A close up of the Wrestleworld logo is shown as the camera begins to zoom out)

(The camera reveals it to be a bird’s eye view of the Wrestleworld ring as the camera continues to ascend)

(The sound of old school commentary of professional wrestling matches begins to play as the camera zooms out further to a shot of the Wrestleworld Arena)

“We have a new Champion crowned!”

“What an incredible night!”

“Two of the best athletes competing--”

(The camera continues to rise as it reveals all of the Wrestleworld location from above, as its speed grows faster)

“Don’t you dare change that dial!”

“He wins it! He wins it!”

“You have never seen professional wrestling quite like this ever before--”

(The camera leaves the surface of the Earth quickly as the World itself fills the “O” in the title “Wrestleworld” where the camera finally stops)

… A World of its own.

(“The Pride” by Five Finger Death Punch hits as the camera opens back up to the new DOMINION intro)

.."I will not be forgotten, this is my time to shine"..

(Joel Dante is seen hitting the Twisted Nightmare Cutter on Jacob Striker is shown before cutting to the DOMINION logo as yellow paint drips onto the first two letters of it)

.."I've got the scars to prove it, only the strong survive"..

(Danse Macabre is shown choking out TJ Thompson with garrote wire as the third and fourth letters of the DOMINION logo are covered in blue)

.."I'm not afraid of dying, everyone has their time"..

(Lillie Saint and Crazy Violet are shown hitting a double suplex on Alice Gamer in the middle of the ring before cutting to the DOMINION logo again as green paint shoots onto the fifth and sixth letters of the logo.)

.."I've never favored weakness, welcome to the Pride"..

(And lastly Myojin is seen on camera standing atop the turnbuckles smirking down at an opponent. He leaps and hits the Falling From Heaven Imploding 450 Splash on Jensen Lane before red paint splashes onto the last two letters of the DOMINION logo)

(The camera opens up to Bobby Bishop and Dirk Sullivan ringside at the Beach Arena at the Wrestleworld Islands.)

Bobby Bishop: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another amazing episode of DOMINION!!! Tonight is gonna be a great show for you folks. We will hear from the devil like being herself Kimberly Chase, and her plans so far for DOMINION and her involvement in MYOJIN'S and Zane's business.

Dirk Sullivan: Speaking of business, tonight Clyde Livingston has some with Theodora Blackwell, hopefully to sign Xavier Grimwood to a contract. I would not want to be in our general managers shoes tonight Bobby. I would much rather be in one of the matches we have tonight, like our opening contest of Sara Cross and Neutal Coomer taking on the team of Jacob Striker and Daniel Horror.

Bobby Bishop: That will be a hell of an outing for sure Dirk. But I am more into the Hybrid Championships myself. Tonight we have a Two Fall match between the Hybrid Champions, Senior Pinchy and Saria. Taking on the strange team of Alice Gamer and Jimmy Johnson. Will we have one new champion? Two new champions? Or will Saria and Pinchy take home both belts in their first defense.

Dirk Sullivan: I know Saria would much rather have Pinchy lose tonight and get a new partner. So we can see how that goes for her. Just like we will see if the Territorial Champion himself, MYOJIN, can keep his friendship intact with Zane as they team against Lillie Saint and Crazy Violet. They will face off for that Territorial Championship he carries at War Of The Worlds. But tonight will they be good friends, or become better enemies? Only time will tell.

Bobby Bishop: Indeed Dirk time will tell for that one. But tonight is not about potentially ending friendships, it's about gaining them. TJ Thompson is scheduled to team with Amber Payne against Beauty Melanie and MINORI. But we have word from backstage that TJ is live and on the hunt for a true partner! Let's cut back to them.

(The camera cuts backstage as obnoxious music blasts through a stereo system just outside of the locker room. The door is kicked open as TJ Thompson shows up!! The life of the party himself, TJ has the boombox on one shoulder, with an air horn in his free hand. The air horn is blown several times as the wrestlers in the locker room give him a rather glaring look.)


(The air horns continue as some of the wrestlers exit.)


Random Trainee: I’m Jus…

(The air horn interrupts the guy.)

TJ Thompson: NOT YOU!!! YOU!!

(Just past the trainee stood Amber Payne. She cringes at the words that are being said by Thompson.)


(She holds her ears, acknowledging that she can’t hear him.)

TJ Thompson: WHAT??


(TJ blows the air horn again!!)


(Amber stares at TJ in anger as he slowly drops the air horn before turning the stereo off.)

TJ Thompson: I couldn’t hear you, what was that??

Amber Payne: Alright.. Look, you moron. We’re teaming up tonight.

TJ Thompson: I’m a little deaf in this ear right now.. You know.. The boombox..Did you just say you’re my partner??

Amber Payne: Something like that.

(Giddy with excitement, TJ goes for a high five, but Amber shuns him.)

TJ Thompson: Like.. My coach?

Amber Payne: Your coach???

TJ Thompson: Yeah, like drop and give me twenty. Run laps kid, you’re too fat! Quit making out with the cheerleaders, you know, a coach!

Amber Payne: Just save your energy for the ring, we’ll go out there and kick some ass.

TJ Thompson: Yes, Coach!! And afterwards, you can teach me some of that hunting shit you do!!

(Frustrated by the actions of the foolish TJ, Amber promptly walks by him and exits the locker room.)

TJ Thompson: YES!!! COACH!!! COME BACK!!!

(TJ picks up the air horn, and blows it a few times as he exits the locker room in pursuit of Amber Payne as the shot fades out.)

Bobby Bishop: What in the hell was that?

Dirk Sullivan: It looks like TJ Thompson found himself a tag team partner!!

Bobby Bishop: Alright.. Well let’s head to the ring for our opening ma---

(The camera statics and then cuts to another backstage area where we find a small silver and black case sitting on a table in a dark room as the camera then pulls back and up to show none other than the Real Rock’n’Rolla himself, Jacob Striker, sitting in his wrestling gear with a thoughtful expression on his face)

Jacob: Tell me, Myojin, are you quite done throwing your childish tantrums? Are you done lying to everyone and I do *everything* that you are the “face of Dominion”?  And most importantly of all are you ready to admit the truth that you are nothing more than a common sneak thief?

Jacob: You’re last couple of promos show as much, however it is a good trick having your little (Jake does air quotes) “friend” in Zane come in and suddenly is named the number one contender to my belt.

Jacob: By arranging that, by the way, shows that you are more intent on furthering your falsehoods..to create a situation where you can lose “your” title and the person who wins just happens to be close to you as a sister?

Jacob: Nope, nothing sketchy about that.

(Jake takes a moment to chuckle, but the sound is very hollow and full of malice)

Jacob: You’re not a “shining star”, you’re not the “hero”...you’re nothing more than *exactly* what I have called you since the moment you took that title..

Jacob: A *sneak-thief*.

(Jake then leans closer to the camera and in a very slow, low tone..he speaks again)

Jacob: そうですね明神。 あなたを正確に呼んでいますあなたは何ですか。 さらに、最後の支配後のあなたの行動がそれを示すので、あなたはそれを否定することはできません。

(That is right, Myojin. I'm calling you exactly what you are. And furthermore, you can't deny it because your very actions after the last Dominion show it.)

Jacob: And I went slow there for a reason, MYOJIN, because I wanted you to make sure that you heard each and every word because while you show nothing but disrespect to everyone else with your actions, I won’t do the same.

Jacob: But most important of all, while you are still learning how to be a professional wrestler, I *am* a professional wrestler. You called me unimagitive and yet I'm the one who is called innovative by the vets of this sport. You're just some jobber come lightly, I'm the one that has the respect of people like Stephanie Matsuda and Havoc.

