Our tour planner has been designed for both private tourists and group organizers.

Privacy and security:  Your itinerary is private.  The itinerary data is stored in your browser's memory and a copy is sent to the cloud every 60 seconds.  Only the person that creates an itinerary is able to recall that backup itinerary from the cloud.   You can choose to share your itinerary by using  sharing options on your device, by email or scanning the QR code (See section on the QRcode below).  

Before you start: There is a demonstration itinerary that can be loaded by clicking on the three bars menu button. This shows a long trip and includes a time zone change.


 Remove 15 minutes from the arrival/departure time

  Add 15 minutes from the arrival/departure time

  Displays the routing calculated by Google maps.  Our App adds the weather at intervals along the route.

Show the 7 day forecast for the start and end locations, or a list of the forecasts for the journey

Brings up a sub-menu where you can:

  • Set the directions option such as avoid motorways etc.
  • Share and save your tour itinerary
  • Create, reverse, reschedule and check your itinerary
  • Find a recommended tour

Show the whole itinerary on a map

Show information on the place you have Waypoint/Stop.  You can add your own notes for reservations etc.

Show places to eat (and other services you may need) around the area of the Waypoint/Stop

Shows a map with all the Aston friendly places in the area around the Waypoint/Stop

Delete the Waypoint/Stop

Add aWaypoint/Stop


Waypoints, Stops and stays : These have a yellow background.  Waypoints are places you will pass through without a stop.  Stays have both an arrival and departure time. The stayover can be 15 minutes to many days

Journeys : between Waypoints and Stays have a light blue background.  


Clicking on the location name will bring up the location editing window.

Location: The Waypoint/Stay location can be set in several ways.  

  1. Using the Google places search facility that appears where you click on the location name.  You have to select the country first where you will be searching (It defaults to UK). Start entering the place you are searching and a list of matches will be displayed.  Click on the one that you want.
  2. Using the Aston Owners approved places database.  At the bottom of the search facility there is an option to 'Use an Aston-friendly location' .  This brings up a map and clicks on any icon to use that location for the WayPoint/Stay.
  3. Using the center of the map.  This then uses the lat/long of that point.  No information about that point exists.  Use this option as a last resort for  

Times : Arrival and departure Times are required both for the weather forecasts and for Google Maps to calculate the travel time with the expected traffic.  To set a time click on it or use the two time change button to add/remove 15 minutes.    The user interface (UI) for the date and time inputs on the Waypoint/Stop menu are both device and browser dependent.


Sharing you Itinerary

QR code

This is an easy way to share your itinerary with other drivers, or your navigator .  The QR code is accessed using the sharing option in the sub-menu. The QR code is displayed on the sharing menu page.  Scanning this QRcode with a device camera allows anyone to have read-only access in their browser to that current itinerary (This will only work if the tour itinerary has been stored in the cloud.)

Load and saving a file

Any itinerary can be saved to your local device as a text file with the a .trip extension

Sending a link

 Checking your itinerary

It is very easy to get times/dates out of synch when entering a longer itinerary, especially when inserting a stop or stayover.  You can check your itinerary for any inconsistencies such as arriving before you departed the previous destination etc.   The ‘Check your itinerary’ button on the sub-menu will find these inconsistencies and errors and correct them.