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Bodysuit Repair Shop
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

As a former bodysuit Mechanic yourself, you’re a bit wary going in for repairs knowing how much control you'd have to give up, but you’re stuck in this suit and know there’s strict laws that would severely punish any Mechanic for taking advantage of you.

You’ve been living out your dream as a petite twenty something year old for the past few years, but this morning when you tried getting out of the suit to take a shower you found you were stuck. You immediately called the repair line, nervously panting in your sexy voice as you waited on hold for an agent. You explained the situation to him and arranged an appointment for today, hoping it would be a quick fix that wouldn't affect your schedule.

The body shop is empty and a slow moving Mechanic takes you to a back room, turning on the camera like normal procedure as he closes the door behind the two of you. You give up full control with a deep breath, and your body shuts down as the Mechanic begins tinkering with the wires in your forehead. The bright lights of your young vision dim as your real eyesight takes over, and you prepare to black out as the Mechanic closes your forehead shut.

Your mind stays awake though, and you desperately try to let the Mechanic know that you aren't in the anesthesia-like coma you’re worked on body is supposed to go into. Your body stays still as your thoughts race, and you prepare yourself for the unimaginable pain that you would now have to experience from being ripped out of your body suit. Instead, the Mechanic spits out a line of code, and your bodysuit whirs back to life.

Bright lights fill your vision again, and you feel the weight of your breasts as your pained joints numb and meld into the young appendages of the bodysuit.

“Activate” The Mechanic says, smirking as you feel your body start moving on its own.

The feeling is so weird you get caught up in it instead of worrying about why your body is on autopilot, and you don't even notice that your mouth is speaking till you focus on your face.

“My pussy needs to be filled, master…” Your voice rings out seductively, making the Mechanic’s pants bulge instantly.

He puts a finger to your lips, shushing you as he slips his hand under your dress and moves your panties to the side. Your body doesn't flinch as his finger press the intricate code in your pussy to unlock admin level body customizations, and a faint moan escapes your lips as a voice in your head says you're about to be 20 pounds heavier.

Your slim, petite body fills out, and you feel your thighs change direction slightly as your pelvis restructures. A smirk crawls across the Mechanic's face as your hips begin stretching outward, and you feel your ass cheeks swell as your pussy tightens around the Mechanic's nimble fingers.

You can't help but be in awe of his skill as he takes advantage of you and breaks the law, almost forgetting about the odd scenario you've been put into.

Then the voice says 'breast size increase', and you panic internally as your back arches to brace for the massive weights materializing in your chest. The increased size makes your boobs a lot more sensitive, and you fall to the ground from the overwhelming sensation as your violently ballooning tits burst through your corset-style top.

The Mechanic takes a knee and falls with you, keeping his fingers against your control panel as you lay motionless on the floor. Then the internal voice alerts you of incoming mental changes, "Slutty ditz mode active." The suit informs you.

You would yell in protest if you could, but then suddenly an incredible flash of light knocks you out. You wake up what feels like hours later, batting your eyelashes like a horny schoolgirl as you look over to the muscular hunk sitting on the couch next to you.

"Like, didn't I totally pass out on the floor?" You smile as you realize you have your movement back, but then cover your mouth in shock as you realize what just came out of your mouth.

"Like… OMG! I am sooo not trying to like, talk like this!!! My brain feels all mushy!!" You cry out, holding your head in your hands as the strong man puts his hand on your thigh.

You try not to react, but the building heat in your belly makes you giggle. The man takes this as permission to continue, and you accept it as he squeezes your thigh. This turns you on a lot more than you're expecting, and a light squeal escapes your lips as his hand moves up to your pussy.

It’s only after he touches the sensitive lips that you realize you’re totally nude, and in that moment the Mechanic whispers something in your ear that instantly gives your old self full control. You jump off the couch and run for the front door, gasping in shock when the Mechanic grabs your hand.

“You’re not going anywhere… Slut.” he says with a smirk.

