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GV - Wilson Student Parent Handbook 2018-19
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Green Valley Elementary School

Smooth dog 03

Student/Parent Handbook

2018-2019 School Year

Table of Contents






BUS SAFETY        







DRESS CODE        













ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES  (Click to access the new procedures)

The doors open for students at 8:35 AM. The instructional day begins at 8:50 AM and students are considered late if they are not in their homerooms by this time. Parents will need to walk their child into the office after 8:50 AM, sign them in, and complete a written excuse for each arrival after 8:50 AM.  

Students walking to school will enter at the main/front doors.

Between 8:15 - 9:15 am, the entrance at Green Valley Road will be for BUSES ONLY.  

Buses will be dropping off students at the side door (closest to Green Valley Road)

Student Drop-off: Parents will need to enter and exit at Faust Road.  

Once parents enter at Faust Rd, there will be two options:

Option 1. Pull into the parking lot (on your right) to park and walk your child to the front/main entrance.

Option 2. Pull forward to the front of the building to drop off your child at the curb.  After your child exits the vehicle, you will then go around the flagpole and exit at Faust Road.

At the 3:25 PM dismissal time, students are expected to go directly home after being dismissed.  

Parents that are picking up students must park their car and then stand outside of the fence along the blacktop.  ‘Parent Pick-Up and Walker’’ students will be dismissed out of the side door (closest to West) onto the blacktop area.  Once out of the building, students will be standing by grade level as well as one location for the Walkers.  When parents are located/identified, students can exit through the gate to meet the parent(s).  Please do not sit in your car and expect students to walk across the parking lot on their own.


Contacting the office. As a safety measure, you must contact the school office prior to 9:00 AM when your son/daughter will not be in school on a given day.  Please make homework requests at that time.  Later requests may not be honored (requested homework may be picked up after 3:25 PM).   Although the school office is open from 7:45 AM until 4:15 PM each day, you can call the school office at any time to leave a message on the school voicemail, ext. 2820. If we do not hear from you, you will hear from us. An automated message will be sent to your home.  We want to be sure your children are safe either at home or school.

Regular attendance at school is very important and good habits are cultivated early in life. We thank you in advance for the efforts you put forth to see that your child is in school; however, sick children will find it difficult to concentrate and learn, and should remain at home.

Early dismissals. Early dismissal of a student before 12:00 P.M. is classified as a half day absence. Students taken out of the building for over 70 minutes (at any time during the day) for an appointment will receive a half-day absence.  If a student is late or leaving during the day for a doctor/dentist appointment, a doctor’s note must accompany their return.

Absences. Compliance with school board policy requires the following:

A note is required from parents for all absences.

Any student absent for three or more consecutive days from an illness or accident not requiring a physician’s care must report to the school nurse prior to readmission.

A note for the absence(s) is required within 3 days of return to school or the absence(s) will be marked unexcused, which could result in a fine.  Kindergarten parents can now be fined for illegal absences.

Accumulation of 3 unexcused days (consecutively or not) will result in a letter from the Director of Pupil Services warning that each additional unexcused day will result in a referral to the District Magistrate which could result in a fine.  Students who are truant may be placed on a Truancy Elimination Plan.

Student absences from school for reasons other than those allowed by school board policy (allowable include: illness, death of a near relative, religious holiday) will be considered unexcused (see above for ramifications of accumulated unexcused absences).

Parents/guardians will be notified in writing when their child has accumulated seven (7) days of absence not covered by a written physician’s excuse or other approved absence to inform them that a written reason from their physician will be required for every day of absence that exceeds ten (10) days.  All uncertified days beyond the ten (10) days will be treated as an unexcused absence (see above).

Tardiness.  As per Board policy, excessive/chronic tardiness may result in making up for accumulated time.

Non-school sponsored trips. Wilson School District allows students to take up to five (5) school days per school year for a non-school sponsored trip. Please check with the office prior to the trip to complete the appropriate paperwork.  No trips will be approved during the first five (5) or the last five (5) days of a school year or during state standardized testing days (see below):

April 15-26, 2019 (grade 3, 4, 5 PSSA English Language Arts Test)

April 29 - May 3, 2019 (grade 3, 4, 5 PSSA Math Test)

April 29 - May 3, 2019 (grade 4 PSSA Science Test)

NOTE:  A non-school sponsored trip form will need to be completed for students taken out of school to go to work with their parents.  This form must be turned into the office before this day is taken.  This day (one of the 5 allowable) is considered an excused absence.