Jacob: However despite all of that, I will applaud one aspect of you and that is your determination. You are determined to prove that you can do this, that your lies match the truth and for that, I can honestly respect...on that one thing alone. But MYOJIN, do you want to know why I'm going to be the one that darkens you? Do you want why I believe this?

{Jake then looks down at the case in front of him and opens it up to reveal a single black fingerless glove. Jake then takes the glove out of the case and slips it over his right hand and flexes his hand into a tight fist before his eyes slide up to look into the camera}

Jacob: While you *learn*, I was *born* to this. This industry, it’s in my blood...it’s been passion since birth. Something that you will *never* grasp. You helped to make this possible.

{Jake points at the camera with his gloved hand}

Jacob: Tonight, I team with Daniel Horror. A man after my own black heart and I want you to watch, to watch and to *learn*, Myojin. Because the *REAL* face of Dominion is going to show you how to be a fucking *real* wrestler. You can want to change the world all that you want, *me*...I just want to leave it colder.

(Jake then stands up and leaves the scene as the screen statics again and fades back to Bobby Bishop and Dirk Sullivan.)


Dirk Sullivan: Alright, let’s just pretend this never happened.. Let’s take it to our ring announcer.

(Ding! Ding! Ding!)

Ring Announcer: This opening tag team contest is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit!! Currently in the ring, at a total combined weight of 289lbs, Sara Cross and Neutral Coomer!!!

(The lights dim down as the sound of a motorcycle revving up is heard over the speakers. Set It Off’s ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ takes over as the crowd begins to cheer. Out steps Daniel Horror, donning his black skull mask and leather jacket over his ring attire. Draped over his neck is a long steel chain as he slowly moves to the stage.)


(Horror takes his time on his way down to the ring. He stops at the bottom of the stage, grabbing the long steel chain before whipping it at the ring apron, causing a thunderous thud. He makes his way up the steps to the ring apron before climbing into the ring. He watches Coomer and Cross before letting out a thunderous scream to the crowd. Some fans in attendance return with a scream of their own.)

Bobby Bishop: Daniel Horror has actually been on a roll lately. His recent victory the last DOMINION showed that there is following for this man. He may be known as a Daredevil by name, but he definitely showed it inside of the ring as he most likely does tonight.

Dirk Sullivan: It took him a while to really get his footing here in Wrestleworld but it appears that Horror has found his voice, and that booming sound resonates with the audience here tonight.

(Rather than removing his entrance gear, Horror simply leans in the corner, watching his opponents without a care to even look back at his tag team partner’s entrance.)

(‘Necessary Evil’ by Motionless in White feat. Jonathan Davis takes over the speakers as the crowd begins to shout at the stage. Standing right at the curtain with his intense glare is Jacob Striker. He watches the ring intently before walking onto the stage.)


(Striker doesn’t take his eyes off the ring as he storms down the ramp. He immediately walks to the steps, pausing before getting onto the ring apron. The blank expression mixed with his obvious temper makes him a force here in Wrestleworld.)

Bobby Bishop: Look at that man’s eyes!! He is looking right through his opponents.

Dirk Sullivan: The man has been craving competition as of late. I can’t help but wonder if Neutal Coomer and Sara Cross will provide such a challenge.

Bobby Bishop: That’s probably why they’re having the match. We won’t know until the bell rings.

Dirk Sullivan: I hope you’re right. He didn’t even have much of a match against Coomer on the last DOMINION. Hopefully this is more even. Let’s find out!!


Bobby Bishop: We’re kicking it off here with Daniel Horror in the ring along with Neutal Coomer. They circle the ring, giving each other a bit of a glare before locking up in the center of the ring. A quick arm wrench by Coomer gets him the upper hand. Horror winces in pain before reversing the wrench before pulling him into a side headlock. Coomer shouts in frustration at Horror for the easy counter, attempting to push him off into the ropes. Horror regains the grip before quickly flipping him over to the canvas, applying pressure to the headlock.

Dirk Sullivan: Horror is looking to get the shoulders on the mat, but Coomer keeps one elevated before attempting to roll him over into a bridge. Horror drops back down onto him, reapplying the headlock once again. The crowd has settled down here on the islands as Jacob Striker and Sara Cross watch on. Coomer works Horror back to his feet, sending in a couple forearm strikes to the chest before shoving Horror off into the ropes. Horror catches him with a shoulder block before charging the ropes. Coomer drops down to the canvas in an attempt to get Horror to jump over, but Horror spots him and delivers a senton splash across the back of Coomer!! Striker puts his hand out for the tag, but Horror decides to lay into Coomer with punches to the back of Coomer’s head!!! Look at the aggression coming from Daniel Horror, we haven’t seen this from him in quite some time!!

Bobby Bishop: Horror does not appear to be taking prisoners. He pulls Coomer up and throws him into the corner near Striker. It looks like we have our first tag as Jacob Striker enters the mix. He shoves Horror aside and pounds away on Coomer!!! He whips Coomer over into the ropes, and charges in for a hell of a splash into the corner!! Coomer looks to be in trouble early on here. Striker grabs a hold of Sara Cross, and throws her over the top rope into the ring!! Daniel Horror is getting into the ring as well, Dirk!! What is going on here??

Dirk Sullivan: It looks like Striker and Horror have had enough!! They are pounding away on Sara Cross and Neutal Coomer!! Striker quickly pulls Coomer in, and lifts him up into a vertical suplex. Coomer is dropped forward into a slingshot on the top rope, and the Jackhammer!!! STRIKER JUST DELIVERED THE G-VIRUS!!!

Bobby Bishop: Daniel Horror looks to be disinterested in the exchange with Coomer and Striker, only to be pulls in for a short arm clothesline by Sara Cross. He ducks under, swinging her over to face him. A stiff kick to the gut from Horror!! He grabs Cross for the powerbomb AND FRONT FLIPS OVER HER INTO THE CHICAGO DESTROYER!!!



Referee: ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!!


Bobby Bishop: THAT’S IT???

Dirk Sullivan: Both Daniel Horror and Jacob Striker have shown no prisoners tonight, making an example out of Neutal Coomer and Sara Cross!! Something really got under their skin!!!

(Jacob Striker looks down at Coomer before glaring at Daniel Horror. Horror steps back slightly, giving a smirk before exiting the ring. The dominance shown by Striker and Horror really told a unique story here.)

Bobby Bishop: I was really expecting this one to go longer, Dirk.

Dirk Sullivan: I don’t think either Coomer or Cross had any idea of what they were getting themselves into, Bobby. That was a mauling!!

(Jacob Striker looks out at the crowd before shouting at them ‘BRING ME SOME COMPETITION!!!’ before exiting the ring.)

Dirk Sullivan: Striker looks to be ready for abso..Wait a second, what’s this??

(Kimberly Chase comes walking out onto the stage. Jacob Striker stops for a moment, noticing Chase before exiting to the back.)

Bobby Bishop: Oh great..

Dirk Sullivan: Come on Bobby, we all know she has a lot to say.

Bobby Bishop: Can’t she save it for the talk show? Come on..

(Kimberly holds up the microphone to the audience, hearing the chorus of boos.)

Dirk Sullivan: Well, she has a microphone. Maybe she should say something, instead of basking in the dislikes of the audience?

(Kimberly finally lowers the microphone, looking at the crowd.)

Bobby Bishop: You just had to say something, didn’t you?

Kimberly Chase: I know!! I know!! Finally something interesting!! Wow.. I mean WOW. Look at those two in the ring. You guys really showed one hell of a fight, didn’t ya? I mean, if you would have taken notes from an undefeated talent like myself, you wouldn’t have been smashed into pieces within.. 2 minutes? Did you even last that long??

(Kimberly begins pacing on top of the stage. The crowd is growing restless.)

