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CONY PHYSICAL EDUCATION                                                            


Physical Education 1 curriculum uses the Sport Education Model along with fitness to incorporate social learning, physical fitness learning, and the fun of sports and life span activities into one learning concept.  Students will participate with equal ability students in a wide ranging activity list with varying assessments given during each unit of instruction.

Physical Education 1 Activities                        Physical Education 1 Assessments

Volleyball                                                Health Related Fitness

Badminton                                                Skill Related Fitness

Fitness Games                                                Benefits of Fitness

                                                        Fitness Principles


                                                        Heart Rate Info

                                                                Comprehensive Final





Habits of Work                        20%                        Standards                        80%

Demonstrates Effort                5%                        Fitness Activity                38%                        

Engages in Class                5%                        Motor Skills                        37%

Prepared for Class                  90%                        Sportsmanship                        10%                        

                                                        Written Assessments                15%




*Each Student must bring their own lock and folder.


Students need to track their own absences and the necessary make-up on their own.  Students should inquire about make-up with the teacher or student instructor the next day after their excused absence.  

Mission Statement

        The mission of the Cony High School community is to create and maintain a safe, respectful, and positive learning environment that fosters academic, career, civic, and personal growth.  In collaboration with parents and the greater community, Cony High School will provide encouragement, accountability, and diverse opportunities that support success for all students.

Maine Parameters of Learning

G. Movement/Motor Skills and Knowledge:  Students demonstrate the fundamental and specialized movement skills and apply principles of movement for improved performance.

H. Physical Fitness Activities and Knowledge: Students demonstrate and apply fitness concepts.



Components of Physical Fitness

Health-related Fitness:

1. Muscle Strength: ability of muscles to exert a large amount of force. (Push-up)

2. Muscle Endurance: ability of muscles to be exerted over a long period of time. (Curl-up)

3. Flexibility: ability of body to bend, twist, and stretch through a range of movements around a joint or group of joints. (Sit and Reach)

4. Cardiovascular capacity:  ability of the heart and lungs to provide the body enough energy to exercise over a long period of time. (Pacer Test)

5. Body Composition: percentage of body weight that is fat compared to bone and muscle. (Body Fat)

Skill-related Fitness:

1. Agility: ability to change your body position quickly. (Shuttle Run)

2. Balance: ability to keep an upright posture while you are standing still and moving. (Balance Sticks)

3. Coordination: ability to use your senses (eyes) with your body (hands and feet) or the ability to use multiple body parts together. (Juggling Wands)

4. Power: ability to perform strength performance quickly. (Broad Jump)

5. Reaction Time: the amount of time it takes the mind and body to react when needed. (Yard Stick)

6. Speed: the ability to perform a movement to cover a distance in a short period of time. (Sprint)

Cony High School

Physical Education

Recording Sheet for Fitness Information (H1)

Name:________________________________________ Date:_______________

Test Used:        Fitnessgram President’s Challenge (Health Fitness Portion)

Flexibility:                                Sit and Reach

Score: (Pre)________________Score:  (Post)___________________

Healthy Zone:        Yes or No                Healthy Zone:        Yes or No

Cardiovascular Endurance:        Pacer Test

Score: (Pre)________________Score:  (Post)___________________

Healthy Zone:        Yes or No                Healthy Zone:        Yes or No

Muscular Strength:                        Push-up

Score: (Pre)________________Score:  (Post)___________________

Healthy Zone:        Yes or No                Healthy Zone:        Yes or No

Muscular Endurance:                Ab Curls

Score: (Pre)________________Score:  (Post)___________________

Healthy Zone:        Yes or No                Healthy Zone:        Yes or No

Body Mass:                                Body Mass

Score: (Pre)________________Score:  (Post)___________________

Healthy Zone:        Yes or No                Healthy Zone:        Yes or No

Personal Strengths:                                Areas To Improve:

1.___________________________        1.____________________________

2.___________________________        2.____________________________

3.___________________________        3.____________________________

H1: Students participate in a health-related fitness assessment to establish personal fitness goals and reassess their fitness over time.



