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LHS CSIP (2023-2024) - Website
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Liberty High School

Continuous School Improvement Plan




Mr. Justin M. Tucker


The vision of Liberty High School is to promote significant relationships and provide a rigorous and relevant curriculum that meets the needs of our students and our community.


To focus on relationships, academics, community, and wellness every day.

Federal Accountability (ESSA)

Fully Accredited

State Accountability (VDOE)

Fully Accredited - VDOE School Quality Profile

SMART Goal Statement 1

SOL Achievement 

The science department will achieve an overall pass rate of at least 70% on standards of learning (SOL) assessments while the math and English departments will reach or exceed an overall pass rate of at least 80% on standards of learning (SOL) assessments.

In English, the following groups will earn a pass rate of at least 70%, or reduce their failure rate by at least 10% on standards of learning (SOL) assessments: economically disadvantaged, multiple races, and students with disabilities.

In math, the following groups will earn a pass rate of at least 70%, or reduce their failure rate by at least 10% on standards of learning (SOL) assessments: economically disadvantaged, black, multiple races, and students with disabilities.

SMART Goal Statement 2

Drop Out Rate & Graduation Rate

The dropout rate will decrease from 8.07% to 5.00% or less with the 2024 cohort and 4.75% or less with the 2025 cohort. Simultaneously, the on-time graduation rate will remain at or above 90% for the 2024 cohort, and 91% or above for the 2025 cohort.

SMART Goal Statement 3

Chronic Absenteeism

In partnership with all stakeholders, the chronic absenteeism rate will decrease from 21% to 15% or less by the end of the 2023-2024 school year and 13% or less by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.

SMART Goal Statement 4

College, Career, & Civic Readiness

Students will demonstrate college, career, and civic readiness as evidenced by a college, career, and civic readiness index of 85% or higher by the end of the 2023-2024 school year and 87% or higher by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.

SMART Goal Statement 5

Climate & Culture

By comparing end of year data from the current school to the previous school year, tiered systems of support will result in:

  • 625 or fewer disciplinary incidents
  • 365 (50%) or fewer students receiving a single disciplinary referral
  • 500 or more positive referrals for students
  • Consistent implementation of incentives for students and staff who meet/exceed expectations
  • Individual Success Plans (ISPs) for 100% of students identified as Tier 3 (those receiving eight or more referrals)

Goal I: SOL Achievement


The science department will achieve an overall pass rate of at least 70% on standards of learning (SOL) assessments while the math and English departments will reach or exceed an overall pass rate of at least 80% on standards of learning (SOL) assessments.

In English, the following groups will earn a pass rate of at least 70%, or reduce their failure rate by at least 10% on standards of learning (SOL) assessments: economically disadvantaged, multiple races, and students with disabilities.

In math, the following groups will earn a pass rate of at least 70%, or reduce their failure rate by at least 10% on standards of learning (SOL) assessments: economically disadvantaged, black, multiple races, and students with disabilities.


Strategy: Develop and implement a master schedule that aligns with student needs and staff strengths. Ensure the effective and efficient scheduling of Special Education staff and students with disabilities.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All students

Evaluate the effectiveness of Special Education staff by seeking input from both General and Special education staff.


School Counseling Chair

Special & General Education Staff

May 2022 - ongoing

Classroom Observations

Staff Evaluations

Staff Input

Department Chair Input

Students with disabilities

Schedule Special Education Teachers and Paraprofessionals in content areas where they are strongest, and work to provide consistency across grade levels and content areas.


School Counseling Chair

Special & General Education Staff

May 2022 - ongoing

Master Schedule

Students with disabilities

Students in English, math, and Biology

Design collaborative classes to have fewer numbers of students, and aim to keep the number of students requiring services at an appropriate number in each course, especially in math, English, and Biology courses.


Assistant Principal

School Counseling Chair

May 2022 - ongoing

Master Schedule

Course Rosters

Students in Resource

Alter the registration and scheduling process for students requiring Special Education Resource. To the greatest extent possible, students will be grouped by needs based on similar content classes/grade levels.


