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Responsible Officer: Director Disability Resource Center & Associate Director of BenefitsPortland State University logo

Responsible Office: Disability Resource Center & Human Resources
Draft Version: 02.27.14


  1. Policy Statement

Portland State University (PSU) is committed to complying with the law requiring equal employment and education opportunities to all qualified individuals.

  1. Reason for Policy/Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:


•        PSU students with disabilities are provided with reasonable accommodations that give them the opportunity for equal access to educational programs, activities, services, and university life. Prospective students are provided with reasonable accommodations to assist them in the application process.

•        PSU employees with disabilities are provided with reasonable accommodations to allow them to perform the essential functions of their jobs.  

•        Applicants for employment at PSU with disabilities are provided with reasonable accommodations to assist them in the application and hiring process.  

•        Members of the public who require accommodations are provided with reasonable accommodations to access PSU facilities or to participate in PSU-sponsored events or activities.

  1. Applicability

This policy applies to all students (including prospective, undergraduate and graduate), employees (faculty and staff), applicants for employment or admission, and members of the public.

  1. Definitions

Disability.  A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act at 42 U.S.C. Section 12102, and as defined by the Federal Fair Housing Act at 42 U.S.C. Section 3602 for accommodations made in University Housing. Examples of major life activities include: self-care, performing manual tasks, walking, talking, hearing, seeing, breathing, working, and learning.  

Interactive Process.  The interactive process is an informational exchange, typically between the following individuals, in order to identify potential reasonable accommodations:  

•        The student/applicant, faculty member, and Disability Resource Center (DRC);


•        The employee/applicant, supervisor, and Human Resources (HR); or  

•        The member of the public, DRC, and appropriate PSU faculty or staff.


When a reasonable accommodation is not readily identifiable, the interactive process identifies the nature of the limitations resulting from the disability and how those limitations are or are not relevant to potential reasonable accommodations.  

Reasonable Accommodation.  A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a policy, procedure, or practice, or auxiliary aid or service, provided to a qualified person with a disability to enable the person to a) participate in educational programs and activities; b) perform the essential functions of a job; c) apply for admissions or apply and interview for employment; d) access PSU facilities and events; or e) have equal use and enjoyment of University Housing.


For example, depending on the circumstances, a reasonable accommodation could include making an existing facility readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities; job restructuring for an employee; allowing an employee a part-time or modified work schedule or transfer to a vacant position; acquisition or modification of equipment or devices; appropriate adjustment or modification of examinations, training materials, or policies; modification to academic requirements that are not essential or directly related to licensing requirements; the provision of auxiliary aids such as qualified readers, interpreters or note takers; allowing a support animal to reside in University Housing, and other similar accommodations for persons with disabilities. 

  1. Policy / Procedure

1.        Policy 

PSU is committed to reasonably accommodating people with disabilities in compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Requests for accommodations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

2.        Requesting an Accommodation   

2.1        For Current & Prospective Students.  Unless otherwise stated below, any current or prospective student who has a disability and requires a reasonable accommodation is required to register with the DRC. A student who approaches a professor or instructor for an accommodation should be referred to the Accommodations Coordinator in the DRC. Prospective students requiring reasonable accommodations to complete the application for admissions should also contact the DRC.


To enable PSU to assess whether a student might be eligible for an accommodation and which accommodations may be reasonable, the DRC may require a student to provide documentation of his or her impairment and information about limitations resulting from the impairment, except for service animals as noted below.  

2.1(a) Request for University Housing Accommodations.  Except in the case of students using service animals, students who will need an accommodation for University Housing are required to register with the DRC.  

2.1(b) Assistance Animals (Service and Support Animals).  A student with a disability who is accompanied by a service animal (in University Housing or elsewhere on campus) but does not want any disability-related accommodations or services is encouraged, but not required, to register with the DRC. Students who intend to live with a service animal in University Housing should notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life as soon as practically possible to aid PSU in housing logistics and planning (i.e. roommate matching). (See Section 4.03 of PSU's Housing Handbook and PSU's Assistance Animal Policy.)

Students who seek a support animal (i.e. emotional support) as an accommodation for a disability (academic or housing) must register with the DRC and request the support animal accommodation as soon as practically possible.  (See Section 4.04 of PSU's Housing Handbook).

2.2        For Employees (Faculty & Staff).  Any employee who has a disability and requires one or more reasonable accommodations to perform the essential functions of his or her job should request such accommodations from HR. An employee who approaches a Supervisor for an accommodation should be referred to HR. To enable PSU to assess whether an employee might be entitled to an accommodation and whether certain accommodations are reasonable, an employee will typically be required to provide documentation of his or her impairment and information about limitations resulting from the impairment.  