Kimberly Chase: I just happen to be an expert on tag team wrestling. You didn’t know that, did you? You see, it was MY direction that brought Crazy Violet and..Lillian to become the most dominant tag team in all of sports today. Lillian was nothing but a lost puppy before she found ME. Crazy Violet was too busy finding her struggles with the likes of the Underworld to really focus on being the promising star that she is. It took ME to get her there. She had this amazing win over MYOJIN by herself..With ME at ringside. Then I had to bail out Lillian. Now I know ALL of you are wanting to know just why I felt it was MY duty to inform the world of the match of the century coming up at War of the Worlds. Why it was ME that needed to give such epic news!

Bobby Bishop: Oh will she stop?

Dirk Sullivan: No, I want to hear why she decided to do this!!

Kimberly Chase: Nobody knows MYOJIN and Zane better than ME. I’ve been in there with them, victorious as always. I’ve seen them spend more time on their backs than a bunch of burned up sunbathers down in Miami. I mean take Zane for example.. She just has this air of the steerage to me. I personally wouldn’t be caught dead in the 3rd class, but I always believe in a motivational story. Inspirational even. The underdog, the weak, the sad Zane fighting for a championship that isn’t a bronze medal worthy title. I get goosebumps just thinking about it!

Bobby Bishop: Steerage?

Dirk Sullivan: Haven’t you seen Titanic?

Bobby Bishop: I feel like Kimberly Chase must have watched that movie last night.

Kimberly Chase: And the amazingly gifted Territorial Champion himself, MYOJIN. I see his face plastered all over the building. Posters, cute little shirts. You know what I haven’t seen though? I haven’t seen him win a damn match since he won the thing. Violet dominated him, breaking his spirit into dust, then Lillian went ahead and picked up the scraps. I announced that this match was taking place, not to give you peasants in the crowd something to cheer. More like, something to laugh at. The real main event is anything I’m in. Anything I touch turns into gold, and the gold standard has been set in Wrestleworld’s tag team division. If you two can quit feeling sorry for each other, maybe you’ll last five minutes against us. Until then, all I have to say is, Zane.. Your opportunity, you don’t have to thank me. I already know. You’re welcome.

(Kimberly lowers the microphone with her trademark smirk before walking off to the backstage area.)

Dirk Sullivan: Wow.

Bobby Bishop: She sure spent a lot of time dressing down the Territorial Champion and the #1 Contender who WILL be in action tonight against Chase’s own team, Lillie Saint and Crazy Violet!! Should be a good one.

Dirk Sullivan: Indeed, it looks like the Crescent Moon and the Shining Star are about to get entangled in Kimberly Chase’s Galaxy. Back to the ring for the next contest.

Bobby Bishop: Really? Galaxy?

(The camera fades to commercial as Bobby and Dirk are still bewildered at Kimberly Chases actions. As we come back from commercial we cut to the Ring Announcer for the following Introductions.)

Ring Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall under Lucha Libre Rules! Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California. BEAUTY MELANIE!!!!

(TKO by Justin Timberlake begins to play as Beauty Melanie makes her way down to the ring.)

Ring Announcer: And her partner, from Nagano, Japan. MMMIIINNNOOORRRIII!!!!

(The Sixth Sense by Reol begins to play as MINORI runs out onto the stage. She waves to the crowd at the beach arena and runs down to the ring!)

Ring Announcer: And their opponents, firstly from Philadelphia, PA. She is The Huntress!!! AMBER PAYNE!!!

(It Makes No Difference Who We Are by Celldwater begins to play as Amber Payne begins to walk out to the ring. She stops on the stage and looks back as TJ Thompson comes out onto the stage.)

Ring Announcer: And her partner from Los Angeles, California...THE HIP BEAST HIMSELF!!! TJ THOMPSON!!!!!!

(Both TJ and Amber walk down to the ring as she still seems annoyed by his constant conversation as she jumps up on the apron and tells him to start the match.)


Bobby Bishop: It looks as if MINORI will be starting out here against TJ Thompson. TJ begins to bounce back and forth doing some boxing style jabs in his corner while MINORI just stands at the ready. TJ just stays in his corner and keeps doing what he is doing...And Amber Payne slaps him in the back of the head from the apron! TJ stops and looks at her.

Amber Payne: Get your head outta your ass and in the game. Now fight her.

TJ: Aight Coach.

Dirk Sullivan: AND WITH THAT TJ THOMPSON RUNS AT MINORI! HIP TRAIN ALREADY!!! NO, NO X4 FOR TJ THOMPSON AS MINORI PUSHES HIM OFF...And MINORI with the enziguri! TJ is rocked here after that quick and failed start here. MINORI advances onto TJ with a back elbow strike to the temple! TJ Thompson is faltering here as MINORI grabs both of TJs arms here for the Tiger Suplex! TJ is fighting it, trying his best to get towards Amber for a tag here! TJ is walking as MINORI has his arms hooked here and Amber has her arm out for the tag! And TJ is close here!

Bobby Bishop: NO! MINORI USES HER TIGHT LEG SWINGING IT AROUND THE BODY OF TJ TO KICK AMBER'S HAND AWAY...AND SHE USES THAT LEG TO PUSH OFF THE ROPES FOR A MODIFIED TIGER SUPLEX DEAD CENTER! TJ looks looped here, as MINORI is up again ready to deliver more punishment. TJ Thompson is beginning to rise as she stalks him here. And TJ is up on a knee...AND MINORI WITH A SHINING WIZARD!!!! NO TJ USES HER OWN MOMENTUM TO SEND HER THROUGH THE ROPES TO THE OUTSIDE! TJ Thompson has gotten himself a breather here folks! Or so he thinks!

Dirk Sullivan: And Beauty Melanie slides into the ring behind him. TJ gets up looking to the outside  for MINORI, and sees that she is still trying to get up on the outside. So he turns to go tag in Amber...AND BEAUTY MELANIE WITH A BIG BOOT! TJ can not catch a break here as Beauty picks him up now! And Beauty Melanie with a knee to the gut. And she whips him off the ropes. And he comes back as Beauty goes for the clothesline...AND TJ DUCKS IT AND KEEPS RUNNING! AND TJ THOMPSON OFF THE OPPOSITE ROPES NOW, AND THERE'S THE SLING BLADE! TJ is back in this match off that one, as he quickly gets to his feet here. Beauty is starting to get up and runs at TJ...Hip Toss! TJ Thompson, the master of Hip, with the move that started it all! And TJ drops an elbow on Beauty Melanie! And a double foot stomp to the chest after! TJ is getting a second wind here with this series of moves! And TJ Thompson is up and shadow boxing again. He bob's and weaves in the middle of the ring and barely pays attention to Beauty Melanie.

Amber Payne: IDIOT! she is getting up! Finish this already!

Bobby Bishop: And TJ stops doing what he is doing again, giving Amber the OK! He turns and picks up Beauty Melanie off her knee's...And Beauty with a European Uppercut! TJ STAGGERS back as Beauty is up. And Beauty Melanie runs at TJ...AND A RUNNING EUROPEAN UPPERCUT NOW! TJ Thompson is staggering back towards the turnbuckles here, as Beauty runs at him again...AND A BIG RUNNING KNEE TO TJ KNOCKING HIM DOWN, HITTING THE BACK OF HIS HEAD ON THE TURNBUCKLES ON THE WAY DOWN!

Dirk Sullivan: And TJ Thompson is just out of it again, he really needs to listen to Amber Payne here and keep his head in the game instead of this "training" he thinks is important for their team. Beauty walks over to TJ and tries lifting him up, and is having trouble here. TJ Thompson seems to be dead weight here, and has finally been lifted to his feet. Melanie pulls him to the middle of the ring and spins him around, but keeps his right arm tied around him...AND BEAUTY GOING FOR THE BEAUTIFUL RIGHT!!!

