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Parent Handbook rvsd 10/2021
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Step By Step Learning Academy

Parent Handbook

Please review and download for future reference

2335 S Goldenrod Rd Orlando, FL 32822 407-447-4247


Table of Contents

School Philosophy……………………………………………………………………………...…2

From the Owner……………………………………………………………………………...……3

Guidelines and Rules……………………………………………………………………….……..4

Registration Procedures…………………………………………………………………………...4

                   B.School Hours of Care……………………………………………………………...4


  1. Tuition Payment…………………………………………………………………...5
  2. Returned Checks…………………………………………………………………..5
  3. Holiday Schedule………………………………………………………………….5
  4. Attendance………………………………………………………………………..5
  5. Discount………………………………………………………………………….. 6
  6. Security……………………………………………………………………………6
  7. Visitors…………………………………………………………………………….6

  1. Emergencies……………………………………………………………………….7
  2. Discipline Policy…………………………………………………………………..7
  3. Health Policy………………………………………………………………………7
  4. Medicines………………………………………………………………………….7
  5. Nutrition…………………………………………………………………………...8
  6. Incident Reports…………………………………………………………………...8
  7. Reporting Abuse…………………………………………………………………..8
  8. Clothing, Toys, and Valuables…………………………………………………….8
  9. Supplies Needed…………………………………………………………………..8
  10. 4C Parents…………………………………………………………………………9
  11. Curriculum………………………………………………………………………...9

Full Time Payments Schedule…………………………………………………………………...10

Part Time Payment Schedule…………………………………………………………………….11

Parent Acknowledgement and receipt…………………………………………………………...12

                                    Where Children learn one step at a time

From the Owner


Dear parents / family:

Welcome to Step By Step Learning Academy. Choosing an appropriate child care program is an extremely important decision for both parent and child. I am so happy you have chosen us. As a small school we have the opportunity of becoming a second family to your child. I look forward to getting to know you and working with your child.

Our qualified staff is committed to provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for our children. Please take the time to read this handbook and feel free to ask any questions. We welcome suggestions, ideas or resources you can share with us, which might augment or broaden our program. 

I am here to serve you and your youngster, so feel free to call me. I can be reached at the school office: (407) 447-4247.



                                                             David Giraldo


Step By Step Learning Academy

Where Children learn one step at a time

A.Registration Procedures 

When you register your child, we need the following items:

We must have the above listed items when your child begins school. If there is a problem providing us with any of these documents, please let us know at the time of registration.

 ***Pricing is subject to change***

Tuition Payment Schedule - Full Time

Registration Fee        $90.00                $50.00                        $30.00

(Non-Refundable)        First child        Second Child                Third Child

(Includes Polo/Shirts)

*** Weekly pricing varies based on age and if not potty trained in a 3 year old room.

                                       Pricing is posted in front office

        Age                                        Weekly Rate                  Drop In







        VPK Extended                                        

        After Care Only                        

            Before care only                                 

**Summer Camp and School Holidays are  a weekly rate

**Field trip fees may apply**

Brightwheel School Management app- Application must be downloaded when you register your child.

This app will serve as the mandatory check in out/, billing and payments as well as communication with administration and teachers.

Tuition Payment: Tuition must be paid by Monday, no later than Tuesday afternoon. A late fee will be charged $25.00, for any outstanding charges on your account. You can pay with a check, money order, cash and credit card, they have a charge swiping fee.

Meals: Tuition includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. Breakfast is Served between 7:00 am till 9:00 am daily. If your child arrives later, please make sure that they have eaten before arrival.

Late Charges: We close at 6:30 pm everyday. We will charge $20.00 for the first 15 minutes late $2.00 after, for every minute. This fee is strictly enforced and childcare may be denied if the fee is not paid by the following morning.

Arrival Time: All children should arrive no later than 9:30 am. VPK Students must arrive by 8:30 am

Returned Checks: A $35.00 fee will be charged for all returned checks. The payment plus the charges must be made in money order or cash.

Can you see the parent handbook in:

If a child is absent for two weeks and the school is not notified the child will be dropped from the roll.

