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WatchGlucose for Wear OS Privacy Policy
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WatchGlucose for Wear OS Privacy Policy

This app fetches your glucose data from a server. To make this possible, you must enter your LibreLinkUp or LibreView credentials (email and password) the first time you use the app. These are stored encrypted on the phone, but only accessible by the app. The values you enter are verified with the server. If you uninstall the phone app, they are deleted.

When you press the "Send credentials to watch" button, your credentials are sent encrypted to the watch. They are also stored on the watch, so you only need to send them once. If you uninstall the watch app, they are deleted.

Your credentials are not stored or sent anywhere else, except, of course, to the server.

The displayed user name and glucose values shown on the watch are never stored or sent anywhere.

To request that your LibreLinkUp or LibreView  account be deleted, contact the company responsible for these apps (=Abbott).

For more information, please contact