Assistant Principal

School Counseling Chair

June 2023 - ongoing

Master Schedule

Course Rosters

Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

Students with disabilities

Routinely verify that all students with disabilities are appropriately scheduled to ensure the appropriate provision of services.


Assistant Principal

Special Education Teachers

July 2022

September 2022

October 2022

Special Education Student Rosters

Course Rosters

Service Verification Lists

Students in English, math, and Biology

Utilize staffing and extra sections to reduce class sizes in critical EOC-tested courses such as Algebra I, Biology, and English 11.


School Counseling Chair

May 2022 - ongoing

Adjustments in August and September 2023

Master Schedule

Students with disabilities

Students in English and math

Restructure Self-Contained Special Education courses to increase the availability of Special Education Teachers to serve in collaborative English and math classrooms instead of Special Education Paraprofessionals. Then, strategically assign Special Education Teachers to English and math courses based on proven strengths.


Assistant Principal

School Counseling Chair

May 2022 - ongoing

Master Schedule

Strategy: All teachers will engage in high-quality instructional planning and delivery to ensure that instruction is aligned with the content and cognitive level according to the Standards of Learning (SOLs) and Curriculum Framework.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All teachers

All students

During teacher workweek, provide a presentation to all teachers on instructional expectations.


August 2023


All teachers

All students

During each faculty meeting, significant time and focus will be dedicated to instructional planning and instructional delivery.


Assistant Principals

Leadership Team


Faculty Meeting Presentations (initial plans were delayed due to heavy PD during teacher workweek).

All teachers

All students

The leadership team will heavily focus on improving instructional planning and instructional delivery throughout the campus.


Assistant Principals

Leadership Team


Leadership Team Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Instructional Planning and Delivery materials and presentations.

All teachers

All students

Department Chairs will assume increased responsibility for instructional leadership in their departments by engaging in lesson plan reviews and departmental observations.


Assistant Principals

Leadership Team

February 2023 - ongoing

Leadership Team Meeting Agendas and Minutes

All teachers

All students

Standardized expectations for all instructional plans will be developed and implemented for teachers.


Assistant Principals


Faculty Meeting Presentations

LHS Faculty & Staff Handbook

Lesson Plans

All teachers

All students

All teachers will develop weekly lesson plans that are posted and available no later than 8:30 AM each Monday morning. School administrators and department chairs will work to review lesson plans and provide instructional planning feedback.


Assistant Principals

Department Chairs



Lesson Plans

Canvas Pages and/or Google Folders

Students in English 11

English 11 teachers will engage in weekly common planning and utilize common assessments.

English 11 Teachers

English Chair


Common Lesson Plans

Common Instructional Materials & Assessments

All teachers

All students

Over time, work to develop common, uniform practices across all core content departments:

  • Common assessments and quarterly benchmarks.
  • Alignment of assessments as evidenced by a Table of Specifications (TOS).
  • Data trackers and routine data analysis
  • Utilization of data for instructional and remedial planning.


Assistant Principals

Department Chairs

Core Teachers

2022-2023 3rd Quarter - significant progress towards common assessments

2023-2024 - Tables of Specifications and revised assessments; data trackers

Common Assessments

Benchmark Assessments

Tables of Specifications

Data Trackers

Lesson Plans

All teachers

All students

Over time, work to increase the level of collaboration between departments, resulting in at least one cross-curricular activity or project per semester.


Assistant Principals

Department Chairs

Core Teachers


Cross-Curricular Planning Meetings

Cross-Curricular activities and/or projects

All teachers

All students

Core content teachers will increase their use of MasteryConnect to administer common assessments until all core content teachers are using MasteryConnect for common assessments.

New teachers will receive training and support in the effective utilization of MasteryConnect.

Core Content Teachers

MasteryConnect Trainers

September 2022 - Training

2022-2023 3rd Quarter - significant progress towards common assessments

2023-2024 - full implementation of common assessments in core departments.