Return Checks: A $35.00 fee will be charged for all returned checks. The payment, plus the charges must be in money order or cash. After two returned checks are received, all payments must be made by money order or cash.

 Discount: There is a 10% tuition discount on the oldest sibling for any family who has two or more children in school.

Drop-In Care:  See director for current pricing form Parent must call first to make sure there is space available.

B. School Hours of Care 

The school will be open from 6:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. We ask that all children arrive by 9:00 a.m. to prevent disruption of the children’s class schedule. The only time you can drop off your child after 9:00 a.m. is, if he/she had a doctor’s appointment. If this is the case please provide the center with a doctor’s note.



Should you have any emergencies and you are late picking up your child, please call the center and inform the worker in charge that you will be late. There will be a late pick-up fee of $20.00 for the first 15 minutes and $1.00 per minute after. 


6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.                     8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                     8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.                    7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Holiday Schedule Closures:        Check each year for changes

Labor Day - Closed                                        Independence Day - Closed                     

Thanksgiving and the day after - Closed 

Christmas Eve - (Close at noon, depend the year)      Christmas Day - Closed 

New Years Eve - (Close at noon, depend the year)     New Years Day – Closed  

**Please be advised that there may be other holidays not listed. Our VPK program has additional holidays that are not listed above. VPK follows Orange County Public Schools schedules.

C. School Philosophy 

Step By Step Learning Academy, believes children learn through play and experiencing different things using their senses. We try to provide an atmosphere that allows the children to discover about themselves and the world around them. 

As a Learning Academy, we teach children to think and solve problems independently. We want children to learn to be creative, explore and learn from their environment. We believe that a child’s first experience with the school should be a special time that will allow them to be themselves and get excited about learning.

Our school's purpose is to provide an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth and development of the child.

We create a Step By Step learning experience where children will learn one step at a time, at their own pace. At Step By Step Learning Academy we meet the children at their level and help them explore a new dimension in learning in a safe, healthy, loving and fun filled environment.

D. Health Policy 

In order to protect your child from sickness, we ask that parents keep their children at home if they are sick or appear to be ill. A child that has the following symptoms will not be admitted to school:

If your child becomes ill while under our care we will contact parents and inform them to make arrangements necessary to have your child pick-up with-in the next 2 hours. If your child were exposed to a communicable childhood disease somewhere else, please tell us right away so we can alert families. The staff may call 911 if it is considered necessary.

Covid 19 Screening daily - Families must advise if they have been exposed to anyone with Covid 19 symptoms, temperature will be checked at the door for children and parents. If a child has symptoms or someone in the family they must be tested, quarantined and cleared to return with a negative test result or doctor's note per CDC guidelines. Families will be notified if a case occurs.


A “Medicine Authorization Form” must be filled out completely on a weekly basis and signed by the parent or guardian in order for the medicine to be administered. Please make sure that prescription medicine is brought to the center in its original container. Medication directions should also be written on the label. Medicines are administered at 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. only


In the event Step By Step Learning Academy closed due to weather conditions or any other emergency situation, full tuition is due unless otherwise communicated.

Illnesses are one of the main reasons a child is out of school. Because our program and licensing requirements force us to engage staff based on the number of children that we have enrolled, your weekly tuition is still due in full in order for us to meet our obligations.

Vacation is given after 6 months of enrollment. One week for every 6 months your child is enrolled with the school. We ask that parents please inform us 2 weeks prior, so we can credit your account properly.  There will be no credit for vacation time not taken, meaning if they do not take the vacation you can’t have 2 weeks after 12 months. 

VPK children and those receiving 4C are only allowed to miss 3 days per month according to the Early Coalition regulations.

4-C Parents 

4-C only allows three absences each month per child. If your child exceeds the three allowed absences, you will be responsible for paying your tuition as well as 4C’s tuition. In the event that your child will be missing more than three days due to special circumstances, such as being hospitalized, death in the family, or a shared custody situation, you are responsible for notifying 4C so your contract will not be dropped. 4C has the right to terminate your childcare benefits if you have any outstanding balances at our center. There are no discounts due to absences, illness or vacation time. It is the parents responsibility to renew and keep all information up to date so that the benefit for your child does not get interrupted. Any payment not paid by 4C is the parents’ responsibility. Be aware a 10 day letter will be sent to 4C when the 1st week of tuition is overdue.  If there is a situation beyond your control please make the director aware immediately for a possible solution.