Students in grades 4 & 5 may ride their bike to school after having completed appropriate school paperwork signed by a parent. We will record bike identification, and the use of bike locks is encouraged.  As per PA state law, helmets must be worn.  Upon arrival to the school property, children must dismount their bike and walk the bike to the bike rack.  Students must use the walking path and not ride through the parking lot. The bike rack is located at the rear of the building on the playground by the dumpsters.  The district is not responsible for lost or stolen property.


Students do not celebrate birthdays in school by bringing in food or treats for other students. Individual classrooms recognize this special day within their own setting without food or individual treats (stickers, pencils, etc.) from home. However, you are always welcomed to make a contribution on behalf of your child’s special day by contributing toward a class and/or school need (such as a class or library book). Additionally, invitations for home parties are not distributed in class unless the entire class is invited.  Student home addresses may be available through the WHSA-sponsored directory, but will not be distributed by the school (see CONFIDENTIALITY section).


Riding a bus is a privilege for students. Bus students are expected to follow district safety regulations. School rules apply to student behavior at the bus stop and on the bus ride, and disregard for safety measures can result in loss of bus privileges and/or school consequences. Please be aware that students are audio and video recorded while on the bus.


Reaching the school:  The Wilson School District number is: 610-670-0180. The Green Valley Elementary office can be reached at Ext.2810.

Reaching a teacher:  If you need to speak to or meet with a teacher, please call the office first to make an appointment.  This will help to make sure the teacher is available to give you the time you need.

Information/Calendar of Events about your school and the district: This information will be available on the district website at:

District email addresses: These are the first 3 letters of the last name and the first 3 letters of the first name plus For example, Mrs. Cheryl Raffauf, the secretary, can be reached at

Calling staff:  Staff can also be reached via voicemail by dialing the district number 610-670-0180 and their extension. Please do not call classrooms directly during the school day, as it interrupts the learning process for all students.  A directory is available through the district number. Please respect that teachers will not answer nor return calls during instructional time with students.

Change in your child’s day: If this information is known at the beginning of the school day, please send a written note to your child’s classroom teacher.  If you are contacting the school with information that must be dealt with in a timely fashion (e.g. “Don’t send my daughter on the bus. I will pick her up.” Or “I cannot attend the meeting today at 2:30.”), please do not leave this message on the voicemail. Hang up and call back until you speak with someone to assure that the new information is received.  Please provide as much advance notice as possible.

Change in information: It is important and necessary to keep your contact information up-to-date.  This is all done through the Skyward system.  Please make sure any changes are made promptly in the event of an emergency with your student(s).  (If you need your Skyward login information please stop by the office with photo identification, we cannot release this information over the phone.)  For a change of address you must make an appointment by calling 610-670-0180, ext. 1152.  At this appointment, you will be required to provide documentation.  The Wilson School District has a global Skylert system, and keeping your information current helps us to best connect with you should an emergency situation arise.


Parents often wonder where to turn to with a question or concern regarding their child or other school issues. Starting with the principal or administration often requires information backtracking and can leave valuable allies out of the loop. When you are not happy with a particular situation, there are some handy guidelines listed that you should follow in addressing the issue.


No information concerning any student can be released to any other school, agency or individual until an authorized release form is signed by the parent/guardian. This means that we cannot discuss any student information (attendance, grades, contact information, assignment, behavior, etc.) with grandparents, step-parents, paramours, doctors’ offices, other parents, etc. No information can be released to parents or guardians about a child other than their own. Parents can access their child’s school records by arranging an appointment to view the record with the principal or designee. Information can be released to outside agencies if the parent completes the Release of Information form (please contact the office or you may access this form on our website).  Please allow two weeks for completion from the date of the receipt of the request.


Over the course of the school year, students will be involved in many different types of activities.  Often, these activities may be photographed or  videotaped by school personnel and/or local media.  These photographs, videotapes, or audiotapes may be used for instruction of students, staff, parents, community/district cable TV programming, web pages, social media, and community and district publications.

Should you wish your child to be excluded from the above mentioned media, please go to the Community Relations page at and complete the Photography Exclusion Form. Please note that this refusal only applies to individual photos and not large group recording at public events such as concerts, athletic competitions, etc.


When a student chooses not to follow the district-wide rules, there are consequences. Consequences will be determined by the principal and/or teachers based on the severity of the student's chosen behavior. Following, but not limited to, are a few possibilities of potential consequences, in no particular order:  

Zero tolerance policy: For the safety of your children, Wilson has adopted a zero tolerance policy for weapons in the schools. Children may not bring weapons/look-alike weapons of any kind to school (including water pistols, rubber knives, etc.). Students who break this rule may be suspended or expelled from school. Please be aware of the potential seriousness of consequences.

