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Assignment 5: Clever Hangman (S21)
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Assignment 5: Clever Hangman 

CompSci 101 Spring 2021

Due: April 6, 2021


Completing the Assignment


Requirements from Hangman

Requirements New to Clever Hangman

Overview of Changes to Functions

Hangman Functions To Modify

createDisplayString(lettersGuessed, missesLeft, hangmanWord)


New Functions to Implement



createTemplate(currTemplate, letterGuess, word)

getNewWordList(currTemplate, letterGuess, wordList, debug)

processUserGuessClever(guessedLetter, hangmanWord, missesLeft)

Understanding How Functions Fit Together

Note on Debug Mode

Making the Program Clever and Hard to Win

Writing Function getNewWordList

Creating the Dictionary

Printing the Dictionary Contents in Debug Mode

Implementing and Debugging Tips

Example Clever Hangman Runs

Session with 2 Games

Submitting and Grading

Autograded portion [41 points]

Hand-graded portion [9 points]


You will adapt your Hangman program to play Clever Hangman. You will create a module using your module and the lowerwords.txt file provided in the Hangman assignment.


Clever Hangman is in some ways the same as Hangman -- and you should start with your program that plays hangman that you wrote for the Hangman assignment. Do not import; instead, make a new project, copy your Hangman module into this project, and rename it to

If you don't have a working Hangman program, we have released a form you can fill out to request a working Hangman assignment. NOTE: If you request this program, then you cannot get credit for the Assignment 4 program unless you've submitted the code that will be graded before you request a working Hangman module. Also we will not release the code until after the grace period for Assignment 4, so not until April 1. It would be much better for you to go to office/consulting hours and get Hangman working before then. The form can be found here.

Completing the Assignment

There is a required reading quiz for this assignment that can be found on Sakai.

You must create a module that allows the user to play Hangman and guess a secret word using the clever/cheating method outlined below. See the sample runs and the requirements for details. See the class lecture about the clever hangman assignment for details. You will modify two of the functions from your module and create four new functions for this assignment.


For full credit, you should have no global variables.


There are a few main ideas to use in creating the clever version of Hangman:


  1. Divide the list of possible secret words into groups, each corresponding to a word template, and choose the largest group as the source for the secret word that the user is trying to guess from.
  2. Develop the program using a smaller word list at first to be sure that your code is working properly.


There is a required reading quiz for this assignment that can be found on Sakai. This quiz is to help ensure you understand what this assignment is asking you to do and some of the key concepts in this assignment. You have unlimited tries and it will count towards your reading quiz grade. Note this quiz is due the day the assignment is due, and does not have a grace day. The intent of these assignment reading quizzes are that you do them early to check your understanding of the assignment. You can try it right after reading through this assignment!

There are also two sets of requirements for game play: those carried over from the Hangman assignment, and those new to this assignment.

Requirements from Hangman

  1. The user must be given a choice of (e)asy or (h)ard which are 12 and 8 misses until hung, respectively. You do not need to check for bad user-input. For example, you can assume the user will enter an 'h' or an 'e'. See the example runs below where the default is 12 for easy and the user can enter 'h' for hard.
  2. The user must be told how many misses are left on each turn when the user enters a letter. When a letter in the word is correctly guessed the number of misses left doesn't change, but an incorrectly-guessed letter changes the number of misses left.
  3. Guessing a letter that was already guessed should not count as a miss and should not count as a guess when reporting summary game statistics.
  4. When the user has guessed the word, or the number of misses allowed is reached, the game should be over and individual game summary statistics about the number of guesses and misses should be printed. See the example runs below.
  5. On each turn, the secret word should be printed with underscores for unknown letters and correctly-guessed letters in place as warranted. A single space should appear between each underscore and letter.
  6. After each Clever Hangman game, the user should be prompted to play again. The user can play as many games as they want. Once they decide to quit, summary statistics for the entire “session” (multiple games) should be printed, showing the total win-loss count.
  1. You should implement this functionality in the main program block.