Arrival Time: All children should arrive no later than 9 am. VPK students must arrive 10 minutes earlier than the class start time.  

E. Communication between teachers and parents

Communication with Families Brightwheel posts or activity sheets keep parents involved with what is happening at the center. Parents are encouraged to participate with their children with home activities that correspond with the activities at the center. Parents can set up an appointment with the teacher, because of the demands on the staff at the beginning and end of each day, it is difficult for them to engage in extended conversations at these times. Please reserve lengthy and/or sensitive discussions for pre-arranged appointments.

Please notify your Family Center if you are going to be away for several days and if your child will be in the care of someone else. This sometimes affects your child’s behavior. Also, it is important for us to know who is responsible when you are away. Throughout the year, if there is anything unusual going on in your home, please let the Center Director know of exceptional activities. Even though your child may not seem to have been affected, it may show up in her/his behavior at the Family Centers. Your child may be a bit timid and shy at first, so encourage your child to get involved with the program activities. As you gain feedback from your child throughout the year, please keep us informed. We need to have open communication between the

program staff and the family as to how your child feels and what he/she likes/dislikes. Discuss the day’s activities as you drive home at the end of the day. Parent participation and input are welcome. Additionally, in order to maintain strong parent staff communication, please make sure you check your parent mailboxes daily.

The children, staff and Director appreciate your creativity, ideas and leadership in activities. We appreciate hearing from you, including general suggestions and feedback. Your input is encouraged and will be considered during the year as well as for future planning. Additionally, a formal evaluation will occur each semester fall, spring

F. Center open- door policy   (Controlled until further notice for social distancing and Covid 19 protocol)

Our center has an OPEN DOOR policy. An open door policy allows parents to visit their children in our facilities any time they wish. We do ask parents who plan to visit their children frequently to follow the classroom routine, to avoid disturbing classroom schedules and activities. Parents /guardians and all visitors are required to check in with the Director, Owner(s), or administration, before proceeding to the classroom. In situations where there is custody or domestic issues the center’s Standards of Conduct will apply at all times.

G. Guidelines for parents involvement and volunteers ( Covid 19 policy limits interaction for now)

Volunteers must fill out the volunteer form available in the office and may not volunteer for more than 8 hours per month. All volunteers must be accompanied by a staff member at all times.

H. Center guidance/ discipline policy

Discipline Policy and Behavior Expectations

Step By Step Learning Academy believes that every child learns from their mistakes and will be guided  how to handle themselves properly in every situation. As a matter of policy, physical punishment is never permitted. A very important part of the preschool experience is helping children learn how to get along in the world, enjoy being with other children, and follow the direction of an adult other than their parents. A caring and positive approach will be taken

regarding behavior management and discipline. The teachers will focus on the positive behaviors of the children and reinforce those behaviors as often as possible.

Our goal is to help the children develop self-control and responsibility for their actions. Our discipline procedures will consist of the following strategies:

DEFINITION: "Discipline" means the ongoing process of helping children to develop self-control for self-management while protecting and maintaining the integrity of the child


1. Caregivers shall use positive discipline, which shall include the following:

a. Communicate to children using positive statements. Acknowledge and affirm positive behaviors.

b. Encourage children with adult support, to use their own words and solutions in order to resolve their own interpersonal conflicts. Help children understand the consequences of choices.

c. Communicate with children by getting down to their eye level and talking to them in a calm quiet manner about what behavior is expected.

d. Caregivers should model appropriate behavior for children all the time and lead by example.  

e. Redirecting children to more appropriate activities


1. Any person, while on child care premises, shall not engage in any of the following actions toward children:

2. Inflict corporal punishment in any manner upon a child’s body.

3. Any  measure that produces physical discomfort.

4. Public or private humiliation, yelling, or abusive or profane language.

5. Staff shall not associate disciplinary action or rewards with rest, food, or toileting.

C. Caregivers shall not:

1. Use time out for any child at any time

2. Use reflection time for any purpose other than to enable the child to regain control.

3. Physically restrain children except:

a. when it is necessary to ensure their own safety or that of others;

b. only for as long as it is necessary for control of the situation.


