Letter from Band Director to Band Parents

Requesting to Keep the Date Open for Annual Holiday Concert

Dear Band Parents

Admittedly, we are in the middle of marching season but I am going to be talking about candy canes, fruitcake cookies, reindeers, and elves.  You see I’m already planning for our Holiday Concert and I want to bring to your attention how important this concert is to our band program. This concert is a longstanding tradition in our community, and it's an event that brings so much joy to everyone involved. We'll be performing a variety of festive pieces that showcase our skills and demonstrate hard work and dedication.

The date for the concert is __________, and I ask that you hold this date on your calendar and make every effort to attend.

In addition to the concert itself, there will be rehearsals leading up to the event. These rehearsals will be critical in ensuring that the band is prepared to give their best performance possible. I ask that you help your child make each of these rehearsals a priority as well and that you do everything you can to avoid scheduling conflicts.

I'm proud of the work that we've done so far this year, and I know that we're capable of achieving great things at the December Holiday Concert. The band is going to continue to work hard and strive for excellence as we prepare for this important event as we are presently doing during this marching contest.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our program, and if you see me wearing an ugly holiday sweater, reindeer antlers, or even Santa suit over the next two weeks then it will serve as a reminder to keep this date open for our annual Holiday Concert.
