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A Quick Announcement and Some Thank Yous!
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A Quick Announcement and Some Thank Yous!

Transcriber: Mason

ALI: Hey everyone, it’s Ali here. We are taking a week off this week but instead of leaving this feed empty, I wanted to take this opportunity to make an announcement and just to speak candidly for a little bit and not as Aria or, as stressed as you guys usually hear me on the show.

ALI: First of all, on behalf of everyone here at Friends at the Table, I just wanna say thank you so much for listening and for supporting us. Making COUNTER/weight has been really, really incredible and so much of that experience for us in the last year has been seeing people’s reactions to it and all the fanart, all the amazing, amazing fanart.

ALI: So seriously, thank you to everyone who listened, who reached out to us, who got mad at us, who, liked this weird thing that we did. It-- it was-- it was amazing to make, like it’s a think I do with my best friends and it’s awesome, but it’s also just, like, incredible knowing that we made a story that, you know, people really liked and that inspired people to create their own art and, you know, that people made friends over this and, I, the community that has build up around our show in the last season has been just incredible. So, so thank you, so so much for that.

ALI: I’m also here to announce that we are doing a live post-mortem for COUNTER/weight. We’ll be streaming it over at on Tuesday, June 21 at 7pm Eastern Time. Again that’s We’re going to be taking audience questions, so if you have something you’d like to say or like to ask us, you have two options, but these are the only two options.  Please only send them to this two places.

ALI: You can either send us an email at or you can send a, a direct message, a DM as the kids say, to our twitter account @friends_table. Please feel free to send in questions, even if you don’t think you’re going to be watching the livestream, because we’re gonna be recording it and putting it up on the feed on Thursday, just so nobody, y’know misses out so, again, if you have any questions you want to ask, you can send an email to, all one word, no underscores, nothing; or you can send a DM to friends_table, which is our twitter account.

ALI: And if you like, you should definitely be following us over there because we-- we kind of use that space to make announcements, and to retweet the amazing fanart that we get, I’m just gonna take another minute to thank our fan artists who just do incredible work and to be adding a visual element to this audio podcast has been just really great and it makes us so happy and you are all so talented and, and thank you so, so, so much.

ALI: We also owe a shout-out to the team over at, which is a-- a wiki that was made for the show that sometimes we used? That’s, a really weird sentence to say out loud but it was, it’s a really great resource. A huge thank you to, to Lizzy and Corey and the rest of the team there. It’s-- it’s really amazing that you guys made that, and we know that you had to put in a tonne of work for that so, just thank you so much.

ALI: Now that the, the book of COUNTER/weight is essentially closed, I just want to take this time to go through the list of games that we played one more time and to thank the creators, we really and truly would not have been able to do this without those systems.

ALI: So thank you to Ben Robbins who wrote both Kingdom and Microscope. Kingdom was the game that we used for this season’s Holiday Special and Microscope was a game that we used both for world-building and that was used a little bit in our Faction Game. In our Faction Game we also used Stars Without Number by Kevin Crawford.

ALI: For what we like to call our Ground Game, we started with MechNoir by Jeremy Keller and then switched to The Sprawl by Hamish Cameron. We wouldn’t have been able to create the characters that we did without thinking of them in a context that MechNoir  asked us to and switching to The Sprawl really made that part of the show really come together in a way that it wouldn’t have otherwise. Both those systems are amazing, so thank you again to Jeremy and Hamish there.

ALI: Also thank you to Vincent Baker who is the writer of Mobile Frame Zero: FireBrands which was the game we played in our finale. And last but certainly not least, there is also a little unreleased game called The Tower that we played in COUNTER/weight’s episode 27: An Animal Without Context* that was developed by Austin Walker and Jack de Quidt.

ALI: While I have opportunity, I should also take a minute to thank Jack for writing and recording all  of the show’s music. The-- the best example that I have to point to to show how COUNTER/weight made the show grow is to say that, our first season had two songs and COUNTER/weight had eighteen, which is incredible. So thank you so much to Jack for that and also you can find all of our show’s music over at, ah which you should, it’s-- it’s all really good.

ALI: There’s one more shout out that I wanna make and that is to Craig Sheldon, who is the designer of our podcast covers. They are incredible, he is an incredible artist, you can find him @shoddyrobot on

ALI: Okay, so, I think that that’s it. Again, we are going to be doing a live post-mortem on June 21, which is Tuesday at 7PM Eastern Time. You’re going to find that over at We’re excited to get those questions in, so send them again to, or you can send a DM to friends_table on twitter.

ALI: Yeah, ah, thank you again, to everyone. I’ve said thank you so many times but I just want to thank everyone again for-- for listening and for supporting us. It’s, it’s been really, really, really great to make this and COUNTER/weight is over, but we’re so excited about what we’re going to be doing next, and a huge part of that is because of your support so, again, thank you.

ALI: And to force myself to stop talking, I going to say that I’m putting the music right, here. [MUSIC STARTS - “The Long Way Around” at 6:24] Have a good night everyone.

[MUSIC ENDS at 8:06]

*COUNTER/weight episode 27 is titled An Animal Out of Context