Requirements New to Clever Hangman

  1. The user must be asked how many letters in the word to be guessed and then a word from all words of that length must be chosen at random from these words as the secret word. This is different from the Hangman program where the number of letters in the secret word was chosen at random. You do not need to guard against bad user input.
  2. The user must be shown all the letters that have not yet been guessed, and these letters must appear in sorted order (see the example runs below). This is different from the Hangman program where the user was shown letters already guessed, rather than letters not yet guessed.
  3. You must make the program "clever" in that after each letter guessed, the list of possible secret words is as large as possible. This is described in detail below. As part of making the program clever, you must write and call two functions described below.
  4. Inside runGame(), you must include a local debug variable. When debug is set to True, the game’s console output should provide information about the list of possible secret words and how dictionary keys/values are used in creating a new list of possible secret words after each letter guessed. The user should be prompted as to whether the debug value is True (for   mode) or False (for play mode).
  1. The debug variable will be initialized in runGame() using the return value of the new function handleUserInputDebugMode(). The debug variable will also be passed as a parameter to the new function getNewWordList().
  2. For more on debug mode, see the Note on debug mode, handleUserInputDebugMode(), and Making the Program Clever and Hard to Win.

Overview of Changes to Functions

The following Hangman functions are no longer needed and can be deleted:

The following functions should be kept as-is from Hangman:

The following functions from Hangman will be modified:

The following new functions will be implemented:

Hangman Functions To Modify

createDisplayString(lettersGuessed, missesLeft, hangmanWord)

Instead of returning the letters the user has guessed, this function will now return the letters the user has NOT guessed. This is done by printing all the letters of the alphabet (in alphabetical sorted order) and replacing the letters that the user has guessed with an empty space (" ").

For example:

Assume the user has guessed the letters “b”, “e”, and “u”.

letters not yet guessed: a cd fghijklmnopqrst vwxyz

Note that there is one space between the “:” and the letter “a”.


This function needs to be modified to call the new functions that you will be creating for this Clever Hangman assignment. This function should also print (or cause to be printed) additional information to the console when the local variable debug is set to True. More information on debug mode is explained in the Note on debug mode, handleUserInputDebugMode(), and Making the Program Clever and Hard to Win.

New Functions to Implement


This function will prompt the user if they wish to play in debug mode. True is returned if the user enters the letter “d”, indicating debug mode was chosen; False is returned otherwise.



No parameters



Type: bool

True is returned if the user wishes to play in debug mode, false otherwise.



Which mode do you want: (d)ebug or (p)lay: d


The length of secretWord is no longer randomized, instead the user will be asked how long secretWord should be. You do not need to check for bad user input.



No parameters



Type: int

The length specified by the user.



The user will input a value between 5 to 10 (inclusive).



How many letters in the word you'll guess: 8

createTemplate(currTemplate, letterGuess, word)

This function will create a new template for the secret word that the user will see. For example, "_ _ a _" is the currentTemplate for the word "play" with the "a" guessed, but without spaces between the underscores and the letters. The spaces were added for readability and should not be included in your Clever Hangman. This function will modify currentTemplate to reflect letterGuess. This new template should be consistent with the currentTemplate and word.





Type: String

The new template is returned, which is consistent with the previous template and word.


createTemplate('tr__', 'u', 'true') returns 'tru_'

getNewWordList(currTemplate, letterGuess, wordList, debug)

This function constructs a dictionary of strings as the key to lists as the value. It does this by calling createTemplate on every word in wordList with currTemplate and letterGuess. The string createTemplate returns is a key into the dictionary and the current word from wordList is added to the list that maps to that key.

After creating the dictionary, this function returns the (key, value) pair with the longest list. If there is a tie, it should ensure that the template returned is the one with the most underscores in it and therefore the user cannot win on that turn.

Also see Writing Function getNewWordList and Making the Program Clever and Hard to Win.




Type: (string, list)

A 2-tuple is returned in which:

processUserGuessClever(guessedLetter, hangmanWord, missesLeft)

Takes the user's guess, the user's current progress on the word, and the number of misses left; updates the number of misses left and indicates whether the user missed.



Type: list

A list with the following at each index:


guessedLetter has the value returned from handleUserInputLetterGuess, which means that it is guaranteed to be a letter that the user has not already guessed. hangmanWord is the list version of the template that was returned by getNewWordList.

Understanding How Functions Fit Together

As in Hangman, it is up to you to determine how the functions (both old and new) should fit together into a working game. Although some functions are unchanged from regular Hangman, how/when they should be called in runGame may change in the context of Clever Hangman.