MasteryConnect Reports

Common Assessments

All teachers

All students

School administrators will conduct at least two joint observations each quarter to increase the interrater-reliability of teacher observations. As appropriate, school administrators will conduct joint observations with Instructional Supervisors and/or Department Chairs as well.


Department Chairs

Instructional Supervisors


Classroom Observations

Post-Observation Conferences

All teachers

All students

The leadership team will collaborate with the BCPS Instructional Team to develop and implement professional development for teachers focused on high-quality instructional planning and delivery.

Leadership Team

Instructional Supervisors


Presentations and materials shared with teachers

English Teachers and Science Teachers

English and Science Teachers will participate in training to understand how to effectively implement the new textbooks by Savaas.

English Teachers

Science Teachers

Fall 2022

Training attendance

Savaas use during classroom observations.

Biology Teachers

Biology teachers will receive increased support from the BCPS Instructional Team to build instructional planning and delivery skills.

Biology Teachers

Supervisors of Science, New Teacher Support, Professional Learning

Lead Teacher for Special Education


Staff Calendars

Facilitated meetings with Biology Teachers

Biology classroom observations

Strategy: Teachers will identify students in need of remediation, monitor progress throughout the school year, and differentiate instruction to meet student learning needs.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All students in Math, Science, English, and Social Studies.

All Core Content teachers will utilize MasteryConnect to develop data trackers linked with the Comprehensive Instructional Program pacing guides.

Teachers will utilize this data to plan classroom-based remediation, and identify students in need of additional pull-out or push-in remediation.

Data trackers will be discussed during post-observation conferences.



Quarterly starting September 2022

Data Trackers

Post-Observation Conferences

All students

Each teacher at LHS will complete an Achievement Analysis and Instructional Planning Form. This form will assist teachers in analyzing data and crafting targeted instruction based on academic achievement. All teachers will use this form to guide annual goal-setting for student progress. Given historically low achievement among students with disabilities and African-American students at LHS, all teachers will specifically identify these students within their forms to ensure that all students are targeted for appropriate instruction based on data.

Each will maintain the following goal or one similar to it (depending on the uniqueness of each subject area):

  • 100% of meet/exceed students must continue to pass at the end of the year.
  • 75% of developing students must show enough growth to move to meet/exceed at the end of the year
  • 50% of emerging students must show enough growth to move to develop at the end of the year.



September 16, 2022

February 10, 2023

May 19, 2023

Initial Achievement Analysis and Instructional Planning Forms

Midyear Initial Achievement Analysis and Instructional Planning Forms with mid-year reflection and planning

Final Achievement Analysis and Instructional Planning Forms with end of year reflection

These forms will be reviewed and approved as part of the annual goal process, and during post-observation conferences.

All students

The Math department will create a remediation plan that includes a combination of a math remediation specialist and math teachers. Algebra readiness funds will be provided along with local remediation funds.

Overall, a Remediation Plan will be developed according to the following model:  Remediation at LHS will provide small groups during class, mostly push-in, and occasionally pull-out remediation during the school day.

Departments will work with the remediation specialist to share data trackers, assessment data, and lesson plans. Departments will also adjust the specialist schedule on a quarterly basis to provide remediation in classrooms of greatest need.

Math Department Chair

Testing & Remediation Coordinator

Algebra Readiness Tutor

Ongoing starting October 19, 2022.

The Algebra Readiness Initiative Report will track ongoing data

Department Data Trackers

Remediation Funding Trackers

Students in need of a verified credit in English 11 EOC Reading

The English department will train additional staff members to provide remediation in English 11 and WorkKeys. These staff members will work as a team to schedule and work with students in need of additional remediation or test preparation for the EOC Reading assessment.

English 11 Teachers

November 2022

January 2023

April-May 2023

Remediation Schedules

Remediation Student Rosters

Remediation Attendance

Utilization of Remediation Funds

Students in Biology

The Science department will hire a retired Science Teacher to provide Biology remediation and test preparation for the Biology SOL test.

