WALHT - use emotive language - Looks like

The BIG idea:

We want our writing to be interesting and exciting to read..

We are focusing on describing words. We are remembering to include:

  • Colour
  • Shape
  • Texture
  • Size
  • To use simil``````es

Remember to:

  • I will re read my sentence to make sure it makes sense.
  • I will think about how I will structure my writing and use my plan

Success Criteria

Self assessment

High-light how you think you went.

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I will find the describing words in my writing.

I will write similes in my writing. 

I will add describing words to describe how I think things look and feel.

Friday night I was sitting on the cold  leather couch watching Ice Age with my mum . Oh my goddess the bowl of lollies is sitting on the coffee table was a number of multi coloured sour lollies just waiting there to be eaten.  There was a giant snake in there as well and a few Purple crocodiles .The movie was hilarious literally and afterwards I went  hyper after the movie ended up with a very funny and happy ending and then I run around the house and then did it a few front flips and then after I after I come down I went to my soft bed. In the morning we had delicious pancakes and round and golden syrup and then after that I got dressed and to my front flip clothes and play LEGO then it was time for lunch and went outside for lunch it was cool and we had sweet shellfish and perfectly isn't Cockles and I had even a few muscles they would you see I got a few of the Sandy ones and we also had my favourite lunch in the sandwiches with tomatoes and then afterwards I got too hot so I got my togs on and pulled my cup of water on top of me and then I turn the hose on and we were jumping around on the Tramp with the hose. Snoring snoring it was sleep time already we had delicious roast pork for dinner and then and and then in the morning we had breakfast and then we had and then we had another waterfi and then played more Lego and then we went to the beach and a full day we played laughing games so we had to keep still and not laughing .