Physical Fitness: a state of physiologic well-being that is achieved through a combination of good diet, regular physical exercise, and other practices that promote good health.

Aerobic Exercise: activity for which the body is able to supply adequate oxygen to sustain the performance for a long period of time.  Aerobic defined is “in the presence of oxygen”.  

Example:  Long distance running, cycling, swimming.

Anaerobic Exercise: exercise performed at an intensity so great that the body’s demand for oxygen exceeds its ability to supply it.  Anaerobic defined is “is in the absence of oxygen”.  

Example: weight lifting, 50 yard sprint.

Overload: to do more than the body is used to so the body adapts to the change.

Example:  muscle gain for weight training and distance gain for running.

Progression: to start slowly and build while performing exercises over a period of time.

Example:  more weight than last time, longer running distance than last time.

Specificity: to focus on certain types of exercising that improves your fitness for a certain sport or activity.

Example:  weight training for football, long distance running for swimming.

Use-Disuse: fitness levels start to decrease after 48 hours of non-exercise.

Atrophy: muscle deterioration due to discontinuing exercise.

Plateau Principle: Positive early gains will level off or become fewer after weeks of consistent exercise.  This is called Plateauing. To overcome plateauing, continue to overload and progress while changing the routine of exercise to include differing weight lifting exercises or cardio vascular exercises.

Developing a Fitness Plan:  (FITT Principle)

Frequency: how often you plan on exercising (recommended: 3 to 5 times per week)

Intensity: how much exertion do you plan on while exercising (heart rate or amount of weight)

Time: how long you choose to exercise each session (cardio: 20-30 minutes, etc.)

Type- what type of exercise(s) you are doing

Warm-up: to gradually increase the heart rate and body temperature in preparation of more intense activity.  Warm-up activities also decrease risk of injury and should be performed for a minimum of 5 minutes. Example:  light jog, brisk walk, low weight exercises, etc.

Cool Down: to gradually reduce heart rate to resting hear rate and allows for body to remove waste products from the muscles as a result of exercise. Example:  brisk walk after intense jog, stretching after weight training.

Fitness/Sport Education Grade Rubric







Written Test/Quiz


   Actively Involved in All Fitness Classes to one’s fullest potential from the beginning of class to its conclusion

         Student performs ALL skills accurately and with a consistent level of proficiency.

   Student displays proper conduct and language; encourages classmates, shows enthusiasm, exhibits leadership qualities, and maintains a positive attitude all of the time.

   All written work is complete, accurate, and neatly done.



   Actively Involved in 90% of Fitness Classes to one’s fullest potential from the beginning of class to its conclusion.

         Student performs a majority of the skills accurately and with a consistent level of proficiency.

   Student displays proper conduct and language; encourages classmates, shows enthusiasm, exhibits leadership qualities, and maintains a positive attitude the majority of the time in class.

   All written work is complete with minimal deficiencies/errors.



   Engaged in the majority of Fitness Classes at an adequate level of one’s fullest potential from the beginning of class to its conclusion.

         Student performs skills with average accuracy and a consistency.

   Student conduct, language, and/or attitude are inconsistent.

   The majority of the written work has been attempted and/or completed and is legible.



   Engaged in some of the Fitness Classes at a moderate level of one’s fullest potential from the beginning of class to its conclusion.

         Student inconsistently performs skills with average or below accuracy.

   Student conduct, language, and/or attitude are inappropriate.

   The written work is partially completed and may be inaccurate and/or illegible.



   Seldomly engaged in Fitness Classes. 


         Student skills levels are deficient and inconsistent.

   Student conduct, language, and/or attitude are insubordinate.

   The written work is poorly kept or incomplete.

