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Voodoo By You Part I
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“Okay, so quick disclaimer: The dolls can only be physically transformed once every month, so any changes I make will be temporarily permanent.” The voodoo crafter warns, making you smirk at the oxymoron of ‘temporarily permanent’.

“Yes, we’re sure.

Just do what she told you already. Do you give everyone this whole story before helping them out, or do you think we’re dumb??” Andrew demands angrily, “What five year old doesn’t know that you only get one transformation a month???”

“Sorry sir.” The shopkeeper responds, “This will just take a minute or two…”

You watch with a blank expression as the man’s hands rub the doll, slowly softening it and changing it to moldable clay. He presses around the upper rib cage of the doll expertly, turning the masculine chest slender as the mass is pushed forward.

He uses a gentle fingernail to shape breasts out of the large lump, creating the exact bosom you’d had in mind when describing the transformation to him; the biggest possible boobs that could still stay perky.

The doll is given an hourglass figure, squeezed waist only making the widening hips even more exaggerated. You hadn’t even considered the behind, but share in Andrew's happiness as the doll is given a massive bubble butt.

“And you want her to be unaware for now?” The crafter asks as he pulls on the doll’s legs, turning them into long, feminine stilts.

“That’s right!” You smile, amazed by the master handiwork just performed on your doll.

“And, uhhh… Is it okay for me to ask who this gentleman was?” The craftsman asks with a bit of hesitation.

“No.” Andrew replies befire you can open your mouth, “That’s a bit of a personal question…”

You watch Andrew's hand go into his pocket, an ominous feeling crawling down your spine as he pulls out a pack of gum. The shopkeeper nervously watches as Andrew takes out a piece, stone cold silence freezing the room as the smell of mint tickles your nostrils.

“I’m sorry, you’re right- a little rude of me!” The craftsman bows back, “How’s about a twenty percent discount? I shouldn’t be making people feel uncomfortable in my store!”

Andrew shakes the man’s hand as he chews, “You’ve got a deal, sir!”

The two men laugh as you continue to be awed, eyes opening wide as the shopkeeper nonchalantly turns the doll back to plastic. It no longer looks like an exact miniature person, now just looking like a standard doll little girls play with.

You leave the store with Andrew after he pays, hand in hand as you walk down an oddly familiar street.

“So remember what he said; once you take off the shirt, all you have to do is press on the vagina part and she’ll instantly become aware. You could have whatever fun you want with her first, so go crazy!” Andrew laughs, not entering with you as you unlock the front door of a random apartment building.

“Wait, how’d I know the code?” You ask yourself, perplexed beyond confusion as even your question just creates more uncertainty.

Andrew doesn’t answer, so you just walk in without him. You don’t remember discussing any type of plan with him, but your body moves with a certain intention…

“You’re finally home!” You hear a deep male voice exclaim as you enter an apartment, “It’s been a few days, what's been going on?”

You don’t answer, which seems to be a sufficient response for the man.

“Cool, bro.

It’s a little chilly in here, don’t you think?” He asks, and you hear him rub his arms as you pull the shirt off the doll.

You quickly poke your head around the corner to get a look, not surprised to see a larger version of the clay doll from the store earlier. You get lost in her deep cleavage, almost forgetting where you are as you gently hold the doll of her.

“What the hell??” You suddenly hear the woman exclaim, “Are these boobs???”


You wanted to play with a little bit first; make her feel like a woman, but still think she’s a man!

How could you be so careless??

You watch with a bit of remorse as the curvy girl writhes in her chair, worriedly looking around for an explanation to the unnatural phenomena.

Her hearty moans almost turn you on, even as a straight woman you can feel the theoretical lust. Her husky voice is massaged by aggressive little hands, firmly grasping the plushness hanging off her chest. You can only giggle to yourself as the buxom woman hyperventilates, but your body is frozen when the perfect pillows plop out.

“They’re real! This is crazy…” You hear her trail off, making you smile to yourself as you pick up her doll.

“Put those away, sweetie.” You whisper into the doll’s ear, licking your teeth as silence fills the room.

You then put the doll down and take a deep breath, preparing yourself for the real torment as you approach your victim.

Your high heels clack against the linoleum before you step into the carpet, skillful stomps padded by the thick fibers as the spent woman looks up toward you.

“Is this something you’re doing??” She demands, “Wait, who are you?”

“You and I are one in the same. We’re just here to please our master, servants to our lord’s every will. He requested your body, and expects your appreciative thanks.” You say flatly, not expecting the new woman to understand anything yet.

“This is so weird!” She sighs, holding her sleeveless smooth arms as the reality of her new form begins to set in.

“I’m not- I don’t…

I have no idea who you are, and there’s no lord or master guy I’m gonna- Wait! Where are you going??” She calls out as you walk away, “How did you get into my house!!”

You can only smile at her utter confusion, the one goal you had in mind when walking in there. You then pick up her voodoo doll, smile widening as you repeat exactly what you said to her- but into the doll’s ear.

You hear the strong willed woman protest as you repeat Andrew’s commands, her pleading shouts to stop slowly spreading further apart. You finish your soliloquy as she makes one last one objection, followed by a few minutes of silence as the new woman’s mind is melted into a stew of submissive arousal.

You can hear her mutter the last few words to herself as you walk over, and you giggle naughtily as you pinch her nipples to elicit unwilling squeals of unrelenting joy.

That’s your queue; so you text Andrew and unlock the doors, then get primed with your new harem mate. Her stubborn attitude and hesitancy now gone, you sit opposite a proud bimbo gushing invitingly.

“Forget everything that's happened today, take off your shirt and erase all the knowledge you’ve gained.” You hear whispered into your ear, and your brain tingles as the voodoo magic warps you to Andrew’s desires.

Your vision blurs as a pulsating flash erupts in your brain, and when it clears up you’re standing in your oddly drafty living room.

“Huh? What’s goi- Ahhhh!!

My voice!? I sound…” You trail off as the buxom girl in a yellow dress gazes curiously, “Who are you?…”

She whimpers lustfully, submissive eyes locked on your chest.

Your chest?

“My chest!!” You exclaim with a jump, unprepared for the feeling of suddenly having boobs.

They jiggle as you try to stop them, nipples erecting as your weighty breasts swing uncontrollably. Your body’s involuntary grace accentuates the movements, spine naturally arched beyond straight as you try to moderate your posture. Your tendons don’t move how you want them to though, muscle memory too robust in a body you’ve never used before!

Your attention consumed by lithe femininity, you’re taken by surprise as a hand supplely cups your right breast. A humming moan reverberates past your lips, and your eyes close blissfully as a delicate hand lightly pulls you in.

You gasp as your plush breasts collide, and your new friend tumbled into the couch as you expose her plush bosom. Her sweet giggles give you a burst of euphoria, and the craving to suck draws your plump lips to her nipple.

“How was that?” She giggles as milk dribbles down your chin, “Now your boobies are like, all wet and slippery and stuff…”

Her angelic voice overwhelms you, and makes you crave the taste of its source. Arousal powers through your utter confusion, and you inhale the buxom woman’s breath as the door to the apartment opens up.

“This is a nice place!” You hear a familiar gruff voice, though you can’t seem to recall where you’ve heard it before…

Part 2 coming soon! 😘