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Afrosoft Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy

Last updated on 1st June 2022

About this Policy

This Privacy provides information on how Our Application collects and processes your personal data when you visit our application.

Data Collected

We collect your personal data in order to authenticate you to use the application and provide access to the different sections of the application.

We may collect, use, store and transfer the following different kinds of personal data about you:

Information you provide to us

We receive and store the information you provide to us including your identity data, contact data.

Information on your use of our application

We automatically collect and store certain types of information regarding your use of our mobile application and websites including information about your searches, views, downloads and filters.

Phone data

This is information about the users' device, such as: Device locale, manufacturer, Android Version, brand, API level, etc


The current coordinates of the user, collected once.

How we use this information

Personal information : We use your personal information acquired during registration to enable you to interact with our products such as reporting cases, commenting on posts, plus other kinds of interactions with our application.

Location-related information: We use location-related information such as your current location to provide weather updates in that specific location. In other cases where we may need your current location is when we need to provide or show you closest services or places based on the goal of the application service.

How is this information shared?

People and accounts you share and communicate with : When you interact with our in-app functions like commenting on posts , the public(other application users) will be able to see your information such as username and profile picture.

Third-Party Integrations and APIs

Afrosoft It Solutions offers its users the opportunity to use and transfer information to third-party service providers within certain developed applications or platforms. Afrosoft will only do this at your direction and with service providers you have a direct relationship with.

Third Parties whom might give access to your data include:

Data Transmission

Afrosoft It Solutions may transfer your information, outside your jurisdiction of residence or outside the European Union.

By using our software and services, you consent to the transfer, processing, storage and access of information to countries outside of your country of residence. These countries may not have similar data protection laws to those in your country of residence. However, we will always protect your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy wherever it is processed. If European Union data-protection and privacy laws apply to you, then Afrosoft It Solutions will maintain measures to protect your personal information identifying natural persons in a manner commensurate with those protections required under European Union law.

Data Security

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.

The Company shall ensure that the following measures are taken with respect to the use of personal data:

But it is impossible to guarantee that every communication or transmission over the internet is secure. Thus, despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee the safety of this personal information.

By using our system, service, applications, or website you agree that Afrosoft It Solutions will not be held liable for any unauthorized access.

You can also help Afrosoft It Solutions by taking precautions to protect your personal information when you are on the Internet.  Use a strong, unique password and make sure to use a secure web browser and network connection.

Data Retention

As stated above, and as required by law, the Company shall not retain any personal data for any longer than is necessary in light of the purpose(s) for which that data is collected, held, and processed.

Data Disposal

Upon the expiry of the data retention periods, or when a data subject exercises their right to have their personal data erased, personal data shall be deleted, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of as follows:

Your legal rights

It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us.

Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data, including the right to access, correct or erase your personal data, object to or restrict processing of your personal data, and unsubscribe from our emails and newsletters.

Privacy Updates

This policy may be updated from time to time without prior notice to you to reflect changes in Afrosoft It Solution online information practices. For substantial changes, we shall post a notice on Afrosoft It Solutions that points to this Privacy Policy to notify you. Afrosoft recommends that you regularly return to our website to stay up to date regarding our Privacy Policy. When changes are made to this Privacy Policy it will be posted to the website and the “last updated” date at the top of this policy will be revised.

Any updates are effective immediately upon them being published or otherwise made available on Afrosoft It Solutions website. Your further use of any of our products or services constitutes your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy then in effect.

Further details

If you are looking for more information on how we process your personal data, or you wish to exercise your legal rights in respect of your personal data, please contact our data protection officer at