    69% or below



Name:___________________________ Period:_________


Rating                 Rating Description                                                        

10                        Maximal

9                        Really, really hard

8                        Really hard


6                        Hard

5                        Challenging

4                        Moderate

3                        Easy

2                        Really Easy

1                        Rest


Heart Rate Lab


Heart Rate:  Number of times your heart beats in a minute.

Resting Heart Rate:  Your heart rate while resting, sitting, sleeping, etc.

Taking Your Pulse:

Trial 1:                                                Trial 2:

Count beats for 15 seconds:_________  Count beats for 15 seconds:_____________

Multiply by: 4   = I minute                                        

Heart Rate:          =_________                       Heart Rate    = _____________

Compare Heart Rates after the following exercises:

Exercise 1:  Walk slowly around the gym for at least 2 minutes.

Count beats for 15 seconds:_________  

Multiply by:                                                 4

Heart Rate:                          =_________

Exercise 2:  Walk briskly around the gym for at least 2 minutes.

Count beats for 15 seconds:_________  

Multiply by:                                                 4

Heart Rate:                          =_________

Exercise 3:  Perform step-ups, jump robe, or box drills for 2 minutes.

Count beats for 15 seconds:_________  

Multiply by:                                                 4

Heart Rate:                          =_________

Max Heart Rate: The maximum number of times your heart will beat per minute is determined by taking the number 220 minus your age:

220 - _______________ = ______________ Maximum Heart Rate

Target Heart Rate Zone:  The desired heart rate while performing cardiovascular exercise to gain the greatest benefit for the desired outcome is 60% to 80% of your Maximum Heart Rate.

60% = _________________________        80% = ____________________________

Note:  Weight Loss happens when heart rate is closer to 60%.

             Cardio Vascular gains happen when heart rate is closer to 80%

Cony Physical Education


Name:___________________________ Period:_________

Types of Stretches

1. Active: Stretches that involves resistance with a partner or self-assistance.  

Hold active stretches for 8-10 seconds.

Examples: Rubber band stretches or partner assisted hamstring stretches.

2. Static: Stretches that are performed stationary or in one spot.  Stretch to slight discomfort. Hold static stretches for 20-30 seconds.

3. Dynamic: Stretches that are performed while moving. An advantage of dynamic stretches are it provides a warm-up while stretching.

Examples: High Knees and Butt Kicks

Benefits of Stretching

1. Reduce muscle tension

2. Increase coordination

3. Increase Range of Motion

4. Helps prevent injuries

5. Prepare for activity

Tips for Effective Stretching

1. A warm-up activity should proceed a stretching session.

2. Stretch to the feeling of slight discomfort.

3. Stretch major muscles groups first, then more isolated muscles second.

4. Stretch within 1 hour of activity or competition.

5. Isolate and focus on muscles being stretched.

Cony Physical Education

Design a Practice Assessment

Name:___________________________ Period:_________

Using the information provided concerning the sport of badminton, or from your own experiences, please design a 1 hour practice session that includes a warm-up and cool down.

High Deep                Short Low                Clears                        Drops

Serves                        Forehand                Backhand                Flick

Overhead Smash        Doubles                Singles                Up and Back

Side to Side                Games                Drills                        Smash

Time                        Activity                Activity Details







G4:  Students design appropriate sessions, utilizing fundamental movement skills to improve performance.



1. Agility: ability to change your body position quickly. (Shuttle Run)

Slide from one side of the station to the other, placing one foot past the last cone or line each time you shuffle from side to side.  Score 1 point for each cone or line crossed in 10 seconds.  Perform at least 2 attempts and take your best score to rate yourself.

1.__________________________        2.____________________________

2. Balance: ability to keep an upright posture while you are standing still and moving. (Balance Sticks)

Activity 1: Place the balls of your feet on the stick so your heels are off the ground.  Maintain for 15 seconds.  Try 3 times.  Give yourself 2 points if successful on first try.  1 point if only successful on second try.  3 points if successful for both tries.  Try 2 sets of 3 attempts.