Science Administrator

Science Department Chair

November 2022

January 2023

April-May 2023

Remediation Schedules

Remediation Student Rosters

Remediation Attendance

Utilization of Remediation Funds

Students in Biology

Biology teachers will collaborate with the staff member providing remediation to identify students at risk of failing and begin providing additional pull-out remediation two days per week.

Science Administrator

Science Department Chair

Biology Teachers

Biology Remediation Staff

October 2023

Remediation Schedules

Remediation Student Rosters

Remediation Attendance

Utilization of Remediation Funds

All students in need of remediation and recovery.

Collaborate with departments and the Testing & Remediation Coordinator to develop increased remediation and tutoring opportunities for students such as Before/After School programs, working lunch with peer tutoring, Saturday recovery, and holiday break recovery.


Leadership Team

Testing & Remediation Coordinator

2022-2023 beginning Q2

Remediation Schedules

Remediation Student Rosters

Remediation Attendance

Utilization of Remediation Funds

All students in need of remediation and recovery

Develop an Academic Support Lab (ASL) for students in need of significant credit recovery and/or remediation. Ensure that the ASL is staffed by fully licensed teachers throughout the day to provide content support in all core areas.

Utilize the ASL for students in need of additional preparation and support for the ISAEP program as well.


School Counseling Chair

Edgenuity Coordinator

Testing & Remediation Coordinator.

Ongoing starting August 15, 2022

Master Schedule

Duty Roster

Edgenuity Rosters

Goal II: Dropout Rate and On-Time Graduation


The dropout rate will decrease from 8.07% to 5.00% or less with the 2024 cohort and 4.75% or less with the 2025 cohort. Simultaneously, the on-time graduation rate will remain at or above 90% for the 2024 cohort, and 91% or above for the 2025 cohort.


Strategy: Establish a team responsible for identifying, monitoring, and supporting seniors who are not on track to graduate on time. Over time, replicate this model across each grade level so all cohorts are followed by a knowledgeable team throughout their high school careers.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion


Maintain the Graduation Support Team designed to support students in meeting graduation requirements. The team will meet regularly to discuss needed support and interventions.


Grade Level Administrator

Graduation Coordinator

School Counselors

Testing & Remediation Coordinator

Intervention Design Specialist

Ongoing, with increasing meetings throughout the 2nd semester.

At Risk Senior List

Graduation Support Team Meeting Minutes


Maintain the Graduation Coordinator position. The Graduation Coordinator will plan and train staff/students on graduation procedures and monitor student graduation progress by leading meetings.


Grade Level Administrator

Graduation Coordinator

Ongoing, with increasing meetings throughout the 2nd semester.

At Risk Senior List

Graduation Support Team Meeting Minutes

Rising 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students

The school counselors will identify rising 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students at risk of not meeting graduation requirements on time and communicate this to the Graduation Support Team As students are identified, progressive interventions will be implemented to support students in graduating on time.

The list will include seniors who are in danger of failing classes and lacking a CTE credential and/or verified credits.

School Counselors

Graduation Coordinator

Graduation Support Team

September 2022

September 2023

At Risk Lists for each grade level


After each grading period, school counselors will submit a list of seniors who are at risk of not graduating.  

Administration and the Graduation Support Team will work with the student, parent, and teachers to implement interventions.  During the fourth quarter, more frequent at-risk list updates will be submitted upon the direction from the Director of Instruction


Grade Level Administrator

Graduation Coordinator

School Counselors

Following each grading period

At-Risk Lists

All students in need of remediation

Maintain and enhance the role of the Remediation Coordinator. Increase collaboration and communication between the Remediation Coordinator, School Counselors, and Departments through routine group meetings.

Testing & Remediation Coordinator

School Counselors

Department Chairs

Ongoing, especially prior to SOL testing windows.

Remediation lists

SOL tester lists

Department data trackers


School Counselors will conduct individual meetings with every senior to discuss graduation requirements and post-secondary planning. During these meetings, a graduation requirement form will be completed. All students and parents will receive a copy of this form and an unofficial copy of the student transcript.