1. This Policy shall be distributed to parents and staff.

2. Caregivers shall have ongoing communication between home and day care regarding all aspects of the care of the child.

3. Caregivers shall document any history of recurring discipline problems and subsequent formal parent conferences in the child’s record.

4. In cases of recurring or severe misbehavior, parents will be contacted so that we may work things out together. If the misbehavior continues the Director may place the child on a two week probationary period. If the situation does not improve, or a plan cannot be implemented for improvement during the probationary period, parents will have one week to withdraw their child from the Day Care.

Disciplinary Procedures & Policies

Disruptive or inappropriate behavior distracts from the full benefit of the preschool and after school program and will result in consequences. The following behaviors are considered disruptive: ∙ Requires constant attention from the staff ∙

Inflicts physical or emotional harm on other children, adults, or self ∙

Disrespects people and materials provided in the program ∙

Constantly disobeys the rules of the classroom ∙

Verbally threatens other students and/or staff ∙

Uses verbal or physical activity that diverts attention away from the group of children.

Discipline Procedures for disruptive behavior ∙

Disruptive Behavior will be addressed in an incident report. This will be completed to document any inappropriate behaviors that directly impact other children, staff members, or the group as a whole. This report will be shared with the parent and will explain the behavior and how the behavior has affected others. It will also explain how the situation was resolved. The incident report will be placed in the child’s folder to be taken home, signed, and returned the next day to the teacher. ∙ If a child has difficulty managing his/her behavior on a recurring basis, parents will be asked to meet with the child’s teacher and Preschool Director. ∙ If the child’s behavior continues to be inappropriate, consistently disruptive, and/or dangerous, it may be necessary for the child to be sent home for a time to be determined, or removed from the preschool program altogether. The director or owner can be take the decision the child expulsion

Resources for behavioral screenings can be provided or consultation with the child’s pediatrician may be appropriate.

***Children learn behavior and language from adults. and older siblings Please be mindful of language used as children will copy what they hear around them,***

  1. Center's expectations for children's behavior and guidelines for disenrolling a child.

We believe all families deserve an opportunity for growth and guidance. The administration will document incidences and suggestions and screenings. Ultimately if the behavior does not improve significantly the family will be asked to unenroll the child from the program in order to maintain safe and quality care for all children.

J. Nutrition   

    Step By Step participates in the USDA food program, all meals breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are provided for free.. It includes nutrition education that will extend from school to home, gardening and increased physical activities. We will provide additional information to you.

A weekly menu will be posted at the entrance of the school. Upon enrollment, please notify the administration and the teacher of any food allergies or restrictions your child has. If your child has allergies, an alternative meal may be provided by the parent with a note from the doctor as to your child’s allergies. Parents must provide a healthy lunch for their children.  This obligation is enforced by the State Department of Agriculture.

No Outside food is allowed--  Exceptions for Healthy celebrations  See Approved food list below.

Birthday and holiday celebrations are a time to continue the healthy eating example.

Fruit platters ( Character platters are fun),baked chips or crackers, yogurt, hummus, Nutella, Jello, veggies with dressing, cream cheese spreads, popcorn ( low butter) ,100% fruit juice, ice cream, muffins or cupcakes with very light icing.

Meals: Tuition includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks. Breakfast is served between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. daily. If your child arrives later, please make sure that he/she has already eaten breakfast.

   K. TV and Video Policy

Step By Step Learning Academy  currently has very limited use of televisions in the classroom. The school has a policy that provides the use of video viewing occasionally for educational

materials (ex. live feed of shuttle lift off) or for special occasions and or possibly a movie the day during summer camp.

L. Security: 

Checking in and out your child is of extreme importance and mandatory for you, your child and our associates. Step By Step Learning Academy has procedures in place for proper pick-up and drop-off of the children in our care. Ask the front desk for more information on the Brightwheel app.

M. The center's policy of  Releasing a child to an Intoxicated Individual.

Children will not be released to any adult who is intoxicated or impaired.The Safety of our children is paramount.