1.__________________________        2.____________________________

Activity 2: Stand on stick with entire foot on stick length wise with other foot off floor.  Try to balance for 10 seconds, if successful, continue attempt by lifting heel off the stick for another 10 seconds.  Give yourself 1 point if only successful with a flat foot, give yourself 1 point if only successful with heel off the stick, and give yourself 3 points if successful with both attempts.

1.__________________________        2.____________________________

3. Coordination: ability to use your senses (eyes) with your body (hands and feet) or the ability to use multiple body parts together. (Juggling Wands)

Holding one stick in each hand, have a partner place a thirds stick across your 2 sticks.  Toss the third stick in the air using a half turn and catch with your sticks.  Attempt 5 tosses to the right and 5 tosses to the left.  Give yourself 1 point for each toss caught for a total of 10 points per attempt.  Try twice.

1.__________________________        2._____________________________

4. Power: ability to perform strength performance quickly. (Broad Jump)

Stand with both feet behind the line.  Swinging arms forward, jump off both feet at the same time and as far as you can.  Landing on both feet, use the distance from the line to the closest body part to the line.  Attempt at least 3 times.

1.__________________________        2.____________________________

5. Reaction Time: the amount of time it takes the mind and body to react when needed. (Yard Stick)

Your partner holds yardstick with their fingers at the 1 inch mark. Position your thumbs and fingers at the 24 inch mark.  With informing you, your partner drops the yardstick.  Grab the ruler as quickly as you can.  Your score is where your index finger grabs the stick.  Attempt 3 times.

1.___________________ 2.___________________        3.___________________

6. Speed: the ability to perform a movement to cover a distance in a short period of time. (Sprint)

Run as far as you can in 3 seconds.  Your time will start when you cross the starting line and finish 3 seconds later. Attempt 3 times.

1.___________________  2.___________________        3.___________________


Volleyball Modifications

Name:_______________________  Period:_____________

1.  The game of volleyball would be easier or harder using a larger ball?  Circle One

2.  Allowing the volleyball to bounce on the floor between player hits makes the game easier or harder?  Circle One

3.  Allowing unlimited hits before the ball goes over the net make the game of volleyball harder or easier?  Circle One

4.  Throwing the serve over the net makes the game of volleyball easier or harder?  Circle One

5.  Serving from anywhere on the court makes the game of volleyball easier or harder?  Circle One

I3:  Students predict how etiquette/rules improve games/activities.

Cony Physical Education

Benefits of Fitness

Name:___________________________ Period:_________

The relationship between participation in physical activity and the benefits to the human body include physical, emotional, social, and mental/intellectual health.  Examples of these benefits of fitness are as follows:

Physical                                                Mental

*better health                                        *reduce depression

*improved quality of life                        *reduce anxiety

*improved fitness                                *reduce & prevent stress

*better posture                                        *sleep better

*better balance                                        *increase cognitive function

*stronger heart                                        *increase mental alertness

*fight off illness better                                *feeling more energetic

*stronger muscles & bones                        *relaxation

Social                                                Emotional

*social integration                                *increase feelings of happiness

*meet new people                                *positive mood & affect

*build social skills                                *increase feelings of self worth

*strengthen relationships                        *better self esteem

*enjoy others company                                *better self confidence

*increase family time                                *reduce sadness

*build new friendships                                *reduce tension & anger

Parameters of Learning:

Students explain the interrelationship of physiological responses and physical, mental/intellectual, emotional, and social benefits related to regular participation in physical activity. (H4)


Cony Physical Education

Muscle Anatomy

Name:___________________________ Period:_________

Please know the following muscles and where they are located on the human body.  


Deltoids        Biceps        Pectoralis        Abdominals        Quadriceps


Trapezius        Triceps        Lats                Gluteus                Hamstrings