School Counselors

September 2023

School Counselor Calendars

12th Grade Student Meeting Schedules


Consistently update grade-level websites for all four grade levels. The Senior website will be published to all senior students and parents to disseminate critical graduation information, graduation progress/requirement information, scholarship information, and information related to remediation and tutoring opportunities.

School Counselors

Ongoing since July 2022

Grade level websites

Grade level email groups

Communications to Seniors and their parents.

11th, 10th, and 9th-grade students

Over time, work to replicate this process by creating at-risk teams for each grade level.


Assistant Principals

July 2024

At-Risk Team Meeting Minutes

Strategy: Implement improved communication strategies and increased incentives for seniors.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion


Create a Remind text messaging group for all LHS Seniors that can be used to provide frequent, ongoing reminders. In addition, the 1:1 chat feature can be used by administrators and the Senior Sponsor to directly communicate with Seniors.

Assistant Principal for 12th Grade

Senior Class Sponsor

August-September 2023

Remind Group


The Assistant Principal for 12th grade will visit Senior English and government classes to provide presentations on the importance of on-time graduation, Senior year activities, etc.

Assistant Principal for 12th Grade

Senior Class Sponsor

August-September 2023

Schedule of class visits



Implement a “Student of the Week” program specifically targeted at upperclassmen who drive to school. Each week, draw a name from the list of student drivers who had perfect attendance in the week before. Students will be rewarded.


Attendance Secretary

October 2023 - ongoing

Attendance lists

LHS Student of the Week Reserved Parking Sign, bulletin board, announcements.

Goal III: Chronic Absenteeism


In partnership with all stakeholders, the chronic absenteeism rate will decrease from 21% to 15% or less by the end of the 2023-2024 school year and 13% or less by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.


Strategy: Provide students, families, and staff with proactive information and guidance regarding school attendance.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All students

Include information about school attendance expectations and procedures in the weekly newsletters.


Assistant Principal for Attendance

August 2023-

September 2023

Weekly Newsletters

All students

Provide parents and students with relevant, research-based information regarding school attendance, the impact of absences through weekly newsletters and online postings.


Assistant Principal for Attendance

August 2023-

September 2023

Attendance Works Resources

Weekly Newsletters

LHS Website

Strategy: Implement school-wide attendance and truancy practices to closely monitor and respond to student attendance.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All students

Maintain an administrative division of duties and responsibilities that unites attendance and truancy under a single administrator to increase consistency and efficiency.


Ongoing since Summer 2022

Administrative Division of Duties & Responsibilities

All students

The Assistant Principal for Attendance and Attendance Secretary will participate in ongoing training related to student attendance and truancy.

Attendance Secretary

Assistant Principal

August 2022

September 2023

Training roster

Training materials and notes

All students

Implement BCPS Truancy procedures

Attendance Secretary

Assistant Principal

School Social Worker


Truancy Letters & Meeting Letters

Truancy Plans

CHNS Documents

Students with prolonged absences

For students experiencing prolonged absences, the school nurse, counselors, and administrators will prioritize timely consideration of homebound services to prevent excessive absences and the loss of instructional time.

School Nurse

School Counselors

School Administrators


Homebound Request Forms

MHST Meeting Minutes

Goal IV: College, Career, & Civic Readiness Index (CCCRI)


Students will demonstrate college, career, and civic readiness as evidenced by a college, career, and civic readiness index of 85% or higher by the end of the 2023-2024 school year and 87% or higher by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.


Strategy: Establish a diverse leadership team solely focused on understanding and improving college, career, and civic readiness.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All students

Establish a CCCRI leadership team with representation from all four areas in which a student can earn credit for college, career, and civic readiness (AP/DE, CTE, Workbased Learning, Service Learning)


November 2022 - ongoing

Leadership Team Rosters, Schedules, and Minutes

All students

Explore and analyze data to identify current strengths and weaknesses. Having identified that many students interested in Fine Arts and Special Education do not receive full credit for the CCCRI, add representation from these departments.