Bobby Bishop: ABD TJ DUCKS THE RIGHT HAND AND HOOKS MELANIE!!! AND THERE IS THE HIP TRAIN DEAD CENTER OF THE RING!!! SHE GOT PLANTED, BUT TJ ROLLS OVER TRYING TO GET HIS BEARINGS! HE CAN'T CAPITALIZE! TJ Thompson normally would have this match won here, but that one was on instinct more than anything else! TJ rolls over to try and cover Beauty, but she has rolled into her stomach. Veteran move by the SoCal Beauty here. So TJ gets to his feet here, and thinks about another one…

Amber Payne: HEY!!! Tag me in!!!

Dirk Sullivan: TJ Thompson looks over, and Amber looks like she wants in this match right now. And Amber Payne seems ready to finish it too. TJ walks over and tags her in, as Amber Payne jumps into the ring now. And Beauty Melanie is near the ropes trying to get back up now. AND AMBER PAYNE WITH A SHINING WIZARD TO BEAUTY MELANIE KNOCKING HER THROUGH THE ROPES! Amber gets back up and looks over at MINORI and motions for her to get inside the ring. Per the rules she can right now without a tag. And MINORI does, as her and Amber both begin to circle each other now. Both women are now looking for the first move here as they get closer...MINORI BLAST KICK TO AMBER PAYNE!!! NO SHE DUCKS IT! AND AMBER PAYNE RETALIATES WITH A LOW ALTITUDE ROUNDHOUSE!!! AND MINORI DUCKS ALSO! Two women going for a quick finish here and both ducking. MINORI has a smile on her face here, as Amber even has a smirk on hers. And they go for a lock up! And Amber has the size advantage here.

Bobby Bishop: Amber is pushing MINORI into the corner now, and Amber Payne whips MINORI out of the corner, and follows her out...Amber Payne with a running Swinging Neckbreaker! Amber Payne with a PINFALL here!


Bobby Bishop: MINORI kicks out at two, as Amber Payne picks her up, now this is good strategy, staying on her! And Amber Payne runs off the ropes again...and a spear to MINORI! Amber drops down and rains right hands into her head, MINORI tries to cover up here, but Amber Payne is relentless! She finally stops and stands up. Amber looks over to Beauty Melanie holding her head in the corner and gets a wicked little grin on her face. And Amber Payne walks over...AND SHE JUST SMACKED THE TASTE OUT OF BEAUTY MELANIES MOUTH AND RUNS BACK OVER TO MINORI! Beauty enters the ring to come after her, but is stopped by the referee!

Dirk Sullivan: Amber is motioning for TJ to get in the ring, and he jumps in as Amber starts to lay the boots to MINORI! And after a few she realizes TJ isn't helping her and stops...And TJ Thompson is just shadow boxing and doing jumping jacks..

TJ Thompson: We are doing real good coach, see how we're winning after the training?

Dirk Sullivan: And Amber Payne just looks at her partner and shakes her head. She slaps him on the chest and tells him to stop this foolishness. TJ looks on bewildered, as Amber just walks over to the corner and steps into the apron and tells TJ he can finish this match. TJ turns around as MINORI is up...SHINING WIZARD TO TJ! And TJ falls near the ropes as MINORI is holding her back here, and walks over to Her tag team partner Beauty Melanie. She tags in Melanie as she gets in the ring and walks over to Amber Payne and swings for the Beautiful Right!!! Amber ducks down and drops to the floor! But Beauty is not done as slides out of the ring and chases after Amber! AMBER PAYNE SLIDES INTO THE RING TO ESCAPE BEAUTY MELANIE WHO SLIDES IN AFTER HER. SHE GIVES CHA--AND TJ RUNS UP AND THERE'S THE HIP TRAIN TO BEAUTY MELANIE FOR A SECOND TIME!!! AND TJ GOE--


. Referee: ONE! TWO! THREE!



Bobby Bishop: They did it! TJ was excited to team with Amber Payne earlier tonight, and somehow and some way worked out! TJ wants to try and celebrate with Amber here as she just blows tight by him to exit the ring.

Dirk Sullivan: You know good and well Bobby that she is not into this teaming with TJ. She wanted to win, and that's what the Huntress came to do.

(The camera fades to commercial as TJ looks on as Amber Payne walks away from the ring. As the camera comes back the fans are electric as Dominion rages on. The lights around the beach arena begin to strobe pinks and purples as a familiar British voice is heard.)

???: Did Ya Miss Me?

(“Fucks Like a Star” blares as Kennedy Matthews steps out from behind the curtain. She sways her hips as she walks. The fans are torn, a mix of cheers and boos, as she walks to the ring. She grabs a microphone from the announce table as she walks slowly up the steps.)

Dirk Sullivan: She is back!

Bobby Bishop: And she is on Dominion it seems. She is a hell of a talent. Always good to have a veteran like her.

(She raises the microphone to her lips.)

Kennedy Mathews: Wrestleworld, I said did ya bloody miss me?!

(The fans boo's get louder as Kennedy shakes her head.)

Kennedy Mathews: Fact of the matter is this place needs me. I mean, look at your Territorial Champion. Myojin, how does it feel holding on to the title you thought was safe from me? You thought I was gone and that you could just run Dominion with no challenge. You thought you could treat Dominion as a safe space. Well, honey, I am back and I am angry.

(The fans cheer when Myojin’s name is brought up.)

Bobby Bishop: Well, seems the fans have chosen their favorite and it is not Kennedy.

Dirk Sullivan: I mean, who does Kennedy think she is?

(Kennedy laughs as she speaks again.)

Kennedy Mathews: I get it. You all want a hero to look up to. You want an everyday Joe to be your role model because they are just like you. They are lazy and would rather sit on their arses instead of making something of themselves. I am imploring...nay… I am DEMANDING that next Dominion, management give me a challenge. Let me show you just why I am the QUEEN of Wrestleworld. Let me show you why you should all BOW DOWN before the one you serve. Let me show you precisely why I will soon be YOUR Territorial Champion. Tick tock management. You need to make sure your top draw, aka ME, is happy. Make it happen.

(Kennedy drops the microphone as the fans boo and we cut to the announce table.)

Dirk Sullivan: Strong words from Kennedy Matthews here tonight.

Bobby Bishop: How will management react to Kennedy making demands?

(A loud guitar riff catches Kennedy Mathews off guard, as I'm Your Man by Leonard Cohen begins to play over the loudspeakers on the beach. Kennedy looks around confused, as Danse Macabre slowly makes his way down to the ring strumming his guitar. He steps into the ring and grabs a microphone, and stares at Kennedy Mathews with those snake like cold eyes of his.)

Danse Macabre: Challenge? Safe Spaces? Hombre you will regret stepping back here. Enjoy the next two weeks, enjoy the cordiality of these people while you can. Fourteen days...you remember why you left. Nobody is safe not until I am given what I deserve. New or old. Ask Joel Dante...ask TJ Thompson. Soon you will ask Jacob Striker, and then the canton himself Myojin. With a pricking and a strum….

(Danse strums his guitar very close to the face of Kennedy Mathews.)

Danse Macabre: Something wicked your way comes…

(Danse slowly backs up from Kennedy Mathews and steps out of the ring. He slowly strums a tune on his guitar as he walks up the ramp and to the backstage area of the beach arena. The camera fades backstage to Clyde Livingston looking at the monitors and what just happened. As he watches Mallory Montana walks up behind him.)

Mallory Montana: Excuse me Mr. Livingston. But do you have anything to say about what was just said in the ring?

