In most cases, visitors are not allowed on campus. This includes parents and guardians during pick up and drop off. If you need to visit the office, please call ahead of time and schedule an appointment.
All staff and learners will be required to wear face masks, except when actively eating or drinking, unless medically exempt.
As outlined by the California Department of Public Health, there are no physical distancing requirements unless learners are eating. When learners are eating physical distancing will be increased based on the specific situation.
Lunch and snacks will be eaten outside in designated areas, weather and space permitting. If weather does not permit, learners will eat lunch within their classrooms.
Recess will occur outdoors, weather permitting, and indoors when weather does not permit.
All classrooms and shared spaces on campus are cleaned nightly with an EPA-approved cleaning product.
All bathrooms and outdoor snack/lunch areas are cleaned and sanitized multiple times a day.
You can find out more on our CLCS COVID Testing page.
All staff will participate in a health screening process before they enter campus. This health screening includes questions screening for COVID symptoms and COVID exposure. The questionnaire will be done through an app called CrisisGo. (See COVID Flowchart for Staff)
Parents/guardians are required to screen their learners at home each morning before school (See Daily COVID-19 Health Screening). Families are expected to keep learners home if they have COVID symptoms or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID. (See COVID Flowchart for Parents).
Families should contact the school office immediately to inform the school of their learners' symptoms and absence.
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Please review the CLCS Guidance on what to do when your learner has symptoms, is exposed, or tests positive for COVID.
If a learner or staff member begins to feel sick or begins to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 while at the school site, they will be immediately isolated and sent home (sick learners must be picked up by an authorized person within two hours).
Sick/symptomatic learners and staff will be required to isolate at home until they meet the return to school requirements (see CLCS Guidance on what to do when your learner has symptoms, is exposed, or tests positive for COVID).
Isolation is separating people who have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19 from those who are not infected or showing symptoms in order to prevent transmission of COVID-19.
When the schools is informed that a learner or staff member tests positive for COVID we will implement the following steps for communication:
*The date that the school is informed of the positive case will impact our communication timeline. For example, if we are informed on Monday that a person tested positive on Saturday but developed symptoms on Wednesday, we would need to communicate to all exposed individuals that the on-site exposure during the person's infectious period was on the Monday and Tuesday of the previous week.
When dealing with medical situations, confidentiality is of the utmost importance. CLCS is committed to ensuring that we follow all confidentiality practices aligned with FERPA and HIPAA. We want our staff and families to feel safe to disclose potential COVID diagnosis. All names will remain confidential and only discussed with the COVID Program Manager, Executive Director, and key staff.
CLCS will share with the community when there is a positive case via our COVID-19 Positive Case Record. We will communicate directly with unmasked close contacts identified through contact tracing. We will NOT share the following information:
Due to program constraints, including the small size of our schools, ACLC and Nea are not offering Distance Learning programs this school year.
If you are not vaccinated and choose to travel domestically, get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before travel and 3-5 days after travel. Also, even if you test negative, stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel. If you don't get tested, stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel. Follow CDC testing guidelines for international travel.
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