January 2023-October 2023

Leadership Team Rosters, Schedules, and Minutes

Band Director Added

SPED Teacher Added

CBI Job Coach to be added

All students

Expect all members of the CCCRI Leadership Team to read and become familiar with the Workbased Learning Handbook.


CCCRI Members

February 2023 - June 2023

WBL Workbook

CCCRI Team Meeting Minutes

All students

Establish a tracking tool to track the college, career, and civic readiness of every student within a cohort over time.

CCCRI Members

School Counselors


February 2023 - ongoing

CCCRI Trackers


CCCRI Team Meeting Minutes

Strategy: Expand the availability and awareness of advanced programs and CTE opportunities.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

Advanced Placement

Maintain as many AP course offerings as possible based on student requests and staff availability. Consider adding AP World History or AP Human Geography over time.


School Counseling Chair

AP Teachers

June 2023 - ongoing

Course Registration Sheets

Master Schedule

Added in 23-24: AP Biology, AP Language

Dual Enrollment

Maintain as many dual enrollment course offerings as possible based on student requests and staff availability. Aim to add Dual Enrollment US Government over time.


School Counseling Chair

Dual-Enrollment Teachers

Recruitment & Retention Team

2023-2024: Add College Biology and College US History

2024-2025: Add College US Government

Grant to cover the tuition costs of teachers seeking dual-enrollment credentials.

All students

Ensure that all students and their parents have access to information regarding advanced programs (AP, Dual-Enrollment, Governor’s School, Early College, SGSTC, etc.) by developing presentations and materials to communicate this information.

School Counselors

February 2023

February 2024

Presentation and informational materials created for distribution.

Find Your Grind Course Advisement Day

Workplace Readiness

Increase the number of students enrolled in the Career Strategies (internship) course, and support the Career Internship Coordinator’s work in establishing more local internship placements

Career Internship Coordinator

CTE Administrator

CTE Supervisor

School Counselors


List of internship placements

Career Internship Roster

All students

Provide instruction regarding college and career readiness using MajorClarity through Social Studies and English Courses

Supervisor of CTE & Workplace Readiness


English & Social Studies Teachers

Starting in September 2023, then bi-monthly

MajorClarity Lessons

MajorClarity Useage Statistics

Industry Certifications

Collaborate with the Supervisor of CTE & Workplace Readiness to identify appropriate credentialing assessments associated with each CTE Completer course. Then, collaborate with the CTE Department and Testing Coordinator to increase the number of students taking credentialing assessments.

CTE Supervisor

CTE Administrator

CTE Teachers

Testing & Remediation Coordinator

2022-2023: identify appropriate credentialing assessments

2023-2024: implement credentialing assessments

Master Schedule

CTE Course Rosters

List of CTE Credentialing Assessments

Testing Rosters

Completed Credentialing Assessments

Workplace Readiness

Develop a partnership with the Bedford County Office of Economic Development to increase internship opportunities and awareness of local job opportunities.

Bedford County Office of Economic Development

CTE Chair

October 19, 2022 - 1st Meeting; presentation to CTE and counselors

Meeting Minutes

College, Career, & Workplace Readiness

Increase the number of field trips to colleges, trade programs, and employment opportunities.

School Counselors

Bedford County Office of Economic Development

Ongoing field trips throughout the year.

2022-2023 - five trips


Terry Subaru trip

Strategy: Expand the availability of Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses, and design a master schedule that allows for increased completer sequences.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All students

Increase Career & Technical Education (CTE) course offerings.


School Counseling Chair

January-June 2022

2024-2025: Add new courses in Entertainment Design and Environmental Management

Fisheries and Wildlife Management Course added

Agricultural Structural Systems course added

Web Design & Multimedia Technology course added

All students

Design a master schedule that allows students to participate in Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses and completer sequences every year.


School Counseling Chair


Two new courses were created, both of which are completer courses.

Three extra sections were added to CTE to allow for increased enrollment

All students

Individually evaluate course requests and long-term course needs for students.