Clyde Livingston: Well Mallory I do. Kennedy Mathews is back it seems, and it also seems that she has brought down the wrath of Danse Macabre already. Why he has chosen her as a target I do not know. But he has been warned about any further actions like he did against Joel Dante. God knows when he will be back. But next week, I am gonna go ahead and book it now. Danse Macabre will take on the returning Kennedy Mathews in a Shogun Rules match, live from the Wrestleworld Dojo. How's that for a challenge?\

(Clyde smirks as Mallory nods in agreement. Clyde looks over her shoulder and sees Theodora Blackwell walking his way with a look of stone on her face. She stops a few feet from Mallory and Clyde and smiles like a shark.)

Clyde Livingston: Mallory if you will excuse me. I think my next appointment just showed herself.

(Mallory Montana walks away as she notices Theodora as Clyde walks over to her with a smile on his face.)

Clyde Livingston: Miss Blackwell, good to see you in person here on Dominion. But we were not scheduled to meet until later this evening. As I have a Hybrid Championship match coming up next.

Theodora Blackwell: Oh I know, but where I come from it is always an advantage to get the drop on anybody when they least expect you. And also I did want to see a live match here on your show, I thought we could watch it together.

(Clyde's smile slowly fades. But he nods and motions for her to join him in the backstage area he watches his matches from. The camera fades back to the ring as the Ring Announcer is standing in the middle of the ring!)

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wrestleworld Islands...Our next match is scheduled for two falls, where each person to gain a pinfall or submission will be awarded half of the Hybrid Championships!!! Introducing first, the challengers!

(Super Mario Worlds Forest of Illusion plays across the beach as Alice Gamer and Jimmy Johnson walk out from behind the curtain. Alice has on a giant mario hat as she hands Jimmy Johnson the big Luigi hat to wear. He pretends to put it on as she walks away, then throws it into the crowd as she steps into the ring. He follows and goes to an opposite corner as Alice to pander to the crowd.)

Bobby Bishop: And here we have the unique team of Alice Gamer and Jimmy Johnson. Will one of them walk out as half the Hybrid Champions? Or will they both walk out as the champions?

Ring Announcer: And their opponents, introducing the Hybrid Champions! Senior Pinchy and Saria!!!

(Crab by Weezer begins to play as Senior Pinchy scuttles out from behind the curtain proudly holding his half of the Championships. He slowly makes his way to the ring as Saria, accompanied by Jensen Lane, shows her disdain of this and walks past him and gets on the apron, demanding he hurry up. Pinchy slides in the ring handing his half of the Hybrid Championships to the referee, as he goes over and collects Sarias half also. The referee holds them up for all four competitors to see. As he calls for the bell Saria gets into the ring ready to start against Jimmy Johnson here.)


Bobby Bishop: And starting we have Saria against Jimmy. Saria does not even think this match should be happening at all. As she wants both belts for herself and her friend Jensen Lane. And Saria is disrespectful to Jimmy Johnson here, telling him to just leave that these titles are hers and hers alone. Jimmy Johnson looks on unimpressed here, but lays down in the middle.of the ring and tells Saria to go ahead and pin him. She looks to Jensen and shrugs her shoulders and goes for the oinfa-- AND JIMMY ROLLS HERE UP FOR A SCHOOL BOY ROLL UP!!!


Dirk Sullivan: Jimmy almost had it. Saria was totally caught off guard and almost paid for it. Saria gets up and turns back to Jimmy...and there is a poke to the eye by Jimmy Johnson! Saria is blinded by the dirty move by Jimmy here as Saria turns...And a dropkick by Jimmy Johnson knocking Saria out of the ring here! Jensen comes over to her friend and checks on her as Jimmy is in the ring waiting. Jimmy does not see it but Senior Pinchy has made his way into the ring behind him. Pinchy slowly crab walks over to him...AND PINCHY GRABS BOTH OF JIMMYS EARS FROM BEHIND HIM, AND THE DOUBLE EAR PINCH!!! JIMMY JOHNSON IS TRYING TO RUN AWAY BUT PINCHY HAS HIM!

Bobby Bishop: And Jimmy Johnson is screaming in pain here, as Senior Pinchy is trying to rip both his ears off here! Jimmy tries throwing some elbows behind him, but Pinchy is nimble enough to dodge them where he needs to! Jimmy drops down to a knee here from the pain as Pinchy is just relentless! Jimmy is now down to both knees here...And Senior Pinchy let's go of the hold and runs off the opposite ropes here...Dropkick! Jimmy Johnson falls to the running dropkick as Pinchy returns to his feet. Jimmy starts to get up holding the sides of his head as Pinchy grabs him...SWINGING FLATLINER! JIMMY JOHNSON JUST GOT SHELL SHOCKED! AND PINCHY WITH THE PINFALL!


Dirk Sullivan: And Jimmy Johnson kicks out here! Jimmy is not done yet as Pinchy gets back up. He picks up Jimmy and whips him into the corner now! And Senior Pinchy quickly crab walks towards the corner now...AND THE CRAB WALK SPLA---NO JIMMY MOVES AS PINCHY BOUNCES OFF THE TURNBUCKLES! AND JIMMY RUNS OFF THE OPPOSITE ROPES AND COMES BACK AND CLOTHESLINES HIMSELF AND SENIOR PINCHY OVER THE ROPES DOWN TO THE FLOOR! And Saria just walks across the apron to where Pinchy was and just berates him. She and Jensen Lane both now are just yelling at Pinchy to stay down. Saria is laughing at Pinchy as he is trying to get back up here. Jimmy is up and looks to Saria who screams at him to finish off Pinchy. Jimmy just holds his hands up and backs away as--

Bobby Bishop: AND ALICE GAMER FROM BEHIND WITH A BIG TIME G-TRIGGER TO SARIA SENDING HER TO THE FLOOR BELOW! Alice calls for Jimmy to throw her back into the ring as he picks her up and rolls her back in here! Alice picks her up and begins to deliver big right hands keeping Saria at bay here. And Alice with a big time bicycle kick sending Saria into the ropes. She bounces back as Alice hooks her here. She does a gunshot motion with her left hand and then picks her up for the BOOM! Headshot! The brain buster...AND SARIA COUNTERS IT HERE INTO THE SALSA DDT!!! Saria gets up and gives a little dance afterwards as Alice Gamer begins to rise. Saria picks her up and delivers the Sidekick! Alice Gamer is down here as Saria begins to dance some more! Alice looks to be out of it after that big kick, I think it caught her on the temple here. Alice uses the ropes to pull herself up and backs towards Saria holding her head...AND SARIA GRABS HER FOR THE NECKBREAKER FROM BEHIND! ALICE IS DOWN AS SARIA GOES FOR A PIN!

Referee: ONE! KICKOUT!

Dirk Sullivan: And Alice gets the shoulder up at one here, Saria is gonna have to do a little bit more damage before Alice Gamer will be down and out! Saria lifts her back to her feet and brings her in for a suplex...and drops her down! And Alice Gamer is down again holding the back of her head! Saria notices the weak spot and begins to stomp down on Alice's neck here! She stomps and stomps and stomps her down here as Alice Gamer is just trying to cover up. The referee backs Saria off for a moment as he checks on Alice Gamer here. Saria takes a minute to dance and laugh at Alice here. And then turns her attention to Senior Pinchy. She tells him this is how it is done as he just looks on and tilts his head. Saria turns around and sees that Alice is on her knees holding her head...AND SARIA RUNS AT HER NOW...WHAT THE BLANK! THE HURRICANRANA DRIVER DEAD CENTER HERE! Saria rolls backwards after the finisher here to use the ropes to get up. And as Saria gets up to go for the cover...SENIOR PINCHY TAGS HIMSELF IN!!! PINCHY JUMPS IN THE RING AND JUMPS TO COVER ALICE GAMER!!!