For example, before calling processUserGuessClever on each turn, your Clever Hangman code should already have called getNewWordList and used its return value to select a new template. This new template will be passed to processUserGuessClever as a list, and your code should determine if the guess was a miss based on the guessed letter’s presence in your updated template.

Note on Debug Mode

Remember that the local variable debug will be initialized in runGame using the return value of the function handleUserInputDebugMode. The variable debug will also be passed as a parameter to the function getNewWordList.

As described above, Clever Hangman will print extra information to the console if the user plays in debug mode. The extra information can be seen in Example Clever Hangman Runs. Inside runGame and getNewWordList, you will use if statements to decide whether certain information should be printed, i.e.:

    if debug:

       print("# words left is", len(wordList))

Making the Program Clever and Hard to Win

When the user guesses a letter in the Clever Hangman program, the computer will change the secret word it's thinking of if that will make the game harder for the human player. However, any changes must be consistent with all previous guesses.

The user/player isn't aware that the computer is changing the secret word (unless debug mode has been employed), because each time the player guesses, the computer will change the secret word in a consistent way that's not apparent to the player except perhaps via a frustration factor as the word seems harder and harder to guess.

You can see how the computer does this from the debugging output shown in the clever hangman demo partially reproduced below. To cause the game to print the output that shows the current word and number of possible words, modify the return value of createDisplayString in runGame.

Note that this output joins a game in which the player has already guessed five letters that don't appear in the word: 'a', 'i', 's', 'e', and 'o'. The debugging output shows that the computer's secret word is "truly" chosen from among 87 words that could have been the secret word. The user has no letters correct and then guesses a 'u'.

The computer now divides its 87 words into groups: the groups are based on the existing word template which is five underscores, and the letter guessed: 'u'. There are three groups: one with 'u' as the third letter, one with 'u' as the second letter, and one with no occurrences of 'u'. These groups contain 32, 47, and 8 letters, respectively, as shown in the debugging output below. Be sure to sort the templates alphabetically before printing in debug mode!

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jklmn pqr tuvwxyz

misses remaining = 3

_ _ _ _ _

(word is truly)

# possible words: 87

letter> u

_____ : 8

__u__ : 32

_u___ : 47

# keys = 3

Remember that the words the computer chooses from, as well as each template corresponding to a group, must be consistent with all guesses made so far. This means none of the words can contain an 'a', 'i', 's', 'e', or 'o'. In particular, the group with no occurrences of 'u' includes words like "dryly" and "crypt", but does not include "psych" because that has an 's' in it and the player has been told there are no occurrences of 's'.

The numbers shown are the size of each group, so 'u' as the third letter includes 32 words such as bluff and blurb, but not trust because there is no 's'. The group with 'u' as the second letter has 47 words in it including "buddy", "bunch", and "furry", but not "rusty" because there is no 's'. You must write code to create the groups and count the words in each group as part of the function getNewWordList.

The computer chooses the group with the most words, where 'u' is the second letter. It then continues to play.

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jklmn pqr t vwxyz

misses remaining = 3

_ u _ _ _

(word is duchy)

# possible words: 47

letter> b

bu___ : 14

_u___ : 33

# keys = 2

you missed: b not in word

letters not yet guessed:   cd fgh jklmn pqr t vwxyz

misses remaining = 2

_ u _ _ _

(word is puppy)

# possible words: 33


Note that after guessing a 'u' correctly, the computer has chosen "duchy" as its secret word, but in fact it has chosen the entire group/list of words with second letter 'u' and no occurrences of 'a', 'i', 's', 'e', or 'o' as the secret word -- a group consisting of 47 words that are returned by the function getNewWordList.

The player guesses 'b' and the computer finds all possible templates for each word in the existing list of 47 words. There are two such templates: those with 'b' as the first letter and those with no occurrences of 'b'. There are no words with 'b' in them other than in the first position because words like numbs and cuban aren't in the list of 47 words being considered.

Again the computer chooses the largest list/group, the size of which is 33, and continues to play. Notice that the number of possible words continues to decrease. When the player guesses 'c' there are four templates:

letter> c

cu___ : 2

_uc__ : 2

_u_c_ : 8

_u___ : 21

# keys = 4

you missed: c not in word


letters not yet guessed:    d fgh jklmn pqr t vwxyz

misses remaining = 1

_ u _ _ _

(word is furry)

# possible words: 21

In summary, the important step in writing Clever Hangman is to divide the list of possible words into disjoint or non-overlapping groups and choose the largest group of words to continue to play. On each turn, the group must be consistent with previous guesses, but that's pretty simple to do: Note that every time you call getNewWordList with a wordList parameter, the function will return a smaller list of possible words. On the next turn, you will pass this smaller list to getNewWordList and further reduce the list of possible words. In this way, your code will make sure that the list of possible secret words is always consistent with all guesses up to that point in the game.

