Minibike Project                                                                                          

Minibike Project

Tommy Gebien - Project Manager

Christopher Schreiber - Team Member

Michael Smalec - Team Member

Project Description

        For our project we wanted something fun that we can drive around, but it has to be fast and cheap. So, we decided to make a minibike. We found a 5 horsepower engine for free from the auto shop that we can bolt onto the scooter. But, the engine didn't run. After some work on it though, we were able to get the engine going. First, we will have to strip the scooter’s electronics. Next, we will need some steel to mount the engine and make the seat. That is where the dollie comes in; we use the steel and the bigger wheels from it. We will also use a clutch and a sprocket to make the wheels turn. Once we fabricate the scooter frame by attaching pieces from the dollie onto it and make a seat, we will have a fun mini bike to drive around on. But, we are also going to add an arduino board and use a photocell to make LEDs light up during the night.

Design Brief




Motorized vehicle stores

Target Consumer

Kids and/or teens who want something that is relatively small, fast, and safe to ride.


Tommy Gebien, Chris Schreiber, and Michael Smalec

Problem Statement

A fun way to keep kids and/or teen occupied.

Design Statement

Design, test, and create a minibike that can be used as a source of  enjoyment for kids and/or teens and even includes an arduino for safety in the dark.


  1. Limited class time.
  2. $50 given by school.
  3. Have to have a technological component.
  4. Using some recycled materials.
  5. Deadline of May 1st.

STEM Principles

Science- The movement of a minibike and its parts is due to forces affecting them. This is a section of physics called classical mechanics. We are also using circuits to wire all the LEDs and make the LEDs light when it is dark outside using the photocell.

Technology- An arduino and photocell will be used to make LEDs light on the bike when it turns dark so drivers are able to see the minibike when driving.

Engineering- We are recycling old materials to make the frame for the minibike and the rear wheel. We are also using code to make the LEDs light when it turns dark outside.

Mathematics- Measurements will need to be taken of the length of metal so we are able to make a balanced and even frame for the minibike. We are going to need to use addition and subtraction to make everything as even as possible so the minibike will be balanced.

Concept Sketches

Side View Minibike 12/17/17

Front View Minibike 12/17/17


An instructable gave us the idea of making a minibike using the frame of an electric scooter. We had an electric scooter that was ready to go since it had old and bad batteries. We had to think long and hard about where we would get the steel from and we also wanted some bigger wheels so the front and back wheels are even. That is when we realized that an old dollie would be perfect for out project giving us wheels and steel. The best part was that we had a dolly that we could use. We also found a source we could use to find information on the engine. It’s a tecumseh 5hp enduro engine that is the perfect size and provides extra power for the minibike. We also found a go kart that is made similarly to how we plan to make our minibike. Little to no welds and mainly using bolts to hold the steel together. The engineering aspects are similar. Another video we found goes through everything on the “scooter minibike” that this guy made. It was a huge help because it showed the project in much more detail so we were able to construct our own sketches and ideas based off of it.


         Electric Scooter Frame                             Dead Electric Scooter Batteries

Tools and Equipment

        For our project we will need some common tools such as ratchets, sockets, and screwdrivers. But we will also need some power tools such as an angle grinder with a cutoff wheel and a drill with drill bits. These will be used to work with the steel from the dollie. We also needed starter fluid to start the engine since it had been sitting for awhile. We will also need an arduino, jumper wires, resistors, and a photocell for the technological side of things.


        Our total budget will be about $425.17. We’re requesting $51.32 for a sprocket, chain, and clutch that will be bought from amazon. The electric scooter frame, engine and dollie we already have, which is what inspired us to do this project. In addition, we also have some in kind donors. There is a breakdown of our budget at our budget page.

 Safety Concerns

A main safety concern is getting injured while welding the frame for the minibike. We will be able to prevent this problem because we are going to use bolts to connect the various parts to make the frame instead of welding. The bolts will secure the parts together so we are able to make the frame. Another safety concern is when the minibike is completed. The bike might go too fast and injure the rider. To stop this from occurring we have downgraded from a greater horsepower motor. Originally we wanted to use a 6.5 horsepower engine, but we downgraded to a 5 horsepower engine instead because it made the bike safer to ride. Next, grinding metal to get rid of pieces of the frame is a safety concern. To prevent getting injured, we will use gloves, wear safety goggles, and keep our skin covered. Lastly, during the night it will be dangerous to drive because cars won’t be able to see the vehicle. We will put lights on it using the arduino and they will turn on when it gets dark so cars are able to see it.

Works Cited

B., & I. (2017, October 30). Mini Bike Made From Electric Scooter Frame. Retrieved December

17, 2017, from

C. (2016, October 27). Making a Motorised Go Cart with NO WELDER and simple tools #1 -

Chassis/Engine. Retrieved December 17, 2017, from

M. (2011, December 01). Mini bike made from scooter frame 6.5hp. Retrieved December 17,

2017, from