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2024-05-12 Worship Outline with Communion
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Sunday Worship Outline - May 12, 2024, 10:30 AM

Mother’s Day with Holy Communion

Acolyte: Nathan Lewis

Greeters: Kathy Ulrich & Shirley Varner

Welcome and Announcements: Pastor Dietmar

Prelude: “Miniature Suite” by Ted Petersen (Andante Espressivo, March, Valse Moderato, Allegro) - Saxophone Quartet: Adam Hanna (soprano), Jacob Stahley (alto),  Owen Smith (tenor), Kaitlyn Borthwick (baritone).

Introduction of the Worship Theme: Pastor Dietmar

Hymn: #510 “We Gather Here in Jesus’ Name (all 3 verses)

Prayer of Confession: (We pray together) - Mothering God, thank you for loving us into being. Thank you for the gift of life. It is precious. Thank you for all who mothered us, those who loved us unconditionally, who delighted in us, believed in us, and cheered us on. Thank you for pouring your love into our hearts. We count ourselves blessed! In your presence we become aware of the hurt and pain we have experienced. Also, we become aware of the suffering we caused others through our actions or inaction. We become aware of our mixed motives, our limitations, and our brokenness. We share with you what is on our hearts….

(Silence for personal prayer and reflection)

Kyrie: #469 “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” (sing twice)

Assurance: Pastor Dietmar

Gloria: #243 “Be Not Afraid” (sing twice)

Offering of Music: “Down by the Riverside” - African American Work Song arr. K. Agioritis and “Just a Closer Walk” - Traditional Gospel arr. Kenneth Abeling - Saxophone Quartet

Hymn: #188 “Jesus Loves Me”

Children’s Message: Pastor Dietmar

Piano plays softly “Jesus Loves Me…” until children go to Sunday school downstairs

Prayer for Illumination:  Malcolm Derk        

Epistle Reading:        Philippians 4:4-7

Gospel Reading:         Matthew 28:16-20        

This is God’s Word for the people of God” (sung)

Message/Sermon: From Anxiety to Peace - Pastor Dietmar

Hymn of Thanksgiving: #7 “Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth” (all 3 verses)

Offering Announcement: Pastor Dietmar

Offering of Music: "Shall We Gather” by Robert Lowry arr. Stephen DeCesare - Saxophone Quartet with Jaime Namminga (piano)

Doxology: #607 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Holy Communion

Communion Song: #501 “Feed Us, Lord” (verses 1&2)

Invitation, Consecration/Prayer, Words of Institution, Sharing of the Bread and Cup (soft music is welcome as we commune)

Communion Servers: Malcolm Derk, John Fischer, Joanne Lauer, Ellen Miller

Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: #531 “Seed, Scattered and Sown” (verses 2&3)

Blessing: Pastor Dietmar

Benediction Response: #43 “You Who Dwell in the Shelter of the Lord” ("On Eagle's Wings”) - refrain only - We invite you to hold hands during this song. You can use ample hand sanitizer in the foyer when you leave.

Postlude: “How Firm a Foundation" - Jaime Namminga