Terroristic threats/act - shall mean a threat to commit violence communicated with the intent to terrorize another; to cause evacuation of a building; or to cause serious public inconvenience, in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience.[5]


The board acknowledges that threats may occur through written communication, verbal communication, cellular phones, and through cyber mediums.


The Board prohibits any district student from communicating terroristic threats or committing terroristic acts directed at any student, employee, Board member, community member or school building.


Students in the Wilson School District will be encouraged and taught through a positive behavior support approach.

Creating a safe and secure learning environment is a priority.  Our goal is to develop “expected”

behavior choices in students and avoid behavior that is “unexpected” in given situations.  For elementary-

aged children this is a learning process.  All staff, as well as students, are expected to act in ways that are

Respectful, Responsible, and Resourceful when it comes to making safe choices.

The five Wilson Elementary Schools enforce these 5 important rules:

  1. Be Respectful to yourself, others, and the property of school and community.
  1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  2. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

      2.   Be Responsible with yourself and your belongings.

                  a.   Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

                  b.   Avoid arguing or fighting with one another.

      3.   Be Resourceful when you are sad or upset.

  1. Use appropriate language:  Avoid swearing, teasing, or name-calling.
  2. Tell an adult when you get upset or sad.


During the warm weather we experience at the beginning and end of the school year, we understand the need to feel comfortable. However, we do have a dress code in effect at Wilson, which restricts the wearing of tight, short, inappropriate clothing. Please take the time to check what your child has chosen to wear to school to make sure it is appropriate. Choosing to wear inappropriate or revealing attire will result in a change into extra health room attire or a call home for a change of clothes.  Please note the following:

Clothing should not be worn that displays messages promoting hate/gangs, alcohol, tobacco, drug use, violence, sexual, or inappropriate language.


We do not encourage students to bring electronic devices (iPod, cell phone, MP3 players, portable game systems, etc.) to school. However there are circumstances in which students may need to have them available for use before or after school. These items should not be out of backpacks or being utilized during the school day without teacher permission. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen property.


Occasionally, school will need to close early. Discuss this possibility with your child and make a plan of action with which your child is familiar and comfortable, so that s/he gets home safely.

The Wilson School District is fortunate to have an emergency calling system called Skylert, should the need arise to contact large groups of parents across the district. However, the system is only effective if we have your correct and updated contact information.  You may go on Skyward using your login information to change phone numbers at any time.

Should the district (or your child’s school) need to close early, open late, or not open for emergency reasons (usually inclement weather) you would receive a call alerting you to that change. You can also get that information from local TV and/or radio stations (be looking/listening for Wilson-West Lawn) or on the Wilson School District webpage ( ).


Each year we work diligently to determine student placements for the following school year. Since we consider the placement process to be one of our most important tasks, we would like to share the process with you. Student placement is determined and reviewed by a team of professionals. Each child’s academic, social and emotional growth and needs, as well as, peer relations are considered to create classes which provide each child with an educational environment that will meet his or her needs.

In view of the time and consideration taken in the placement of your child, we request that you DO NOT ask for a specific teacher placement. If you are aware of additional information that should be taken into consideration when making next year’s placement decisions, please submit this information in writing to your child’s principal no later than May 14, 2019. Please be assured that we will use our professional judgment to arrange the best match for your child.


Homework is an opportunity for students to hone and practice learned skills and/or stretch and challenge their learning.  

Long term projects or studying for tests may require students to budget their time accordingly.

Students are expected to complete assignments and/or ask for additional help if needed.

OOPS! It happens occasionally, despite classroom reminders and routine, that a student forgets homework. If she/he returns to school before 4:00 PM and if the teacher is available, the student will be required to sign in at the office before retrieving homework.


The lunch cost during this year will be $2.70 per day. Students bringing a packed lunch from home may purchase any milk for $.70. Free or reduced lunch is available to families who qualify and must be filled out each school year. You will have the opportunity to establish an account for your child’s lunch purchases which helps minimize forgotten lunch money issues.  The breakfast cost during this year will be $1.85.

Children who are allergic to milk can bring a note from a doctor verifying the allergy, and will receive juice instead of milk. A peanut-free table is available for students with allergies.

Parents or adult family members are welcome to have lunch with their children, To help us meet our healthier food initiatives, we ask that you refrain from bringing a fast food lunch for your child.  Please call the school before 9:00 if you wish to order the school lunch.  Parents shall wait in the school office until lunch starts.  In the interest of safety and security for all students, parents/guardians may not go to the playground or, in the event of indoor recess, the classroom, during recess time.