You wanna slip out of his grip, but feel your body begin to gravitate toward the Mechanic’s throbbing bulge. Your mouth waters as he undresses with you still in his firm grip, but you continue to try fighting the urges washing over your body. It's no use, the word slut turned you right back into a bimbo.

"You gain control back once this mode is active, but there's not much you can really do with such limited brain capacity! Heck, you probably don't even understand what I'm saying!!" The Mechanic laughs, making you laugh with him ditzily as your inner self struggles to swim through the muddled pool of girly mush.

The Mechanic laughs when he sees the look of obedient acceptance in your eyes, and whispers another command in your ear, "Come back".

You gain full control of your body again, and try turning around to run from the deranged Mechanic. He grabs you by the neck, pulling your weak body in as you struggle against his grip. The tip of his cock spreads your folds open, and you gasp in shocked arousal as he slowly glides his shaft up your wet pussy. The instant his cock fills you, you feel a waterfall of bliss pour over you as your own genitals merge with the suit.

"I put the suit in permanent mode, so after I cum in you once you'll be addicted to my cock. I never really studied the suit internals too much, so I don't know if you'll be stuck as this woman forever after that. I do know that you'll never do anything again without my permission, so you may as well be stuck as this fine piece of ass forever! And after I come in you next time, your male mind will be lost forever. Maybe I'll change the suit back to your old body after that, just to see your bimbo mind react to being an old man!!" The Mechanic laughs as he thrusts into you, choking your neck as he maniacally whispers in your ear.

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You desperately try to free yourself, but feel the Mechanic's engorged cock swell for a brief moment as he pulls you close. Your squirming quickly stops as you feel the first burst of cum hit you, and you cry out lustfully as he pumps you full of his seed.

He then let's you go, dropping you to the ground as your body chemistry changes completely. You feel your manhood split open, merging with the neural network of the suit as your eyes roll back in your head. Your body slowly becomes one with the suit, and you know that you'll never be able to leave it again.

Next thing you know a searing pain shoots through your body, and you hold on to your belly as the pain turns into intense craving. You learn what this craving is when you look back to the Mechanic's growing erection, and it drowns all your thoughts out.

You crawl over to the glistening erection, mouth open as your ass cheeks sway from side to side behind you. The Mechanic tells you he is now your master, and master needs a girl with a bigger ass. You beg your now smirking master to enhance your body, allowing you to fulfill his destiny and have him be even more attracted to you.

He smiles and puts his finger in your ass, making you moan in ecstasy as he moves in a rhythmic fashion. Suddenly you hear a computerized 'Ding' in your head, and your ass slowly inflates as the Mechanic takes his finger out. You jump up and grab at the growing mass behind you, giggling like a schoolgirl when you see master's cravenous stares and throbbing erection.

"Bigger boobies please!!" You exclaim, pinching your nipples and pouting for master.

"I'll do better than that!" The Mechanic laughs, picking your light body up and squeezing your new plush ass.

You cry out from the feeling of fat sucking out of your ass, and moan orgasmically as gallons of fat fill your petite body. You feel your chest quickly fill as your stomach becomes pudgy, and your voice becomes even sexier as your throat squeezes your vocal chords from the sudden weight gain. The Mechanic struggles to hold you upright, letting you slip down and impaling you on his throbbing cock.

Your screams get caught in your throat as your body jiggles and bounces, your tiny hands holding on for dear life as your giant boobs swing to and fro. The Mechanic’s hands squeeze your inflating thighs, and the harder he squeezes the faster they grow. He laughs as you gasp, your pussy becoming unnaturally tight around his throbbing cock as your plush body fills with fat.

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Your old life is forgotten as the Mechanic pumps his load into you for a second time, and you kiss him passionately as he holds your body against his.

You no longer think about anything but pleasing your master, and you can only giggle as he calmly takes the tape out of the recording security camera.

“As the owner of this place, I’m kinda the ethics and morals guy.” He laughs, breaking the old video cassette in half.