Writing Function getNewWordList

This function has a list of possible secret words, the current template for the secret word (a string) the current single-letter guess, and a debug boolean as parameters. The function returns a 2-tuple. The first element of the return tuple is a new template (string), and the second element of the return tuple is the new list of possible secret words, each of which matches the template. The computer will "choose" one of these words as the secret-word; it doesn’t matter which, since all words matching the template are equivalent. You'll use a dictionary in creating the tuple to return.


The main idea is to use a dictionary in which each possible template/string is a key and the corresponding value is a list of words that matches that template.

For example, the list of words matching

't _ t _ _'

Is this list

     [titan, tithe, title, titus, total, tutor]

and words matching

'_ _ _ t t'

Is this list (not all words may be recognizable as typical English words).

            [brett, burtt, hiatt, knott, pratt, scott, wyatt]

Creating the Dictionary

To create this dictionary, you iterate over every possible word in parameter wordList (initially this is all words, but the list of possible words changes after each guess made by the player). You should compare each possible word to the parameter currentTemplate and the parameter  letterGuess by the user. This combination of word from parameter wordList, currentTemplate, and letterGuess creates a key in the dictionary -- you get this key by calling the function createTemplate once for each word in parameter wordList.


For example, suppose the player is guessing a four-letter word with no letters guessed, the current guess is 'O', and the list of possible words as shown. Since no letters are guessed you'll have these three parameters to getNewWordList:


      The string template would be "_ _ _ _" (no spaces between underscores)

      The letter guessed is ‘O’

     The list of words is [ "OBOE", "NOON", "ODOR", "ROOM", "SOLO", "TRIO", "GOTO", "OATH", "OXEN", "PICK", "FRAT", "HOOP"]


The (key, value) pairs in the dictionary you'll code in getNewWordList are formed as follows by iterating over the words in wordList. Since no letters have been guessed, the template is "_ _ _ _" . You'll write code to create a dictionary key from the template, the word, and the guessed letter by passing them to function createTemplate and getting the string that's the key in the dictionary as the return value.

In the table here, the left column has parameters to the function createTemplate. You see the template (with spaces added for clarity), each word from the list of possible words, and the letter guessed. Write code using the template, the letter, and the word to return a string that's a key in the dictionary as shown below. The value in the dictionary associated with the key is a list of words that match the key.

Parameters to createTemplate

Return value: key in dictionary

Value associated with key in dictionary of function getNewWordList

" _ _ _ _ ", "OBOE", "O"

"O _ O _"


" _ _ _ _ ", "NOON", "O"

"_ O O _"


" _ _ _ _ ", "ODOR", "O"

"O _ O _"

["OBOE", "ODOR"]

" _ _ _ _ ", "ROOM", "O"

"_ O O _"

["NOON", "ROOM"]

" _ _ _ _ ", "SOLO", "O"

"_ O _ O"


" _ _ _ _ ", "TRIO", "O"

"_ _ _ O"


" _ _ _ _ ", "GOTO", "O"

"_ O _ O"

["SOLO", "GOTO"]

" _ _ _ _ ", "OATH", "O"

"O _ _ _"


" _ _ _ _ ", "OXEN", "O"

"O _ _ _"

["OATH", "OXEN"]

"_ _ _ _", "PICK", "O"

"_ _ _ _"


"_ _ _ _", "FRAT", "O"

"_ _ _ _"

["PICK", "FRAT"]

"_ _ _ _", "HOOP", "O"

"_ O O _"



This would create a dictionary with six (key,value) pairs as shown below.