Student lunch times are:

Lunch Schedule


11:55 - 12:20


11:15 - 11:40


11:00 - 11:25


12:20 - 12:45


11:40 - 12:05


12:35 - 1:00


All medications (prescription or over-the-counter) require parent and doctor’s signatures. Also, students may not carry meds to or from school. Parents must hand-deliver medications to the school nurse. If it is impossible to hand-deliver the medication during your school nurse’s hours, special arrangements can be made with the school nurse. Medications not picked up by the parent at the end of the school year will be discarded. Refer to the district website under the School Board tab – Policies - Pupils section for detailed district information on medications, dental exams, communicable disease, illness, immunizations, and other miscellaneous medical information.  Our nurses, Mrs. Angela Chmieleski (M,W, Th) and Mrs. Romayne Keener (T, F) can be reached at Ext. 2830. Nurse hours are Monday-Friday 8:10 - 3:40.


Zero tolerance policy: For the safety of your children, Wilson has adopted a zero tolerance policy for weapons in the schools. Children may not bring weapons/look-alike weapons of any kind to school (including water pistols, rubber knives, etc.). Students who break this rule may be suspended or expelled from school. Please be aware of the potential seriousness of consequences.

Parking: Another safety issue involves parking in front of the building during the school day. If you are picking up your child from school, regardless of the time of day, you need to heed the posted signs so that your vehicle is clear from the bus/fire lane area where students are crossing, boarding or exiting school vehicles, not blocking traffic, or parked illegally along the yellow curbing.  Do not expect your child to run across the parking lot to meet you at your car. You must park and walk over to meet and walk with your child.

Forgot something? Many times during the year, parents will be coming to school to bring forgotten homework, instruments, lunch money, etc.  You must report to the office and school personnel will make every effort to see your child receives the item/s.

All visitors between the hours of 7:45 AM-4:15 PM will be required to sign in at the building office and obtain a visitor’s badge before going to classrooms or other rooms in the school building. If we are to ensure your child’s safety, we need parents to kindly cooperate with sign-in rules. You will be required to push the button on the intercom system/security panel at the front door and wait to be admitted to the school.  Please be aware you are being videotaped during this procedure. You will be stopped and questioned if you do not have a visible visitor’s pass.


Snack breaks MAY be taken as scheduled by the teacher. These daily snacks are brought from home and should include nutritious options.

In accordance with School Board policy, parties for pupils in their homerooms shall be restricted to a Fall Celebration, Winter Holiday (last day before winter break) and Valentine’s Day.  Parties shall be limited to the last hour of the selected or designated day. Snacks must follow recommended nutritional guidelines.  *See Wilson Food Service website


We believe that all students can learn…at different rates and/or with different levels of support. If a parent is concerned with student progress, she/he should contact the teacher. Additional supports could include:

Instructional Support Teacher  the team (parents & school) focus on a measurable goal and create and follow through with a plan of intervention.

School Counselor –is available to promote and support positive social/emotional growth of students. She is a resource for students, parents and staff.

The Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness program (ECYEH) is an initiative of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and is based on the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. This federal legislation ensures that homeless children and youth have access to a free, appropriate, public education.

Children and youth experiencing homelessness have the right to:
-Continue their education in their current school, and receive transportation OR enroll immediately in the school where they are temporarily housed, even if lacking the paperwork normally required
-Participate in all applicable school programs, including supplemental services
-Receive free lunch
-Receive assistance with school-related expenses such as supplies, clothing, uniforms, etc.

You can access more information on Youth Homelessness, family rights, and resources at

Special Education –  offers Learning Support classrooms, Life Skills classrooms, Multiple Disabilities classroom, Autistic Support classrooms, as well as gifted and speech services. The School Counselor is the liaison to special education services.


All visitors to the building, regardless of purpose, must stop in the office to sign in and pick up visitor identification to wear.  You will be required to push the button on the intercom system/security panel at the front door and wait to be admitted to the school.  Please be aware you are being videotaped during this procedure.  If you are planning on volunteering throughout the school year in the building and/or classrooms, be aware of the following:

Volunteers who may be working with students outside the direct supervision of a district employee (chaperoning a field trip, reading to/working with students in the hallway, etc.) will need to sign the Volunteer Acknowledgement Form (indicating your understanding of the parameters of this role, including confidentiality**) and have the Child Abuse and Criminal History background checks on file before you can volunteer.  As of July 1st, please check to access updated information regarding volunteering in the school.

** Confidentiality — It is the expectation of all volunteers to maintain a standard of confidentiality when working with students/teachers in our school building.  Please refer to the section entitled “Confidentiality” on pg. 9 for more information.  