Referee: ONE! TWO! THREE!!!


Ring Announcer: And your winner of the first fall, and still half of the Hybrid Champions!!! SSEENNIIOORRR PPPIINNCCHHYY!!!

Bobby Bishop: Saria looks like she is about to blow a gasket here. She picks Pinchy up off of Alice Gamer and slaps him across the face. That was her pinfall and Pinchy just stole it from her! Saria is going off here. Pinchy just stands there and looks at her with his head cocked sideways. Jensen Lane is even on the apron upset about everything here. The referee is trying to calm everyone down and get Jensen off the apron here. As the referee is distracted by Jimmy Johnson sneaks into the ring and grabs Alice Gamer now. He drags her over towards their corner and rolls her out onto the apron and steps into the ring. Saria is still yelling at Pinchy as she doesn't notice Jimmy is in the ring here. AND JIMMY SPINS HER AROUND AND LIFTS HER UP HERE! AND JIMMY JOHNSON WITH THE AIRPLANE SPIN. AND THE ROLLING DEATH VALLEY DRIVER CONNECTS TO SARIA!!! JIMMY GOES FOR THE COVER HERE, NEW CHAMPION!

Referee: ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!!

Dirk Sullivan: NO!!! SARIA KICKS OUT AT THE LAST SECOND! JIMMY CAN'T BELIEVE IT. HELL I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! THAT WAS HIT AS PICTURE PERFECT AS IT COULD HAVE BEEN! Jimmy looks in disbelief here, he stands and looks back down to Saria who is barely moving after that move. Jimmy Johnson picks her up again here and whips her into his corner. Jimmy lifts Saria up onto the top turnbuckle here, I think he may be going for the Jimmy Knockout! Jimmy Johnson climbs up to her. Both competitors are in a position for danger here as Jimmy hooks her for the DDT. Jimmy is trying to launch off but Saria somehow has the will within her to block it. Jimmy clubs her in the back though! Jimmy wants to end this and call it a day and head home with half the Hybrid Championships but Saria will not let it go down like that! And Jimmy looking aga--ALICE GAMER JUST TAGGED HERSELF IN!

Bobby Bishop: Alice Gamer is in the ring now, holding her head from the earlier What The Blank. Jimmy looks behind him down at Alice as she is motioning for him to get outta the ring! I knew this would happen eventually, Dirk, both competitors want this win! AND SARIA JUST PUSHES JIMMY OFF THE TOP TURNBUCKLES AS HE FALLS BACKWARDS DOWN ONTO ALICE GAMER!!! BOTH COMPETITORS ARE TRYING TO SCRAMBLE TO THEIR FEET AS SARIA STANDS PROUDLY ON THE TOP ROPE NOW! SHE'S MOVING HER HIPS SOME... SHE'S GONNA GO FOR THE SALSA CROSS BODY! BOTH JIMMY AND ALICE ARE HOLDING ONTO ONE ANOTHER GETTING UP...SARIA JUMPS FOR THE CROSSBODY!!!


Referee: ONE! TWO! THREE!!!


(Forest of Illusion from Super Mario Brothers begins to play as Alice Gamer slowly stands up with a year in her eyes! The referee comes over and hands her the other half of the Hybrid Championships and raises her hand in victory)



Dirk Sullivan: Alice has spoken about this for a long time, almost since the inception of these championships. And now she stands here as half of the Hybrid Champions! The only question I have is how does Pinchy feel about this? And I think we are gonna get our answer right now!

(The music fades as Senior Pinchy steps into the ring and slowly scuttles over to Alice Gamer as she eyes him warily. Slowly he extends a claw out to her, and Alice looks around the beach arena and eventually grabs it and shakes his claw.)

Bobby Bishop: UNITY! THE HYBRID CHAMPIONS HAVE UNITY! So much more quickly than the previous team of Saria and Senior Pinchy.

(Alice slides out of the ring and begins to walk up the ramp now as Pinchy slowly begins to make his way over the barricade and jumps over it. He slowly crab walks away down the beach as the camera fades to commercial. As it comes back we see Clyde Livingston sitting backstage looking at the monitors as Theodora Blackwell sits near him with a cup of coffee in her hand. She takes a sip and sits it down on a table as Clyde looks away from the monitors and back towards her.)

Theodora Blackwell: Well that certainly was exhilarating Mr. Livingston. I feel as if this place is the perfect location for my young associate. So I am sure you're man, Banch has spoken to you about my terms for him here. So I will do you the professional courtesy of sticking strictly to business and keep this quick.

Clyde Livingston: And while I appreciate the courtesy Mrs. Blackwell, I must tell you the kind of contract you want for Xavier Grimwood is not one I can fully authorize. See the show we run here the wrestlers we have are on contracts based on years or months depending on work visas or need of their employment. And you want him to be paid by each and every kind of match he competes in. We hire wrestlers here Mrs. Blackwell, not hired mercenaries.

(Clyde pulls up his briefcase and clicks it open. He pulls out a manilla folder labeled "Grimwood counter offer" and slides it across the table to Theodora. As he closes his briefcase she opens it and quickly scans through it. She sits it back down, and takes another small sip of her coffee. She sits it down and grins again.)

Theodora Blackwell: Well Mr. Livingston I think this should be sufficient. But I have one clause I need added and I will have it signed, sealed and delivered to you by the end of business Monday Morning.

Clyde Livingston: That being?

Theodora Blackwell: Well the insurance here that if a private employer on the roster comes to us and offers Xavier a one time contract to do...well what he does better than anybody else. That we can accept it, no questions asked from you. And collect our due reward for doing so.

(Clyde looks at her warily, but eventually puts his hand out to shake it. She slowly shakes his hand and smiles again.)

Clyde Livingston: We have a deal Mrs. Blackwell. Now all I ask is, whenever, if these people come forward. You let me know if these specific contracts so I can at least have some kind of idea of the chaos coming my way.

Theodora Blackwell: Oh that can be arranged.

(Theodora Blackwell gets up from her seat and begins to walk away. She gets about six feet away before she stops and turns back around.)

Theodora Blackwell: Oh Mr. Livingston. One more thing I think I should mention.

(Clyde gets up from his seat and looks to her curiously.)

???: We figured we should let you know that Xavier Grimwood has officially been contracted to the Shogun Team for The World Domination Match.

(Clyde Livingston turns around to see a wild eyed Reginald Dampshaw III walking his way and past him towards Theodora Blackwell. She extends her hand to Reginald and shakes it. He looks back towards Clyde Livingston.)

Reginald Dampshaw III: Jaydayne may be trying something against me so I went out of my way to assure that no matter what I will have someone in this match to assure my victory. So enjoy him here until that match sunshine, because when World Domination is at stake...I brought a smoking gun. Good day.

Theodora Blackwell: Be seeing you Mr. Livingston.

(Theodora and Reginald begin to walk away together as Clyde just looks on and massages his temples. He sits back down to watch the main event as we cut to the ring announcer for the main event.)

Ring Announcer: The following tag team contest is YOUR MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING!! It is scheduled for one fall with television time remaining.

(‘Scary Mask’ by Poppy starts playing as the lights slowly dim down. As soon as the tempo picks up, Crazy Violet storms through the curtain, giving out a blood curdling scream to the audience. Following behind her is Lillie Saint, who immediately puts her arm around Violet. The angry one out of Detroit gives her a startling glare, causing Lillie to back up momentarily before the two are joined by Kimberly Chase.)

Ring Announcer: Introducing first, accompanied by Kimberly Chase. Fighting out Detroit, Michigan and Sweetwater, Texas respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 272lbs, the team of CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY VIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLET AND LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLIE SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINT!!!!

