Last revised: 2023-03-14
What is “I HOPE THIS HELPS”? 2
Does participating in this project give me access to mental health services or other help? 3
What should I do if I start to feel my mental health is being impacted by participating? 3
What happens if I change my mind about participating? 3
Are there any rules for what I can or cannot submit? 3
What are the technical limits on my video submissions? 4
Can I also post my material to a social media platform? 4
Does my submission need to be in English? (And does it need subtitles if not?) 4
Do I need to edit my submission into a completed film? 4
Does my video have to be documentary? Can it be audio only, fiction or animation? 5
How old do I need to be to participate? 5
Do I need permission to record other people in my video? 5
What about filming lots of people in crowded places? 5
Do I need permission to shoot at particular locations? 6
What do I need to know about recording sound? 6
Do I need to add a “I HOPE THIS HELPS” title/logo on my footage? 7
Can I film on my smartphone? 7
Which video formats can I submit? 7
Is vlogging okay? Can I talk to my camera? 7
Is there anything else I need to think about when filming? 7
Can I submit footage that makes political statements? 8
Will you use footage from everyone who submits a video? 8
How will you determine which videos will be included in the feature film? 8
What happens if my video is selected for the film? 8
Will I be paid if my footage is used in the feature film? 9
Who owns my video if it’s selected to be in the film? 9
What happens to my video if it’s not selected for the film? 9
When and where can I see the finished film? 9
What am I signing up to when I agree to the Terms and Conditions? 9
What is the Data Protection Notice all about? 10
What if I have complaints about anyone from the Production Team that I’m dealing with? 10
I HOPE THIS HOPES is a crowd-sourced documentary feature film project. It asks anyone to submit videos to the I HOPE THIS HELPS WEBSITE. All submissions will be considered and selected submissions will be edited together to create a documentary feature film.
What is the purpose of the project?
The aim of this project is to make a beautiful film that creates change: by sharing stories that help viewers through their own journey; by destigmatising mental health in society; and by inspiring new research into things that can make a difference.
I HOPE THIS HELPS is being produced by London based production company Many Particulars Ltd. The project was commissioned by Wellcome. It is part of ‘Mindscapes’, an international cultural programme to support a transformation in how we understand, address and talk about mental health.
Wellcome is a global charitable foundation using science to solve urgent health challenges. They have sponsored the making of this film. Find out more about Wellcome here: https://wellcome.org/
No. We are filmmakers only and DO NOT provide mental health services. So it is important you consider whether you have the ability to be involved. We ask that you continue to rely on your support network and mental health professionals as required. You can always withdraw or pause your involvement.
If you find that taking part is having a negative affect on your mental health, remember your mental health is more important than this project.
If you change your mind about being involved with the project you can email contact@ihopethishelpsfilm.com to discuss your concerns or opt out altogether. At a certain point, the film will be locked and we will be unable to re-edit the film to remove your video, we will be sure to let you know when that is closer to the time should you email us with this request.
We encourage you to film your world however you see it and we understand that this might result in content which may be difficult to watch. We want honest and frank footage. This is important in raising the level of conversation in the world around mental health.
You should not submit material which is “unsafe”.
We consider UNSAFE content to mean videos which:
Receiving this kind of material may give rise to the possibility of us taking further action to ensure your safety or the safety of others or in some cases may trigger the need for us to report a crime to local authorities. We will balance this against our understanding that discussion of mental health for some can be upsetting to share and to watch. This material will not be excluded because it is challenging.
Submissions must be your own work and cannot contain any third-party content.
You must also get the permission from the people you feature in your film to film them BEFORE you submit your film. You can use this Appearance Release gadget.
Your videos can be any length and in any language. You can upload a single large file or multiple smaller files (up to 20 each time). The maximum individual file size is 4GB.
Yes absolutely. You own your material, we only seek the right to use your material in our film on a non-exclusive basis. But be aware of the sensitive material your video may reveal about you and whether there might be any negative legal or social or cultural impacts on you by doing this.
There’s no need to subtitle your footage, but if possible, please include a title card before the video denoting the language and country of origin. If your video is included in the film, it will be subtitled into multiple languages.
No. The production team wants your raw footage, out of which to create a single coherent film. Please do not edit it, compress it, add music, or use filters, add stickers or special effects. You can either submit individual clips, or combine all your clips into one single file.
We anticipate that the majority of submissions will be filmed footage of real life, but we welcome alternatives. We’re asking you to document your own experience of your mental health and what helps and you can do that in the way you think is best - it’s up to you!
We'll be sharing different ways to participate over the coming months. Here are two ideas to get you started.
Whether it’s spending time in nature, talking to a friend or a practice that gets you through the day. Show us what helps you navigate your mental health.
No moment is too big, too small, or too mundane not to share. Whether you're having a good day or a tough day, pick a moment and go from there.
You must be at least the age of legal majority in your country, usually 18 but it might be older so check this out in your territory. If you are under the age of legal majority in your country we are sorry but you are not eligible to participate.
Yes, you do need permission to include other people in your video. We provide an easy way to ask people for their permissions here. Children/minors will need a parent or legal guardian to sign on their behalf. Legal issues relating to filming crowds and street scenes vary from country to country. You should do some research to find out what these legal issues are in your territory.