SCHOOL YEAR 2018– 2019

Mr. Jonathan Stenger – Principal

Teacher                                                         Grade                        

Miss Jillian Bambrick                                        K

Miss Jessica Lewars                                        K

Mrs. Laura Stewart-Pennock                                K

Mrs. Corinne Schappell                                K

Mrs. Mrs. Kimberly Duffy                                1st

Mrs. Jenna Knechtle                                        1st

Mrs. Kathy Levy                                        1st

Miss Stacy McGregor                                        1st

Mrs. Sarah Geosits                                        2nd

Mrs. Diane Miller                                        2nd

Mrs. Bryn Peterson                                         2nd

Mrs. Jaclyn Staller                                        2nd

Miss Vanessa Bauer                                        3rd

Mrs.  Tara Dusko                                        3rd

Mrs, Claire Gibney                                         3rd

Mrs.  Tara Moody                                        3rd

Mrs. Mary (Betsy) Glassic                                 4th

Miss Madison Hauk                                        4th 

Mrs.  Cynthia Kann                                        4th

Mrs.  Chelsea Zink                                        4th

Miss Brooke Halter                                         5th

Mrs. Lauren Mancias                                         5th

Mrs. Jennifer Richards                                5th

Mrs. Michelle Ward                                         5th

Special Education                                                                

Mrs. Rachel Lentz                                 Learning Support /PAS        

Mrs. Amy Rothermel                                Learning Support / PLS

Mrs. Laura Mattiuz                                Learning Support /IAS

Mrs. Vickie Jones                                Learning Support / ILS

Miss Rebecca Balint                                Learning Support        

Mrs. Karen Brunner                                Speech

Mrs. Haley Fox                                OT

Mrs. Elizabeth Fick                                Gifted Support         


Mrs. Ellen Chen                                Counselor

Mr. Jeff Lengle                                School Psychologist

Ms. Samantha Thigpen                        Psychologist/SS

Miss Stacie Golemo                                IST         

Mrs. Amy Caltagirone                         ESL         

Mrs. Sandy Petersheim                        Reading         

Mrs.Nancy Snyder                                Reading        

Mrs. Angela Chmielewski                         School Nurse, (M, W, Th)

Mrs. Romayne Keener                        School Nurse (T,F)


Miss Gina Angelotti                                Art         

Mr. Michael Thompson                        P.E.         

Mrs. Lisa Goehler                                Library         

Mrs. Heather Campbell                         Strings         

Mr. William Nelson                                Band         

Mrs. Kimberly Nelson                        Vocal Music         

Mr. Galen Newman                                 Discovery

Mrs. Ellen Chen                                Social/Emotional Learning

Support Staff                                                                Ext. #                

Mrs. Cheryl Raffauf                                        Office                         2810

Mrs. Julie Moyer                                Office/Attendance       2820

Mr. Christopher Thomas                         Program Coordinator        3409

Mrs. Lori Bohn                                Cafeteria Office         2340

Mrs. Candy Althouse                                Custodian

Mr. Tom                                        Custodian        


Picture Day                                 September 5, 2018

Meet the Teacher Night                              September 12, 2018

Color Run                                       October 12, 2018        

Picture Retakes                                October 25, 2018

Fall Party                                October 26, 2018

Book Fair                                 November 2-8, 2018

Parent/Teacher Conferences                November 19-21, 2018

American Education Week                November        

Winter Concert                                Refer to District Calendar

Winter Parties                                December 21, 2018 (AM)

Valentine Dance                        February 14, 2019

Spring Festival                                March 9, 2019                

PSSA Testing Dates                        April 15-26, 2019        

Spring Concert                                May 16, 2019

Last Day (tentative)                        May 31, 2019        




September 27                        February 28                

        October 31                        March 28

        November 19-20                May 24

        December 21


Labor Day Holiday                            Friday, August 31 & Monday, September 3

Professional Development                Monday October 8

Thanksgiving Holiday                        November 21-26

Winter Holiday                                December  24 - January 1

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday                Monday, January 21

Professional Development                Friday,  February 15

President’s Day Holiday                             Monday, February 18

Spring Holiday                                Thursday, April 18-22

Memorial Day Holiday                        Monday, May 27

Wilson School District Handbook Sign-Off Sheet

Dear Parent(s)/Guardians:

Please read the online handbook together and sign the form below.  Your son/daughter must return this form to his/her teacher no later than September 7, 2018.

I acknowledge that I have read and do understand this student handbook, and I will abide by the rules and regulations contained within.

___________     __________________   __________

 Grade                                             Teacher                                      Date


Student Name (Please Print)


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print)


Parent/Guardian Signature

Please return this signed form to your Homeroom Teacher by September 7, 2018.