(Skipping her way down to the ring, Lillie stops at the bottom of the ramp, eyeballing the crowd before walking around ringside. Violet makes her way to the steps, stomping up each step before reaching the apron. As Kimberly approaches the ringside area, she notices Lillie sitting on the ring apron, talking to the fans. Admonishing the young Saint, Kimberly points in the ring at Violet. Lillie struggles to skin the cat, barely making it to the ring before dropping to a knee in the middle, as Crazy Violet stands over her. The two let out a thunderous scream to a huge ovation from the audience before they talk strategy.)

Bobby Bishop: I still can’t get over this pairing. They started as members of the World’s Finest, and have become staples on DOMINION, Dirk. It’s impressive considering the lack of experience from one, and lack of credit given to the other.

Dirk Sullivan: I love this team, Bobby. They are that mix of sweet and sour. You won’t see Violet giving random hugs to the crowd, and you won’t see Lillie losing her temper at a frantic pace. Pair that with the guidance of Kimberly, they just might be unstoppable.

(The two stand in the ring as Lillie attempts to keep Violet calm as they had into this huge main event match against two of the best competitors on the DOMINION brand.)

Bobby Bishop: Just look at that sneer on the face of Kimberly. She has bad intentions for all sides in this contest. She wants the win, but seemingly only supports one half of the team.

(Shades of purple go along with the tune of ‘Heartache’ by FalKKonE. A countdown hits the video screen.




Crowd: GO ZANE GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Zane arrives on the stage as the tempo of the song rises. Wearing her custom made ring coat and mask, she acknowledged the crowd before making her way down the ramp.)

Ring Announcer: And their opponents, first. Fighting out of Soka, Saitama, Japan. Weighing in at 110lbs, she is THEEEEEEEEEEEE CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESCENT MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!! ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!!!!!!!!!

(Giving the acknowledgment to the crowd, Zane jumps up onto the ring apron, waiting on a queue to springboard over the top rope into the ring.She makes her way over to the other corner, climbing to the top rope. Raising one hand up to the crowd, she leaps into a backflip towards the middle of the ring. Her mask is promptly removed for the audience as Lillie and Violet watch her. She removes her coat before handing it out to the attendant. The three are staring each other down in the middle of the ring.)

Bobby Bishop: I haven’t seen anyone come into a company with the amount of momentum that Zane has. She has been on fire since debuting at Rise of the Ronin.

Dirk Sullivan: There’s no question that people have come for a fight against her, and they have been sent packing one by one. She is definitely ready to stake her claim as the Territorial Champion.

Bobby Bishop: Maybe it won’t be that easy, Dirk.

(‘4 ÆM’ by Grimes begins to play over the speakers, interrupting the three in the ring. Coming out of the fog and laser lights on the stage is the Territorial Champion, MYOJIN!!! He stands on the top of the stage, gripping one end of the Championship before swinging it over his shoulder.)


(The tempo of the song picks up, as the Champion makes a full sprint down to the ring. The Championship swinging in the air from the momentum and speed of MYOJIN as he slides into the ring. The crowd is going crazy for the young man as he front rolls to the middle of the ring, landing on a knee as he glares over at Kimberly Chase, then Violet and Lillie, eventually looking over at Zane before getting to his feet.)

Bobby Bishop: All eyes are on the Champion right now. Just how he likes it.

Dirk Sullivan: Is it the Champion, or the Championship? Everyone seems to be eyeballing that title like it’s a piece of meat.

Bobby Bishop: Regardless, while he has struggled to break the New Champion’s stigma, he looks determined to rectify his losses and go out on top tonight against two very challenging competitors who have singles victories over him in recent weeks.

(MYOJIN hands out the Territorial Championship as everyone is preparing for the match. The referee is ready, the crowd is ready.)


Bobby Bishop: And this match is underway. Interestingly enough though, two combatants from Rise of the Ronin are kicking this thing off as Zane stands in the ring with Lillie Saint. They might be close friends, but they are staring each other down as they circle the ring. From there we get a lock up, right smack dab in the center as Lillie immediately goes for a single leg, but Zane manages to drop back, stuffing the takedown.The #1 Contender looks to be pretty confident in herself as she once again circles the ring, and we have a second lock up!

Dirk Sullivan: A quick go behind from Zane leads to an immediate half nelson, catching Lillie off guard. Getting an idea going, Lillie moves into Zane, catching her with a go behind of her own, lifting up Zane in an attempt to deliver an amateur slam. Zane shifts her weight, grabbing Lillie’s leg, taking her to the canvas. Rather than letting her get the advantage, Lillie pushes her free leg into Zane’s back, shoving her off into the ropes. Zane bounces off, noticing Lillie drop down in front of her as she hops over to the other side. Lillie leapfrogs up, allowing Zane to hit the ropes again. Lillie looks for the hip toss, but Zane reverses into a hip toss attempt of her own. Lillie catches the hip toss attempt and swings over into a monkey flip, but Zane handsprings to her feet as the two square off again in the middle of the ring to a loud ovation.

Bobby Bishop: For the third time, they lock up in the middle. This time, Zane pushes into Lillie, forcing her to step back to the turnbuckles. The referee steps in between the two in an attempt to break it up, but Lillie actually pulls Zane in, throwing her into the corner. She immediately drops and delivers shoulder thrusts into the stomach. Feeling the advantage slip away, Zane grabs onto Lillie, shoving her back. Lillie charges back in, but eats the turnbuckle as Zane gets out of the way. The speed star of Japan charges in with a powerful knee strike to the chest of Lillie, doubling her over. A quick snapmare to the middle of the ring, followed by a thunderous roundhouse kick to the back by Zane sends Lillie rolling over to her corner. Violet glares down at Lillie, talking to her.

Dirk Sullivan: The Number One Contender is looking strong here early on, but it appears the Champion wants in on the action. He puts his hand out to Zane, who looks over at Lillie and Violet before shaking her head no. MYOJIN talks to her, asking her nicely if she will tag him in. She proceeds to go back over to Lillie, who tags in Violet.

Bobby Bishop: Violet enters the ring and it looks like the two are ready to square off, but a cheap shot from Violet sends Zane back. The unrivaled fury of Violet takes over as she immediately delivers a double leg takedown and tries reaching for her neck. Kimberly Chase is outside, cheering on Violet who is looking to wring the neck of the Crescent Moon. MYOJIN shouts direction to Zane, who simply covers up in an attempt to get her own strategy going. In a surprise to the crowd, Violet changes strategy herself, slapping on a side leglock. One can help but think that Violet might be trying to embarrass the #1 contender here.

Dirk Sullivan: Interesting theory, Bobby. However, that leglock isn’t lasting very long, as it looks like Zane has her own idea. She swiftly rolls over onto her stomach and manages to get in a variation of a heel hook on Violet! Immediately, Violet looks for the ropes, and MYOJIN is shouting again for her to make the tag. Zane finally has enough and releases the hold, staring down the Champion. The two exchange words before Zane turns around, and takes a right hand to the bread basket! Zane exhales sharply as she attempts to retaliate with a strike of her own, but Violet pounces on her with a Thesz Press!! RIGHT HANDS COMING FROM VIOLET ON ZANE!!! Lillie Saint is back on the apron, getting an earful from Kimberly as Violet pulls up Zane, and looks for a side suplex. Zane snaps out of the hold into an arm wrench and backs into the corner, as MYOJIN tags himself in.

Bobby Bishop: Springboarding over the top into the ring, MYOJIN delivers a swift elbow across the arm of Violet. She storms away in anger as she holds her arm while the Champion and Number One Contender face off. Zane steps back to the ropes, giving her side of the story before exiting to the apron. MYOJIN is on the attack, leveling Violet with a kick to the chest, followed by a second one before delivering a spinning back elbow, knocking her to the canvas. Violet sits up, holding her chest. MYOJIN charges the ropes and returns with a sliding dropkick, sending her back to the canvas. MYOJIN promptly stands up, looking over at Zane in the corner before pulling Violet to her feet, looking for a scoop slam. He drives her to the middle of the ring, slamming her down before charging off the ropes before leaping high into a knee drop. He goes for a quick cover.

