Animation Voice Over

Walt connect oral (spoken) language, written language, and visual language through an animation.

Walt write a text which can be turned into a voice over - think about what information we include, and the language we use.

Your animation task was:

To create an animation to describe a creature that lives in the New Zealand Rocky Shore. You needed to include:

  • Description
  • Knowledge of tidal zones
  • Habitat (where it lives)
  • Food chain/ Food web (using scientific language)

Here are some writing tasks we did throughout the term which might help you!

Inquiry task

Inquiry task 2

Animation creature information report

PLAN-Write some key words to help when you write your sentences

Introduce your animation (this doesn’t need to be long):Talofa lava and welcome to my Something in the water animation hope you enjoy

What have we been learning about this term? (Inquiry topic)

In order of appearance on your animation:

Creature description: My creature is venomous and it is an apex predator.

Tidal Zones: Tidal zones are high tides low tides and mid tides but different names and it has a splash zone.

Habitat:Rocky Shore near clams and shells

Food chain/ food web:My creature is in both food chain and food web.

Summary/ Conclusion - Thank your audience and ask for a comment to be left on your blog.


Talofa lava and welcome to my Something in the water animation hope you enjoy.As you can see my creature is called a clingfish and he is swimming through the coral and he saw some delicious lympets then told his family so they went to go eat the lympets with his family. When they finished eating they went back home.These are my tides and this is the splash zone, this is the intertidal zone and this is the subtidal zone. This is my food web for my creature. Hope you enjoy please feel free to comment on my blog.