2.3        For Candidates for Employment.  If a candidate for employment requires reasonable accommodations to participate in the application, interview, or hiring process, the candidate should make a request for reasonable accommodations to the hiring department, or the secretary or chair of the search committee. The candidate may also contact HR for assistance. The hiring department or secretary or chair of the search committee must consult with HR regarding requested accommodations.  

2.4        For Members of the Public.  Members of the public who require reasonable accommodations to participate in a PSU sponsored program, service, or activity should contact the Conference & Events Office or the DRC to make the request directly. The Conference & Events Office must consult with the DRC with regard to requested accommodations. To determine what reasonable accommodation will be provided, each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, depending on such factors as the nature of the disability and the type of event or activity.

2.4a Publicizing PSU-Sponsored Events.  All PSU offices, student organizations, programs, or departments, when publicizing PSU-sponsored public events, are responsible for including the Conference & Events Office and the DRC's contact information for people who wish to request reasonable accommodations.  

Appropriate wording to include in PR materials is as follows: "Requests for reasonable accommodations may be made to Conference & Events Office, (503) 725-CONF, e-mail: or the Disability Resource Center, (503) 725-4150, e-mail: In order to ensure that reasonable accommodations can be provided in time for this event, please make your requests as soon as possible."

3.        Responding to Accommodation Requests.  The DRC will respond to a student request for accommodation within 14 days of having received the request and any supporting documentation (if documentation was requested).  If additional time beyond 14 days is needed for the interactive process, the DRC will contact the student to notify him or her of the status of the request.  Accommodation requests will not be unreasonably delayed.  The DRC's determination regarding any such accommodation is binding on all PSU faculty, staff, and employees. If the DRC denies the request for accommodation, such denial will be provided in writing to the student or employee, along with notice as to how a complaint may be made.

4.        Resolving Disagreements/Filing a Complaint.  If a current or prospective student, employee, candidate for employment, or member of the public disagrees with the determination and/or proposed accommodation after engaging in the interactive process, then the person may contact the Office of Equity & Compliance. Anyone who wishes to file a complaint involving prohibited discrimination and/or harassment based on disability (or any other protected class) may also contact the Office of Equity & Compliance. Students with concerns about potential discrimination may also contact the United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 915 Second Avenue, Room 3310, Seattle, WA 98174-1099; the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development by phone at (800)-877-0246, or on the web at (and click on "Housing Discrimination"); or the United States Department of Justice, Disability Rights Section by email at, or on the web  at  

5.        Confidentiality.  All PSU employees have an obligation to maintain confidentiality regarding the disability-related information of students, staff, applicants for employment or admission, and members of the public. Accordingly, the DRC and HR may provide information to faculty and staff only when necessary to facilitate the interactive process or provide an accommodation.

  1. Links To Related Forms

Students who wish to receive services must register with the DRC:  

Students with documented disabilities who are registered with the DRC need to fill out a service request form each term in order to receive services from the DRC. Students should go to DRC Online Services to fill out the service request form. Students who have questions about DRC Online, may go to tutorials and FAQs or call (503) 725-4150.

University housing forms:

a.        To Request Approval for a Support Animal ›› University Housing

Disability Services Request

b.        To Request Disability Accommodations ››  

c.        To Request Housing Dietary Accommodations ››  

  1. Links To Related Policies, Procedures or Information

PSU's policies regarding service animals and support animals may be found on the Office of Equity & Compliance (OEC) website:   

PSU's policy regarding prohibited discrimination and harassment may be found on the OEC website:   

  1. Contacts

For students & prospective students: 


DRC, 116 Smith Memorial Student Union, 1825 SW Broadway  

Telephone: (503) 725-4150; TTY/Relay: (503) 725-6504; E-mail: 

For employees (faculty & staff), applicants, and members of the public: 

HR, Suite 518, Market Center Building, 1600 SW 4th Avenue  

Telephone: (503) 725-4926; TTY: (503) 725-6503; E-mail: 

For all other questions, concerns, and assistance in resolving a disagreement or to file a complaint: 


OEC, Suite 830, Market Center Building, 1600 SW 4th Avenue  Telephone: (503) 725-5919; E-mail: 

  1. History/Revision Dates

Adoption Date:                August 15, 2012

Revision Date:                February 27, 2014

Next Review Date:        February 27, 2019

 – Reasonable Accommodation/Access Policy