Referee: One!!!

Dirk Sullivan: Violet quickly kicks out before sitting up, holding her chest. MYOJIN lifts Violet back up, whipping her into the ropes. She ducks a back elbow before hitting the other side, making a blind tag to Lillie. Violet returns, grabbing the hand of MYOJIN, throwing him into the ropes before catching him in a fireman's carry. Lillie charges up, grabbing onto MYOJIN’s neck as they hit a samoan drop/spinning neckbreaker combination!! Lillie immediately goes for the cover.

Referee: One!!!

Bobby Bishop: MYOJIN kicks right out!! Lillie is quick to bring MYOJIN back up into a front facelock, stepping back into the corner as Violet tags herself back in. Back in comes the Crazy one as she and Lillie lift MYOJIN up and over into a double side suplex before Violet pulls him up with a flurry of right hands following up. MYOJIN is able to swerve most of the punches, but eventually takes one to the jaw, forcing him to stumble back. He swings his hand back, tagging in Zane. Zane quickly enters the picture, quickly doing a double irish whip followed by a double back elbow takedown. Zane charges the ropes, getting an assist from MYOJIN as she lands a springboard moonsault. The weight of Zane crashes down on Violet as she looks for the cover.

Referee: One!! Two!!

Dirk Sullivan: Violet throws a shoulder up as Zane lifts her back up to her feet. She delivers a stiff knife edged chop to Crazy Violet, followed by another before stepping back. Violet takes a swing at her, allowing Zane to duck under, looking for a German Suplex. She runs Violet forward towards the ropes, but Lillie makes the blind tag. Violet hangs onto the top rope, forcing Zane to roll backwards to her feet. Violet catches a charging Zane and lifts her up, dropping her into an atomic drop. Violet glares at Zane before suddenly crouching down, allowing Zane to see an airborne Lillie Saint deliver a spinning heel kick!! A quick cover from Lillie Saint on Zane.

Referee: One!! Two!!

Bobby Bishop: Zane fires the shoulder up!! Lillie expresses some frustration before slapping in a chinlock on the Crescent Moon. Grinding the chinlock in, Lillie tucks her head in towards Zane, talking to her. She must be talking a lot of smack right now!! Lillie throws her hair back, looking at the crowd with a slight grin before grinding the chinlock in deeper. Again, she leans down to Zane, talking to her. A very aggressive side of Lillie Saint is coming out right now!! She is talking to Zane with this grin on her face, I wonder how much she’s smack talking the #1 Contender right now. Again, Lillie kneels up, tightening the grip on the chinlock before leaning her head down again, talking more to her.

Zane: (Off Mic) SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dirk Sullivan: Well that stopped her dead in her tracks! Lillie quickly pulls Zane up, pushing her into the ropes. The two struggle for position, obviously smack talking each other. Lillie throws in a hard forearm before whipping Zane into the ropes. Lillie quickly drops her head, as Zane looks for the sunset flip. She couldn’t keep a grip on Lillie, who commando rolls over to Violet for the tag. Something must have happened here, because Lillie Saint is outside the ring, covering her face. She might have caught a stray knee?? Violet is in there, AND DELIVERS A SHOCKING PENALTY KICK TO THE FACE OF ZANE!!!! THE TRAGIC AFFAIR!!!!!!!! VIOLET FALLS TO HER KNEES, GRIPPING HER HAIR IN ANGER. SHE POUNDS ON THE MAT BEFORE SCREAMING LOUD… BOBBY..



Bobby Bishop: MYOJIN IS GOING FOR THE COVER, BUT DAMN IT.. KIMBERLY CHASE IS ON THE APRON!!! MYOJIN IS INFURIATED!!! Wait..a..second..Kimberly Chase is stepping off the apron with a grin on her face. What is going on here, Dirk? Oh no… MYOJIN turns around, and Violent is right in front of him.. The two are glaring at one another, ready to go to war, but Lillie Saint tags herself in. Violent slowly turns her head towards Lillie, and MYOJIN WITH A SECOND QUESTION MARK KICK TO VIOLENT!!! Violent is on the mat as Lillie immediately fires away at MYOJIN. The aggressive fight from Lillie is quickly stopped as Zane leapfrogs over MYOJIN into a front dropkick onto Lillie, knocking her to the canvas. She rolls back into the corner, pulling herself up, allowing MYOJIN to charge in with a hard forearm to the head. Zane follows in as well with double knees to the chest. Zane hangs on, delivering a monkey flip of her own to Lillie, allowing MYOJIN to catch her with a Canadian Backbreaker. Zane darts off the ropes and returns with a sliding cutter while MYOJIN throws Lillie down with a Dominator!!

Referee: ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!!

Dirk Sullivan: NO!! LILLIE SAINT KICKED OUT WITH HER LAST BIT OF ENERGY!!! Damn!! That was so close!! MYOJIN sits up, looking over at Zane. She responds by pulling Lillie up, as MYOJIN tells her that he will assist her in attempting the SC Zane Pop!!! Zane grabs Lillie around the neck and charges towards MYOJIN, but Violent is back!! She spears Zane to the canvas!! MYOJIN pounces on Violent, distracting him enough for Lillie to turn the Champion around, and delivers a Butterfly Suplex!! MYOJIN crashes to the mat, allowing Lillie to roll it over as she gets up, and delivers a second Butterfly Suplex!! She rolls it over and looks for the third, but Violent charges the ropes and accidentally charges through Lillie and MYOJIN before diving through the ropes at Zane..BUT ZANE CATCHES HER WITH A ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO THE HEAD!! VIOLENT DROPS OVER THE SECOND ROPE, GETTING HER FOOT TIED IN THE MIDDLE AND BOTTOM ROPE!! LILLIE TURNS AROUND, AND GETS CAUGHT IN THE KIMURA FROM MYOJIN!!! THE CHAMPION SLAPS ON THE BODY SCISSORS, FALLING TO THE MAT AS HE WRENCHES THE HOLD IN TIGHTLY. THE ARM IS BENDING AT A VERY AWKWARD ANGLE!!!! CAN LILLIE SAINT HOLD ON???


(DING!!! DING!!! DING!!!)

Dirk Sullivan: What teamwork shown by both teams!!


Bobby Bishop: Kimberly Chase is helping Violent get freed from the ropes as they are… WAIT A SECOND.. MYOJIN STILL HAS THE KIMURA LOCKED IN!!!! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!! WE KNOW THOSE TWO WERE HAVING PROBLEMS, BUT DAMN IT!!!


Bobby Bishop: Officials are coming down quickly to get Lillie Saint out of there. She looks to be in serious pain, Dirk. That’s not the story here though, MYOJIN and Zane are in the middle of the ring, I wish I could hear what they were saying.. Wait.. Now I can, that got loud quick!!

Zane: (Off Microphone) What in the world are you doing?!?! Is that what you wanted? You want to make a statement? You want to do that to me?

Dirk Sullivan: Guys, look on MYOJIN’s face.. It’s like he just snapped back into reality. The man just fell to his knees, and is watching Zane.

MYOJIN: (Off Microphone) I’m so sorry! I lost it.. I don’t know!!

(Zane exits the ring, standing by the officials as they check on Lillie Saint before peering back into the ring. MYOJIN kneels in the middle of the ring, being handed the Territorial Championship as he clutches the title close to his chest, allowing the camera fades to black to end the show to the Wrestleworld Logo.)