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Advising Director Job Description
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Advising Director Position

Description: The PLAN Team is seeking to hire a new core team member to oversee the growth and development of our student advising system. This position will focus on deepening relationships with students and staff in our campus network through regular digital connections as well as in-person meet ups. We are seeking an individual who will facilitate the development of a system for the expansion of our advising capacity. The application deadline has been extended to November 28th.


This is a high level position that will be tasked with responsibilities that range from upkeep and execution to envisioning and facilitating project innovation and growth. As a core team member, this position will join our team of Directors in holding both Position Specific roles as well as Core Team responsibilities. Both are explained further below:

Position Specific:

  1. Oversee all campus advising. This includes becoming the primary point of contact for all advising as well as overseeing the upkeep of a relationship tracking database (such as a CRM) and facilitating full team involvement in line with existing core team responsibilities.
  2. Work with the Director of Education to identify trends in the work that campuses are doing in order to offer the most relevant tools and resources to our network.
  3. Collaborate with all programming staff to facilitate the retention of students following engagement in PLAN’s other programming and resources, such as event attendees, fellows from the Atlas and STOP programming, and individuals who use the Member Hub resources.
  4. Deepen relationships with member campuses with annual check-ins, supporting the spread of membership resources across campus and coordinating in-person visits.
  5. Promote student work and campus membership on PLAN’s media platforms by collaborating with the Communications Director and Creative Social Media Intern.
  6. Collaborate on fundraising efforts as related to advising.
  7. Facilitate the growth and development of advising systems:
  1. Chair the Campus Advising Committee to lead team conversations on improvements to the advising system in line with our current Strategic Plan
  2. Explore the development of semesterly or year-long cohort models for PLAN to support student leaders on different campuses working on similar zero waste initiatives
  3. Develop systems for expanding our advising expertise such as peer to peer advising and/or contracting advising support
  4. Explore the establishment of positions to support increased advising capacity as needed

Core Team: As a team that values collaboration we have developed a system for creating shared expectations. The abbreviated list of responsibilities below are outlined in extensive detail in an internal document for the team to reference as needed, which ensures all team members are able to balance core responsibilities with their position specific responsibilities.

  1. Network Management: All staff participate in a variety of programming that supports a healthy network. This includes: student advising and membership calls, participation in campus speaking events, supporting PLAN’s annual events (Students for Zero Waste Conference and Beyond Waste Summits), co-facilitation for digital training and Atlas sessions.
  2. Organizational Administration: As a leader in a specific area of the organization, all core team members are expected to represent their area of work in the following collaborative processes: creating, reading and voting on proposals for org wide decision making, annual review of PLAN’s policies, budgeting, impact reporting and hiring when relevant.
  3. Team Collaboration and Development: Over the years we have built systems of communication, collaboration and development that support us in working better as a team. All core staff members attend and sometimes facilitate weekly full team meetings, as-needed small team and committee meetings, and bi-annual staff retreats. Additionally all core team members must participate in development, which includes: annual individual staff evaluations and training, full team team training and conflict resolution as needed.

Preferred skills and experience

Ideal candidates for this position will demonstrate a passion for supporting student leadership, an understanding of zero waste and environmental justice, and strong creative problem solving skills. Additional preferred skills and experience include:


How to Apply

Apply Here!