 N. Abuse Reporting 

The State of Florida requires that all members of child care institutions be on the lookout for, and report to the State, any and all cases of abuse to a child. Step By Step Learning Academy is and therefore, obligated to report to the State any suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect.

The State of Florida requires that all members of child care institutions be on the lookout for, and report to the State, any and all cases of abuse to a child. Step By Step Learning Academy is and therefore, obligated to report to the State any suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect.

Incident Report 

Clothing, Toys and Valuables 

Children should wear clothes and shoes that are comfortable and not restrictive. Please keep in mind, children will be painting, playing inside and outside, and they will get dirty. Clothes that are easy for children to remove will make it easier for them when using the bathroom and will help prevent accidents.

Teachers may have a day where they will do a show-and-tell, for the three and four year olds. Your child may bring a toy or book to share. Please do not allow your child to bring toys on other days. We do not allow toy guns, war toys or toys of violence to be brought to school at any time.

We do not allow chewing gum on school property. Children should not wear jewelry for safety reasons and the possibility of losing it. We are not responsible for the loss of valuables. Please do not send your child to the Academy with jewelry or toys that are valuable.

Supplies Needed     A $5 fee per diaper or wipes packet will apply if parent does not provide enough for the child

One year olds: 5 or more diapers (daily), wipes, ointment (note from doctor), two changes of clothing, fitted sheet, blanket and bibs and a box of gallon size Ziploc bags.

Two year olds: , 5 pull-ups, wipes, two changes of clothing, fitted sheet, blanket, and a box of gallon sized Ziploc bags.

Three year old – Pre-K: two changes of clothing, fitted sheet , blanket and a box of gallon size Ziploc bags.  If your child is still in diapers potty training your tuition will reflect 2 year old tuition. 5 diapers are needed per day.

4-C Parents 

4-C only allows three absences each month per child. If your child exceeds the three allowed absences, you will be responsible for paying your tuition as well as 4C’s tuition. In the event that your child will be missing more than three days due to special circumstances, such as being hospitalized, death in the family, or a shared custody situation, you are responsible for notifying 4C so your contract will not be dropped. 4C has the right to terminate your childcare benefits if you have any outstanding balances at our center.

There are no discounts due to absences, illness or vacation time. It is the parents responsible to renew and keep all information up to date so that benefit for your child does not get interrupted. Any payment not paid by 4C is the parents’ responsibility. Be aware a 10 day letter will be sent to 4C when the 1st week of tuition is overdue.  

If there is a situation beyond your control please make the director aware immediately for a possible solution.


Our curriculum is based on unit themes and developmentally appropriate goals and objectives.. Each week or few weeks, we have a different theme such as: seasons, animals, community

helpers or holidays. Activities, stories, songs, and artwork are planned using these themes. We incorporate basic cognitive skills such as colors, shapes, alphabet and numbers into the unit themes. We are structured and yet flexible to allow children to explore and learn.

Our one and two year old students concentrate on gross physical development, vocabulary and good self-esteem.

As the children begin to turn three and four, more structure is implemented, especially for the four year olds, where eye-hand coordination becomes an essential tool in their first years of school.

The VPK program will be using Florida VPK Standards to help them achieve expected outcomes. The focus will be on social emotional development, Print knowledge, Oral Language and vocabulary, phonological awareness and math concepts. Parent involvement is stressed and encouraged. These are the most important years in a person’s education and will help lead good foundations for their future educational career.

At Step By Step Learning Academy, social skills are an important part of the curriculum.  Manners and basis health skills are taught along with basic bible stories, prayer, song and respect and consideration toward their neighbors. With these things in mind we are enabling a positive environment where children can grow up to be all that they can be.


Where Children learn one step at a time .

  Acknowledgement and Receipt of Parent Handbook 

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of Step By Step Learning Academy Parent Handbook. I understand that it contains important information on the school’s general policies. I understand this Parent Handbook is not intended to cover every situation that may arise, but simply serves as a general guide to the school policies.

I understand that it is my responsibility to familiarize myself with the materials and that I agree with the provision and any other policies or rules of Step By Step Learning Academy.

Please be advised of and initial statements:

Child’s Name:


Parent or Guardian’s


Signature:__________________________      Date ____________