"O _ O _"

["OBOE", "ODOR"]

"_ O O _"

["NOON", "ROOM", "HOOP"]

" _ O _O"

["SOLO", "GOTO"]

"_ _ _ O"


"O _ _ _"

["OATH", "OXEN"]

"_ _ _ _"

["PICK", "FRAT"]


The largest collection of values (most words) corresponds to key "_ O O _", so the program would pick a secret word at random from the list of three words: ["NOON", "ROOM", "HOOP"] and the template for the game would be "_ O O _" with three possibilities. These two values, the string template and the corresponding list of words, are returned as a 2-tuple by getNewWordList. Find the value (list of strings) with the maximal length, and then return the key associated with this list and the list as elements of a 2-tuple like this:


            ("_ O O _", ["NOON, "ROOM", "HOOP"] )

The player may think she has hit the jackpot with two O's in the word, and that may be true, but there are more words to eliminate than with any other template.

Printing the Dictionary Contents in Debug Mode

If debug is True, the game’s console output should provide information about how the dictionary keys/values are used in creating a new list of possible secret words. For each template in the dictionary (sorted lexicographically/alphabetically), you will print the template, the length of the word list corresponding to that template, and the total number of keys (templates). An example for the dictionary in the previous section would be:

O_O_ : 2

O___ : 2

_OO_ : 3

_O_O : 2

___O : 1

____ : 2

# keys = 6

Implementing and Debugging Tips

Develop the program using a smaller word list at first to be sure that your code is working properly.

For example: Like Hangman, the completed game will draw words from lowerwords.txt. However, it may be hard to debug your program with that many possible words. One idea would be to create a smaller word file and use that instead of lowerwords.txt when debugging your game.

Example Clever Hangman Runs

Session with 2 Games

In the first game, the user loses on hard mode with debug set to True. In the second game, the user again loses on hard mode but with debug set to False.

Which mode do you want: (d)ebug or (p)lay: d

How many letters in the word you'll guess: 6

How many misses do you want? Hard has 8 and Easy has 12

(h)ard or (e)asy> h

letters not yet guessed: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

misses remaining = 8

_ _ _ _ _ _

(word is flamer)

# possible words: 6166

letter> a

______ : 3441

_____a : 80        

____a_ : 233

___a__ : 316

___a_a : 11

__a___ : 549

__a__a : 19

__a_a_ : 10

__aa__ : 1

_a____ : 962

_a___a : 39

_a__a_ : 57

_a_a__ : 40

_a_a_a : 12

_a_aa_ : 3

a_____ : 273

a____a : 21

a___a_ : 30

a__a__ : 32

a__a_a : 3

a_a___ : 26

a_a__a : 7

aa____ : 1

# keys = 23

you missed: a not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

misses remaining = 7

_ _ _ _ _ _

(word is mounds)

# possible words: 3441

letter> o

______ : 2105

_____o : 23

____o_ : 147

____oo : 1

___o__ : 148

___o_o : 1

___oo_ : 4

__o___ : 228

__o__o : 2

__o_o_ : 8

__oo__ : 32

_o____ : 528

_o___o : 6

_o__o_ : 41

_o_o__ : 15

_o_o_o : 1

_o_oo_ : 1

_oo___ : 77

_oo_oo : 1

o_____ : 60

o___o_ : 3

o__o__ : 8

o__oo_ : 1

# keys = 23

you missed: o not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcdefghijklmn pqrstuvwxyz

misses remaining = 6

_ _ _ _ _ _

(word is burkes)

# possible words: 2105

letter> u

______ : 1441

_____u : 2

____u_ : 36

___u__ : 84

___u_u : 1

__u___ : 107

_u____ : 362

_u__u_ : 13

_u_u__ : 11

u_____ : 37

u___u_ : 5

u__u__ : 5

u_u___ : 1

# keys = 13

you missed: u not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcdefghijklmn pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 5

_ _ _ _ _ _

(word is wilted)

# possible words: 1441

letter> i

______ : 503

_____i : 2

____i_ : 54

___i__ : 158

___i_i : 2

__i___ : 225

__i__i : 1

__i_i_ : 7

__ii__ : 2

_i____ : 355

_i__i_ : 28

_i_i__ : 56

_i_i_i : 2

i_____ : 28

i__i__ : 16

i_i___ : 2

# keys = 16

you missed: i not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcdefgh jklmn pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 4

_ _ _ _ _ _

(word is served)

