Unit 5 Lesson 4

Name(s)_______________________________________________ Period ______ Date ___________________

Activity Guide - Lists Make

Step 1 - Try the app

Discuss with a Partner

Step 2 - Plan

Lists: This app uses one list. Give it a name! What does it store?

List Name

What the List Stores


The reminders that are imputed in the reminderInput box

Other Variable: This app uses one extra variable in addition to the list. What does it store?  

Variable Name

What the Variable Stores


It stores how many items are in our list

Conditionals: Review the List Scrolling Pattern. Consider how you will use this in your app.

How does it work?

Many App Lab projects run in the following way.

  1. The user is interested in seeing items in a list, like a list of favorite foods, or a list of reminders.
  2. The app shows the user one item in the list at a time.
  3. By clicking buttons (or otherwise interacting with the app) the user can move back and forth through the list, one item at a time, to see every item.

This pattern allows a user to "scroll" through all the items in the list. In order to make it work, create an index variable and a list. Then use the "Counter Pattern with Boundary" pattern to create event handlers to change the value of the index.

This pattern makes sense to use with the updateScreen pattern since you will need at least two buttons for scrolling left and right through the list but afterwards will use the same code to update the screen.

Function: What code may be repeated in your app? What should be included in your function(s)?

What should be in our function is code to set the text on the reminderOutput and countOutput to match the list number.

Inputs: What are the inputs for the app? These will all be turned into onEvents.






The reminder stored in the list at the next index is displayed.



The reminder stored in the list at the previous index is displayed



The screen updates to display the changes in our list



The text imputed will show up on the reminderOutput screen

Step 3 - Write Your Code

Step 4 - Submit

Before your submit check the rubric below to make sure your program


Extensive Evidence

Convincing Evidence

Limited Evidence

No Evidence


onEvents are created for all the required inputs.

onEvents are created for most of the inputs.

onEvents are created for some of the inputs.

onEvents are not created for any inputs.

Storage: Variables and Lists

Variables and lists are created and appropriately used for all pieces of information used in the app.

Variables and lists are created and appropriately used for most pieces of information used in the app.

Some information is stored in variables and lists and appropriately updated throughout the app.

There are no variables or lists which store the necessary information for the app to work correctly.

Processing: Lists

The program correctly processes the list for all user interface elements.

The program correctly processes the list for most user interface elements.

The program correctly processes the list for some of the user interface elements.

The program does not include or does not process a list.

Code: Functions

A function is used which correctly updates all output elements. The function is called in the appropriate onEvents.

A function is used which correctly updates most of the output elements. The function is called in the appropriate onEvents.

A function is used which updates some of the output elements or the function is only called in some of the appropriate onEvents.

There is no function which updates the screen.


The screen correctly displays the current reminders in all instances.

The screen correctly displays the current reminders in most instances.

The screen correctly displays some but not all information.

The screen does not correctly display any stored information.

Code runs without errors.

No errors are present in the required code.

One or two errors are present in the required code.

Three or four errors are present in the required code.

More than four errors are present in the required code.

Coding Comments

Comments are used to correctly explain the purpose and function of all onEvents and functions.

Comments are used to explain the purpose and function of most onEvents and functions.

Comments are used to explain the purpose and function of some onEvents and functions.

Comments are not present.

Computer Science Principles