12’)


7.    Table & Chairs (1992) soprano and piano (9’20)

8.  Ladrang Kampung (1997) flute or cello, Javanese gamelan, and live electronics (9’30)



 Scores and computer software patches screenshots

  1. Another Reunion - chamber ensemble
  2. Bleached White - flute and live electronics
  3. Blow Back - trumpet and live electronics
  4. City of Nine Gates - narrator and string trio
  5. EnterDependent - chamber ensemble and live electronics
  6. First Life - for string quartet, narration, live audio–video
  7. Infinity For Sale - chamber ensemble
  8. KAM- Ki Ageng Mangir - shadow play for Javanese puppeteer, actors, vocalists, dancer, gamelan and Western musicians, interactive electronics, interactive video installation
  9. Ladrang Kampung - flute or cello, Javanese gamelan, and live electronics
  10. March 1911 - string quartet
  11. Ophelia’s Gaze - chamber opera for soprano, string quartet, live audio, and live motion capture video
  12. Proper Behavior - alto saxophone, WX7 MIDI wind controller, and live electronics
  13. Quiver Songs - shakuhachi and guitar
  14. Side Step - viola da gamba quartet
  15. Table & Chairs - soprano and piano
  16. Vanitas - pipe organ and live electronics
  17. Zodiacal Memory - wind ensemble


Conducting contemporary music


  1. Elliot Carter - Triple Duo (22’25) Thamyris New Music Ensemble, Ursula Oppens - guest pianist

  1. Pierre Leroux - Voi(Rex) mvts. 4 and 5 (11’) Sonic Generator New Music Ensemble, Donatienne Michel-Dansac - guest soprano

  1. Peter Maxwell Davies - Eight Songs for a Mad King (29’50) Thamyris New Music Ensemble, Haleh Abghari - guest vocalist

  1. Steve Mackey - Deal (14’20) Thamyris New Music Ensemble, Steve Mackey - guest composer and guitarist