# possible words: 503

letter> e

______ : 2

_____e : 5

____e_ : 13

___e__ : 9

___e_e : 2

___ee_ : 5

__e___ : 42

__e__e : 12

__e_e_ : 23

__ee__ : 36

__ee_e : 9

_e____ : 13

_e___e : 13

_e__e_ : 160

_e__ee : 2

_e_e__ : 59

_e_e_e : 7

_e_ee_ : 3

_ee___ : 6

_ee__e : 5

_ee_e_ : 34

e____e : 1

e___e_ : 5

e___ee : 2

e__e__ : 20

e__ee_ : 2

e_e___ : 9

e_e__e : 1

e_e_e_ : 3

# keys = 29

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jklmn pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 4

_ e _ _ e _

(word is tested)

# possible words: 160

letter> s

_e__e_ : 100

_e__es : 16

_e_se_ : 11

_e_ses : 3

_es_e_ : 13

_esse_ : 5

_esses : 1

se__e_ : 7

se__es : 2

se_se_ : 1

se_ses : 1

# keys = 11

you missed: s not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jklmn pqr t vwxyz

misses remaining = 3

_ e _ _ e _

(word is kepler)

# possible words: 100

letter> r

_e__e_ : 45

_e__er : 32

_e_re_ : 1

_er_e_ : 8

_er_er : 6

_erre_ : 1

_errer : 1

re__e_ : 3

re__er : 2

re_re_ : 1

# keys = 10

you missed: r not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jklmn pq  t vwxyz

misses remaining = 2

_ e _ _ e _

(word is wedded)

# possible words: 45

letter> d

_e__e_ : 11

_e__ed : 20

_e_de_ : 2

_e_ded : 4

_ed_e_ : 1

_ed_ed : 2

_edded : 2

de__e_ : 1

de__ed : 2

# keys = 9

letters not yet guessed:  bc  fgh jklmn pq  t vwxyz

misses remaining = 2

_ e _ _ e d

(word is belted)

# possible words: 20

letter> l

_e__ed : 10

_el_ed : 4

_elled : 5

le__ed : 1

# keys = 4

you missed: l not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bc  fgh jk mn pq  t vwxyz

misses remaining = 1

_ e _ _ e d

(word is vented)

# possible words: 10

letter> t

_e__ed : 4

_e_ted : 1

_etted : 4

te_ted : 1

# keys = 4

you missed: t not in word

you're hung!!

word was begged

you made 10 guesses with 8 misses

Do you want to play again? y or n> y

Which mode do you want: (d)ebug or (p)lay: p

How many letters in the word you'll guess: 7

How many misses do you want? Hard has 8 and Easy has 12

(h)ard or (e)asy> h

letters not yet guessed: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

misses remaining = 8

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

letter> e

you missed: e not in word

letters not yet guessed: abcd fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

misses remaining = 7

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

letter> a

you missed: a not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

misses remaining = 6

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

letter> i

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jklmnopqrstuvwxyz

misses remaining = 6

_ _ _ _ i _ _

letter> o

you missed: o not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jklmn pqrstuvwxyz

misses remaining = 5

_ _ _ _ i _ _

letter> u

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jklmn pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 5

_ u _ _ i _ _

letter> m

you missed: m not in word

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jkl n pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 4

_ u _ _ i _ _

letter> a

you already guessed that

letter> n

letters not yet guessed:  bcd fgh jkl   pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 4

_ u _ _ i n _

letter> g

letters not yet guessed:  bcd f h jkl   pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 4

_ u _ _ i n g

letter> c

you missed: c not in word

letters not yet guessed:  b d f h jkl   pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 3

_ u _ _ i n g

letter> d

you missed: d not in word

letters not yet guessed:  b   f h jkl   pqrst vwxyz

misses remaining = 2

_ u _ _ i n g

letter> r

you missed: r not in word

letters not yet guessed:  b   f h jkl   pq st vwxyz

misses remaining = 1

_ u _ _ i n g

letter> s

you missed: s not in word

you're hung!!

word was pulping

you made 12 guesses with 8 misses

Do you want to play again? y or n> n

You won 0 game(s) and lost 2

Submitting and Grading

  1. Log in to Gradescope.
  2. Under the CompSci 101 dashboard, click Assignment 5: Clever Hangman.
  3. Click Submit Programming Assignment, click “Click to browse”, and select the required file. Click “Browse Files” again to select and submit more files.
  4. Once the file is selected, click Upload.


You can submit more than once. Your last submission will be graded.

After submitting, you'll need to fill out the reflect form linked here.

Remember to complete the reading quiz on sakai.

Autograded portion [41 points]

Hand-graded portion [9 points]