Board/Organisation Awareness of Racism | Board understanding of Racism/Engagement | Acceptance /and understanding of impact of racism | Values/Beliefs/and willingness to take action | Behaviours/ Ability to speak up and challenge inequality and racism i.e. we walk the talk | Leadership focus on real change | |
Stage 6 Leadership qualities | Aware of need to address racial injustice | Understands what the board/organisation and organisations can do dismantle racism | Recognises impact of racism and social injustice on individuals and on the organisation | Believes in humanity and everyone being equal. Strives to appoint Board member and ethnic minorities from different groups | SLT & Board members and senior leaders will speak up when witness racism or microaggressions | The Board and senior leaders supports others in challenging racism and all forms of inequality They collect data to inform decision. |
Stage 5 Ability to see bigger picture | Aware of impact of racial injustice | Real understanding of what racism is and how it operates Understands institutional and structural racism | Recognises impact of racism | The Board and senior leaders strive to understand self and others from different groups | SLT & Board members and senior leaders speak up when they witness racism and microaggressions | The Board/ senior leaders work with others to identify inequity and actively challenge it |
Stage 4 Open to learning | Aware of racial injustice | Accept racism exists Seeks to genuinely learn more about the experiences of BME Exhibits high quality listening without judgement | Beginning to understand all forms of inequality including racism | SLT & Board members genuinely want to learn and their aim is to become compassionate and show empathy As an SLT & Board we consider our values as important and are working with everyone in the organisation to develop these We know it’s important to speak up when witness racism and microaggressions | Sometimes speak up when see racism and microaggressions Recognise the need to develop and foster trust of all employees regardless of race | Can identify inequity and challenge it. Understands what structural racism is and how it impacts the organisations |
Stage 3b Becoming aware of issues of difference | Recognise that racial inequity and racism exist | Express discomfort about issues of racism | Feel the need to begin to do something to address racial inequity and promote inclusion | Willing to explore and identify bias and racism within the organisation | Able to challenge inequity where own group are being discriminated | Will rally others round to fight against issues of unfairness and inequality in other areas but not related to race |
Stage 3a Becoming aware of issues of difference | Recognise that racial inequity and racism exist | Silently feels discomfort about issues of racism | Experience sense of helplessness and guilt | Prefer to focus on issues of gender and other inequalities | Will speak up and challenge where own group or gender are being discriminated against | Will rally others round to fight against issues of unfairness and inequality in other areas |
Stage 2 Dismissive and Avoidant | We are oblivious to issues of race and the experiences of those who are different There is no such thing as racial inequality Black and EM people do ok | Focus on selves and own ethnic group Ethnocentric No interest in engaging with issues | Feel sorry for past racism but not really sure what can be done about it. Focus on gender equality and other areas but not race. Resents time spent on this area | Other ethnic groups are not our concern. SLT & Board members and senior leaders moves in own ethnic group circles. Ethnocentric focus | Will speak up and challenge where own group are being discriminated against | Will rally others round to fight against issues of unfairness and inequality pertaining to own ethnic group |
Stage 1 Unaware | SLT & Board members are oblivious to issues of race. Ethnocentric We are not interested in issues of race Unaccepting of anyone different Unaware racism exists Ethno-centric Nationalistic | No understanding of racism Not interested in engaging in discussion We see other ethnic groups as threat to survival Projection of own biases and fears Hits out and counter attacks in discussions | SLT & Board members are not interested in issues of race or racial justice. Do not accept that there is such a thing as racism | SLT & Board members and senior leaders believe each ethnic group is responsible for own welfare and focuses on own ethnic group Other ethnic groups (such as Black and EM are inferior.) Important to focus on own ethnic group Other ethnic groups (such as Black and EM) take our jobs | Recognises issues of unfairness and inequality relating to own ethnic groups Will be silent and engage in by stander behaviours when witness racism or microaggressions Downplays racism and projects onto others | Feels the need to do something to address inequality where it exists but this does not include racial inequality. Takes leadership roles in championing other equality issues but has no interest in race Takes leadership role for own ethnic group issues and sees anti-racism as taking time away from these important issues. |
Awareness of Racism | Understanding of Racism/Engagement | Acceptance /and understanding of impact of racism | Values/Beliefs/and willingness to learn | Behaviours/ Ability to speak up and challenge inequality and racism | Leadership/focus away from the self. | |
All rights reserved © Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah
and Inclusion Psychologists Ltd (2020)