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META Business Meeting, March 11, 2024 at Spring Conference
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SAM’s Core Purpose: Visionary leaders united in providing, advocating, and creating education

excellence for Montana students!

SAM Affiliate:   META Business Meeting @ Spring Conference

Date/Time:  Monday, March 11, 2024   12:30pm

Presiding:   Carol Phillips, META President


  1. Call Meeting to Order, Welcome  (Carol & Paul)
  2. Approval of Meeting Minutes:  META Business Meeting, March 13, 2023
  3. Recognition (Carol & Rob)
  1. META Years of Membership Pins and SAM Years of Service Pins
  2. Recognition of Outgoing META President (Paul)
  1. SAM Updates  (Rob)
  1. Leadership Involved in Decisions that Impact Education
  1. HB 890, Recording of Board Meetings, List of Districts
  1. Advocacy
  1. Education Budget Committee, March 13, Data Modernization
  1. Professional Learning & Services
  1. SAM Programs
  1. SAM Webinar, Feb 22, Thank you Eric for representing META
  2. SAM Webinar, March 14, CATCH-UP, Q/A
  3. Current and Past Webinar Resources
  1. Conferences
  1. Spring Tech and Legal Conf - Thank you Paul
  2. SAM AI, July 22-24
  1. Affiliate Updates
  1. Membership Report, 3rd Qrt
  2. Budget Report, 3rd Qrt
  3. President-Elect:  One application (Eric Miletich), Ballots will go out to META membership on Wednesday, March 13, and close on March 27
  4. META Fee Increase:  CoSN Total fee increase by 3% about $3 per META member, SAM Membership $5
  5. Delegate Assembly Reps (Need 5)
  1. President Update (Carol)
  2. Regional Updates (Region Presidents)
  3. Other Announcements
  4. Adjournment