You generally only need to get permission from those people who have a prominent role, who talk to camera, or who are being interviewed or feature in your video in a significant way (e.g. zooming in for a close-up on someone doing something, even if they are strangers to you). Mostly, you will not need permission from people passing in the background of a scene, as long as the images you take of people aren’t offensive or invade someone’s privacy and they are not significant features of your video. But this is not the case in every country. Do the best you can and we will review the footage to see whether we are able to use it or not. To be on the safe side, get people to provide a release using http://releaseform.ihopethishelpsfilm.com.
Yes, as a general rule, you need permission to shoot at any location that’s not your own property, unless it’s a public space (for the most part). Again, legal issues relating to filming at locations vary from country to country. For example, you should be aware that filming certain famous landmarks or government buildings often requires special permission. If your video is included in the film, we may have to ask you to show us some evidence in writing that you had permission to film at the relevant location.
Please avoid the use of music within your submission, such as music on the radio or in a public place. If you submit footage with music, it is unlikely we will be able to use it.
It's important to think about the audio on your video, as sound recording often affects the overall quality of a video. Good sound quality will make it more likely that we’re able to use your footage in the final film. If possible, it would be great to enhance your recording by using external microphones, in addition to those built-in to most cameras and phones.
There's a lot of helpful advice available on YouTube - search for "better sound on your video") or try these:
If you don’t have any additional way of recording (and monitoring) sound, please be aware of the following:
1) The built-in microphone on your camera will struggle to record usable sound if your subject is any further than 3 feet away from the camera.
2) Be aware of the background noise – try and record somewhere quiet, if possible. If recording inside, ideally find a place with good acoustics (try to avoid rooms with echo)
3) Avoid touching the microphone and think about where it’s positioned in relation to your subject.
4) Watch out for wind when you’re outside. The sound of wind can drown out whatever sound you are trying to capture.
No. We’d like raw footage please. Please do not add the film title as displayed on the I Hope this Helps website. Please do not edit or add titles to your footage.
Yes, you can film on your phone. Remember to hold the phone horizontally, NOT vertically (landscape NOT portrait). The video image will translate much better to a big screen that way.
We can accept the following file formats: 3GP, .AVI, .DV, .M2TS, .M2V, .M4V, .MKV, .MOV, .MP4, .MPEG, .MPG, .MTS, .MXF, .OGV, .WEBM and .WMV
Don’t convert your footage if you don’t have to. If you do, we recommend QuickTime 1080p H264 4Mbps.
Remember to keep your original material!
Vlogging is definitely okay and can sometimes be the best way to share exactly how you’re feeling. That said, “showing” is usually more compelling than “telling,” so we’d encourage you to complement vlogs with active footage: for example, don’t tell us about your train journey that day, take your camera or smartphone on the train with you.
We are open to receive any footage that helps communicate your perspective on the world. Often the best way to talk about important issues is through personal, human stories.
Please note that some opinions you share eg your political opinions are considered sensitive personal information under data protection laws in the UK (and elsewhere). We have procedures in place to protect all of your personal information and keep it secure. But please note, when you reveal sensitive personal information on camera in your video(s) you consent to sharing this to a potentially wide audience in the final film itself. You should think about what this might mean for you in your life and in your community.
You can read more in our DPN.
No. The final film will be made up of a selection of the most distinctive and compelling videos submitted; those which best contribute to the overarching narrative of the film.
We are considering creating an archive of all submissions sent to us for the project. But we would ask you first if you would like your material to be included in this archive.
After you've submitted your video(s) to I HOPE THIS HELPS, the filmmaking team and directors will review the footage and select footage for inclusion in the film.
If your video is in consideration for the final film, you will be contacted by I HOPE THIS HELPS Project Team by email.
You may also be asked to send the I HOPE THIS HELPS Project Team the raw, uncompressed files of your footage so that, if selected, the highest-quality version of your content will be included in the final film.
No, there is no monetary payment for contributing or being selected.
Contributors to the final film will be credited as “co-director”.
You will retain ownership of your video. You only agree in the www.ihopethishelpsfilm.com/termsandconditions to grant the production company of the film the non-exclusive right to include your video in the film in perpetuity.
If your footage is not used in a way connected to the film (including on any website relating to the film), the production company has no further rights to use your footage.
We’ll endeavour to notify you before the release of the finished film.
We’ll keep you updated on the exact date of the film’s premiere on the I HOPE THIS HELPS website.
There is no substitute for reading a legal document from beginning to end. In summary the Terms and Conditions are an agreement between us and you which sets out the basis for your participation in this project - what our rights are, what you are signing up to. For example, it sets out what you are saying about your work: that it is original to you (and not made by someone else) and that we have the non-exclusive right to use edited parts of your videos in our film (including promoting the film) for which you will receive a credit in the end roller of the film.
The Data Protection Notice is all about your privacy. It sets out what we do with the personal information you provide to us and how we protect it. It also sets out the legal basis on which we rely in order to use that information. In summary, we retain the minimum information required, eg your email address or phone number, so that we can contact you about your footage and participation in the project.
We keep all information you provide stored in a secure fashion and do not share it with anyone outside our organisation unless required by law.
The notice also acknowledges that you may also share with us sensitive personal information in the content of your video such as information about your sexuality or matters of health (meaning mental health). Under law, this requires express consent from you to consider and use your videos as contemplated by this project. You gave us that consent when you submitted your footage.
Generally speaking, we will only pass on your information to third parties if required by law for example, if we believe someone is at risk of serious harm or involved in potentially criminal activity.
Please see our DPN for more information.
We take complaints very seriously. Please email your complaint with as much information as possible to legal@ihopethishelpsfilm.com