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University Of Gour Banga Department of English

B.A. Honours Course in English CBCS Syllabus for 6 Semesters

Semester I

101- ENGH- C-1

British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries

  1. Geoffrey Chaucer:

The Wife of Bath’s Prologue

Edmund Spenser Selections from Amoretti: Sonnet LXVII ‘Like as a huntsman...’

Sonnet LVII ‘Sweet warrior...’

Sonnet LXXV ‘One day I wrote her name...’

John Donne -

‘The Good Morrow’,

‘Batter My Heart’

‘Valediction: forbidding mourning’

  1. Christopher Marlowe The Jew of Malta
  2. William Shakespeare Macbeth
  3. William Shakespeare Twelfth Night

102- ENGH- C-2

British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Centuries

  1. John Milton Paradise Lost: Book 1
  2. Ben Jonson The Alchemist
  3. AphraBehn The Rover
  4. Alexander Pope The Rape of the Lock

Semester II

201- ENGH- C-3

British Literature: 18th Century

  1. William Congreve The Way of the World
  2. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels(Books I and II)
  3. Samuel Johnson ‘London’

Thomas Gray ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’

4.Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews

202- ENGH- C-4

British Romantic Literature

  1. i) William Blake: ‘The Lamb’,

‘The Chimney Sweeper’ (from The Songs of Innocence)

‘The Chimney Sweeper’ (from The Songs of


‘The Tyger’ (The Songs of Experience)

ii)Robert Burns: ‘A Bard’s Epitaph’ , ‘To a Mouse’

  1. i) William Wordsworth:

‘Tintern Abbey’, ‘Yarrow Unvisited’

 ii) Samuel Taylor Coleridge: ‘Kubla Khan’

‘This Lime Tree Bower My Prison’

  1. i)Lord George Gordon Noel Byron:

 ‘Childe Harold’: canto III, verses 36–45 (lines 316–405); canto IV, verses 178–86

(lines 1594–674)

 ii) Percy Bysshe Shelley:  ‘Ode to the West Wind’ , ‘To a Skylark’

 iii) John Keats: ‘Ode to a Nightingale’,  ‘To Autumn’

  1. i) Charles Lamb: ‘Dream Children: A Reverie’; ‘The Praise of the Chimney Sweepers’;‘The Superannuated Man’; ‘Christ’s Hospital Five and Thirty Years

Semester III

301- ENGH- C-5

British Literature: 19th Century

  1. Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice
  2. Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre
  3. Charles Dickens Hard Times
  4. i) Alfred Tennyson : ‘The Lady of Shalott’,  ‘Ulysses’ .

‘The Defence of Lucknow’

ii) Robert Browning : ‘My Last Duchess’ ,  ‘The Last Ride Together’,  Memorabilia

iii) Alice Meynell: ‘Builders of Ruins’, ‘A Letter from a Girl to her Own Old Age’, ‘In Autumn’

302- ENGH- C-6

British Literature: The Early 20th Century

  1. George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion
  2. E.M.Forster A Passage to India
  3. Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway
  4. i) W.B. Yeats: ‘The Wild Swans At Coole’,

 ‘The Second Coming’, ‘Sailing to Byzantium’

ii) T.S. Eliot : ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, ‘Sweeney among the Nightingales’,

‘The Hollow Men’

303- ENGH-C- 7


Classical Literature

1. Homer The Iliad

2. Sophocles Oedipus the King

3. Plautus Pot of Gold

4. i) Ovid Selections from Metamorphoses   [prose version] ‘Bacchus’, (Book III),

‘Pyramus and Thisbe’

(Book IV), ‘Philomela’ (Book VI)

ii) Horace Satires I: 4, in Horace: Satires and Epistles and  Art of Poetry

iii) Persius: Satires

Semester IV

401- ENGH- C-8

Indian Classical Literature

  1. Kalidasa Abhijnana Shakuntalam
  2. Vyasa ‘The Dicing’ and ‘The Sequel to Dicing, ‘The Book of the Assembly Hall’, ‘TheTemptation of Karna’, Book V ‘The Book of Effort’
  3. Sudraka Mricchakatika
  4. Ilango Adigal ‘The Book of Banci’, in Cilappatikaram: The Tale of an Anklet

402- ENGH- C-9

American Literature

  1. Tennessee Williams: The Glass Menagerie
  2. Earnest Hemingway A Farewell to Arms
  3. Edgar Allan Poe ‘The Purloined Letter’

F. Scott Fitzgerald ‘The Crack-up’

William Faulkner ‘Dry September’

4. Walt Whitman Selections ‘O Captain, My Captain’ ,  ‘Passage to India’ (lines 1–68)

Langston Hughes: ‘Song For a Dark Girl’, ‘Let America Be America Again’

Sherman Alexie: ‘Crow Testament’ ,  ‘Evolution’

403- ENGH- C-10

Modern European Drama

  1. Henrik Ibsen Ghosts
  2. Bertolt Brecht The Good Woman of Szechuan
  3. Samuel Beckett Endgame
  4. Luigi Pirandello Six Characters in Search of an Author

Semester V

501- ENGH- C-11

Postcolonial Literature

  1. Wole Soyinka Death and the King’s Horseman
  2. Gabriel Garcia Marquez Chronicle of a Death Foretold
  3. Bessie Head ‘The Collector of Treasures’ Ama Ata Aidoo ‘The Girl who can’

Grace Ogot ‘The Green Leaves’

  1. Pablo Neruda ‘Tonight I can Write’ ‘The Way Spain Was’

Derek Walcott ‘A Far Cry from Africa’ ‘Names’

Kaiser Haq ‘Published in the Streets of Dhaka’, ‘Bangladesh 71’ Mamang Dai ‘Small Towns and the River’

‘The Voice of the Mountain’

502- ENGH- C-12

Indian Writing in English

  1. R.K. Narayan Swami and Friends
  2. Girish Karnad Nagamandala
  3. H.L.V. Derozio ‘Freedom to the Slave’ ‘The Orphan Girl’

Kamala Das ‘Introduction’ ‘My Grandmother’s House’ Nissim Ezekiel ‘Enterprise’

‘The Night of the Scorpion’

Robin S. Ngangom The Strange Affair of Robin S. Ngangom’ ‘A Poem for Mother’

4. Rabindranath Tagore ‘Patriot’ Mulk Raj Anand ‘Two Lady Rams’ Salman Rushdie ‘The Free Radio’ Shashi

Despande ‘The Intrusion’

Semester VI

601- ENGH- C-13

Popular Literature

  1. Lewis Carroll Through the Looking Glass
  2. Agatha Christie The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
  3. Satyajit Ray ‘The Unicorn Expedition’ from The Exploits of Professor Shonku
  4. J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

602- ENGH- C-14

Women’s Writing

  1. Mary Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

chap. 1, pp. 11–19; chap. 2, pp. 19–38.

  1. Emily Dickinson ‘I cannot live with you’ ‘I’m wife; I’ve finished that’

Sylvia Plath ‘Daddy’ ‘Lady Lazarus’

Eunice De Souza ‘Advice to Women’ ‘Bequest’

  1. Alice Walker The Color Purple
  2. Charlotte Perkins Gilman The Yellow Wallpaper Katherine Mansfield ‘Bliss’

Mahashweta Devi ‘Draupadi’, tr. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Calcutta: Seagull,
