Ten Ways to Look at a Smile

  1. Among the darkness of sadness and depression, a smile comes, turning night into day.

  1. The moon shines, providing light on the darkest of nights, just like a smile shining and eradicating the darkness of hopelessness.

  1. Among thirteen pitch black caves, the only light was a smile.

  1. Love and a wish to express it are two. Love and a wish to express combined with a smile are two.

  1. Somewhere in France, a man won a war. Eight miles away, a man was smile at. I cannot tell you which man’s elation was greater.

  1. The world is waking. Smiles must be showing.

  1. Across the world, hunger and depression take hold. The only sure defense was a smile.

  1. The only weapon to fight depression is a smile.

  1. God smiled, and the sun was made.

  1.  The most powerful weapon in the world is money. The most powerful tool in the world is a smile.

By Liam C.

Inspired by Wallace Stevens