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Captivate with Chromebits: Digital Signage to Engage Students on a Budget
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Captivate with Chromebits: Digital Signage to Engage Students on a Budget

With Chrome Sign Builder

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Questions? Contact Carol Persin @theitpersin or

For additional information, see the Chrome for Business and Education help link



  1. ASUS Chromebit CS10 or Chromebox
  2. Monitor/TV with HDMI Input (or HDMI adapter)
  3. Power sources (2)
  4. Wireless Access or (Optional) Network adapter (Recommended AmazonBasics USB 2.0 Ethernet LAN Network Adapter)
  5. Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, or USB hub and wired keyboard mouse used to onboard


  1. Google Admin License
  2. Chrome Sign Builder App



  1. Plug power into Chromebit
  2. Plug Chromebit into monitor or  HDMI input device.
  3. Use Bluetooth keyboard/mouse or a hub to attach wired keyboard/mouse


Wireless (optional if using wired connection)

  1. If MAC address is needed, use the keyboard & mouse - found under networks
  2. Use your own method to add device to your wireless network
  3. Choose SSID from the drop down and enter in the password



  1. Verify the date/time,
  2. Auto check for updates
  3. Press Control +Alt+E to enroll into enterprise
  4. Login with an enterprise account
  5. Create a group & move device in Google Admin Console


Setup Kiosk Mode & Admin Console Settings

  1. In the Admin console,  go to Device Management > Chrome Management > App Management
  2. Search for Chrome Sign Builder
  1. Click on Kiosk section.
  2. Change the sub organization and, enable install automatically, power control, and unified desktop (click override to turn on)
  3. Click “Save”

NOTE: This is also where you will upload the configuration file.

  1. Go back to Chrome Management > Device Settings
  2. Change the sub organization, and  go to Auto-Launch Kiosk App
  1.  Select Chrome Sign Builder from the drop down


Create your Digital Signage

  • Create a slides presentation and share with collaborators
  • Publish to the web - copy URL
  • Set timings and check “Start slideshow as soon as the player loads” and “Restart the slideshow after the last slide”
  • TIP: Make sure owner has permissions to share items outside of your domain - does not work in Team Drives


Chrome Sign Builder App (see image below)

NOTE: Chrome Sign Builder is Computer specific

  • Search the Chrome Web store for Chrome Sign Builder
  • Add to Apps
  • Click Triangle and + to add a schedule
  1. Give it a name (ie Admin Signage)


  1. Click on the triangle next to the signage schedule
  2. Choose “edit settings”
  3. Paste the slides presentation link into “Default URL”. If nothing is scheduled on the calendar, this presentation will show.
  • Add manual entries for signage occurring at different times of day.
  • Paste slides URL section of Sign Builder
  1. 1000 ms = 1 second


Import Configuration File into Google Admin

  1. Choose “Export”
  2. Google Admin will prompt login & go to App Management
  3. Select the correct group
  4. Upload into File Area
  5. Save


Other Troubleshooting Tips

  • Adjust monitor/tv settings so it does not auto time off
  • Chromebit catches policy every 24 hours. Manually reboot or reboot remotely in the Admin Console
  1. Device Management > Chrome Devices > System Activity & Troubleshooting > “Reboot Device”