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Compassionate City Ordinance Checklist

Passing City Ordinances Checklist

1. Become An Expert.

Thoroughly research the fur trade along with related laws in your city/state. Create a document of facts regarding the fur trade, including its negative impact on animals, public safety, health code violations, etc. Include reasons why your city should adopt the new ordinance.  

2. Draft Your Proposal. 

Find a similar ordinance that has passed to use as a model for drafting the ordinance that you will present to your city council. Check out San Francisco’s recently passed ordinance to ban the sale and manufacture of animal fur products, here.

3. Gain Support From Your Community. 

Network with groups and individuals in your city that would support your ordinance such as animal rights groups, veterinarians, sanctuaries, and other activists. Gaining support from influential members of your community and city officials will help promote your cause and give it additional credibility.

4. Do Your Research.

Research city council members that have previously supported animal rights related ordinances in your city and get their contact information.

5. Meet With Your Council Member. 

Request a meeting with the designated council member to present your proposed ordinance. Be persistent, this may take several attempts!

6. Introduce Your Ordinance. 

While meeting with your designated council person, present your ordinance and thoroughly explain why your city should be a Compassionate City. Ask the council member to present your ordinance to the city council.

7. Testify.

A public hearing in front of your city council may be required to pass your bill. Be prepared to explain the need for your bill and to answer the opposition’s questions with facts.

8. Be Willing to Compromise.

Be prepared to change certain aspects of your ordinance with the interest of compromise in mind. Be knowledgeable of which aspects of your bill are up for compromise and which are not.

9. If Needed, Try Again!

If your ordinance does not pass initially, make note of the issues that were presented and speak with the council members that voted against your ordinance. Be prepared to address those issues when you revise your ordinance and present it in the future.

10. Follow Through.

Make sure that your ordinance is being effectively enforced in your city.