School Counselors


Counselor Meetings

Counselor Calendars

Academic & Career Plans (ACPs)

Major Clarity

Goal V: Climate & Culture


By comparing end of year data from the current school to the previous school year, tiered systems of support will result in:

  • 625 or fewer disciplinary incidents
  • 365 (50%) or fewer students receiving a single disciplinary referral
  • 500 or more positive referrals for students
  • Consistent implementation of incentives for students and staff who meet/exceed expectations
  • Individual Success Plans (ISPs) for 100% of students identified as Tier 3 (those receiving eight or more referrals)


Strategy: Provide ongoing, effective recognition for students who do not receive Office Disciplinary Referrals and/or consistently meet expectations.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All Students

Each month, select one student from each grade level to recognize as the Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior of the Month. These students will be announced on the intercom, weekly school newsletter, school sign, and a bulletin board in the cafeteria.


Intervention Design Specialist

Hype & Engagement Coordinator

November 2023 - ongoing

Positive Referral Form and List

Bulletin Board

School Sign

All Students

Each month, expect that all teachers will submit at least two positive referrals using the LHS Positive Referral Form.



Climate & Culture Leadership Team

September 2023 - ongoing

Positive Referral Form and List

All Students

Each month, recognize all students who earned a positive referral through an announcement, and host a special breakfast or lunch for these students.



Climate & Culture Leadership Team

October 2023 -


Positive Referral Form and List

Students without a disciplinary referral

Design and implement quarterly incentives for all students who do not receive a disciplinary referral during the quarter.


Intervention Design Specialist

Hype & Engagement Coordinator

January 2024 - ongoing

Discipline Incident Lists

Quarterly Incentive Plans

Strategy: Identify and provide additional supports for all students identified as Tier 3 (eight or more discipline referrals)

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

Tier 3 Students

Each month, utilize incident management reports to identify any students who have earned eight or more discipline referrals cumulatively.

Intervention Design Specialist

Mental Health Support Teams

October 2023 - ongoing

Incident Management Reports

Tier 3 Students

Develop and implement Individual Success Plans (ISPs) for each student receiving eight or more referrals during the school year.

Intervention Design Specialist

Mental Health Support Teams

August 2022 - ongoing

Individual Success Plans

All students

Develop and implement a Student Concern Referral whereby any staff member can seek additional supports for students struggling with academic, behavioral, or social achievement.

Mental Health Support Teams

Administrative Teams

September 2023 - ongoing

Student Concern Referral Form

Strategy: Provide ongoing, effective recognition for staff consistently meet and exceed expectations.

Focus Area

Action Steps

Responsible for Implementation & Monitoring


Evidence of Progress and Completion

All staff

Add a component to the LHS Positive Referral Form whereby any stakeholder can write a Positive Referral for a staff member.

Administrative Team

October 2023

Positive Referral Form and List

All staff

Each month, select an Employee of the Month by drawing from the list of staff who received a positive referral during the month. These staff members will be announced on the intercom, weekly school newsletter, school sign, and a bulletin board in the cafeteria. The employee will also receive small donated gifts and a reserved parking space.

Administrative Team

Administrative Intern

October 2023

Positive Referral Form and List

Bulletin Board

School Sign


Recognize all teachers nominated for Teacher of the Year at a Faculty Meeting. Provide these teachers with small donated gifts.

Administrative Team

October 2023

Teacher of the Year Nominations

Faculty Meeting Presentations

All staff

Create and consistently update staff celebration bulletin boards in the main office mailroom.


Library Aide

August 2023 - ongoing

Bulletin Board

All staff

Engage stakeholders in a book study related to staff retention and resiliency.

Administrative Team

June 2024 - ongoing

Book Study Documentation

All staff

Offer mini-professional development sessions on staff wellness and resiliency.

Administrative Team

August 2023-October 2023

Janaury 2024 - ongoing

Faculty Meeting Presentations

Staff Wellness Tabletop Activities (September 2023)

LHS Continuous School Improvement Plan 2023-2024