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HERO 7v7 SZN Rules
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Tournament Rules


  1. Age Divisions 10U, 12U, 14U, 15U and 18U
  2. January 1st of the current 7v7 season year is the date used to determine eligibility for age divisions
  3. Unsigned and Uncommitted Seniors are allowed to participate
  4. Only (4) four coaches per team are allowed on the sidelines. All team photographers, managers, position coaches, team moms, fans, etc. must remain a minimum of 10 yards off the field in the end zone area.
  1. Coaches, this is your responsibility to keep your fans in the designated area
  2. Failure to do so will result in an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty
  1. Hero Sportz Brand LLC (Hero) reserves the right to cancel or change the location of a Tournament.If a tournament is changed or canceled, Hero will not reimburse any team, players, or spectators for any expenses incurred including but not limited to airfare, ground transportation, lodging, and food. Teams may request a refund of the tournament registration fee, subject upon approval
  2. All decisions made by Hero Sportz Brand staff are final

Coach & Spectator Conduct/Responsibilities

  1. Hero may require coaches, family members, parents, and spectators to observe the contest from designated areas
  2. Coaches must agree to sign a coaches code of conduct and strictly adhere to our guidelines for coach conduct and attitude
  3. If a coach displays any type of negativity toward his/her players, coaches or staff, the coach will be removed from the field immediately and unable to coach for the remainder of the tournament
  4. All family members, parents and spectators will observe play from the designated areas. Participants, coaches, parents and family members must conduct themselves appropriately during tournament
  5. Inappropriate, rude or confrontational behavior by any coach, team or parent(s) may lead to a team’s disqualification from a tournament at the sole discretion of Hero
  6. Misconduct by any individual may lead to removal from the premises at the sole discretion of Hero

Check-in & Registration

  1. Participation requirements and registration guidelines are provided to each head coach/club admin when registering for a tournament via Zorts Sports
  2. A Hero Sportz Brand LLC, PARTICIPATION AUTHORIZATION, RELEASE & WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY & GENERAL RELEASE AGREEMENT FORM, signed electronically by a parent or legal guardian, must be submitted by the participant. Participants will not be eligible to play without the proper waivers submitted via Zorts Sports
  3. Players must have an active/eligible Zorts Player Card (Bronze or above)
  4. Please visit for additional details regarding Zorts Player Cards
  5. Roster changes are no longer available once your first game has started
  6. Roster additions after the deadline will cost $25/player
  7. Hero reserves the right to disqualify players and/or teams if individuals do not meet the Tournament Requirements set forth in the current Hero season
  8. At least (1) one coach/representative must check-in on the Saturday of the tournament to receive wristbands for players and coaches, please allow yourself at least an hour before your scheduled game to complete the check-in process
  1. Subject to change based on Tournament Directors discretionary


  1. All rosters must be completed through via Zorts Sports
  2. Teams must consist of at least (7) players with a maximum of 30 players per team
  3. Teams must start games with a minimum of (7) players
  4. In the event of an injury, a team with insufficient substitutes players may play with (7) players on the field but no fewer than 7
  5. All roster protests will be addressed, by the Hero Tournament Director, either prior or during game play only
  1. Coaches will need to immediately notify tournament staff when submitting a roster protest
  2. Game play and time will not be stopped, both teams will continue to play during the roster protest
  1. If a roster is ruled illegal, the team at fault will forfeit the game, awarding the other team a 28-0 victory
  2. If a roster is proven legal, the game will be recorded as is
  1. Roster protests will not be valid after a game has been played
  2. Players may only play for a (1) team per age division
  1. Players may play for current age division while playing up at the next age division
  1. Organizations with Multiple teams in the same age division
  1. Once a team is eliminated from tournament play that disqualifies those players on the losing team from further play during that day.  
  2. Wristbands are not interchangeable among players.
  3. All players must have a wristband to be eligible to compete.
  4. This will be monitored by tournament staff
  5. Any players/teams that are caught competing without a wristband will be automatically eliminated from the tournament
  7. If a team is caught using players not on their original roster team, that team will be disqualified.
  8. A player cannot play for two different teams in any age division

Pool & Bracket Play Format

  1. Teams will play a minimum of (3) games in pool play
  1. Teams could potentially play a 4th pool play game if the schedule could be accommodated
  2. Subject to change based on Tournament Directors discretionary
  1. Divisional Tie Breakers
  1. Two teams tied for one place
  1. Head-to-head competition
  2. Point Differential
  3. Total Points Allowed
  4. Total Points Scored
  5. Coin Toss
  1. Three or more teams tied for one place
  1. Point Differential
  2. Total Points Allowed
  3. Total Points Scored
  4. Coin Toss
  1. Playoffs and Champions
  1. Single Elimination playoff bracket games will be scheduled after pool play official results are submitted via Zorts Sports
  2. Subject to change based on Tournament Directors discretionary
  3. Divisional playoff seeds are determined by
  1. Overall Record
  2. Point Differential
  3. Total Points Allowed
  4. Total Points Score

The Game

  1. At the start of each game, captains from both teams meet at midfield for the coin toss to determine who starts with the ball
  1. During bracket play, the higher seed will choose which team gets the ball first
  1. i.e. #4 seed plays #5 seed, #4 seed will choose which team gets the ball first
  1. Offense always starts on the 40-yard line with their choice of the hash. After any change of possession
  1. NOTE: Interceptions are to start on the 30-yard line
  1. All snaps at the 40-yard line must be off the QB-TEE or under the center
  1. No shotguns snaps are allowed
  1. QBs may take a shotgun snap after advancing the ball beyond the 40-yard line
  2. If using a center to snap the ball, the center is ineligible to catch a pass
  3. Offense has three (3) downs per line-to-gain. Line-to-gains will be at the 25-yard, 10-yard and Goal lines
  1. Red zone 4th down option, offense may elect to go for it on 4th down only inside the 10-yard line (Red zone).
  2. If successful, the offense will be rewarded the touchdown
  3. If not successful, the defense will be rewarded 4 points
  1. Note: An interception still results as a defensive stop and will not be awarded additional 3 points
  1. A player is legally down when the ball carrier is touched with at least one hand below the neck
  1. Excessive force by shoving, pushing or striking a blow will be penalized by Automatic 1st down and 10 yards.
  2. Expulsion of player if ruled unsportsmanlike & flagrant
  1. The QB will have 4.0 seconds to throw. Refs will 3-chop and the 4th chop is the whistle. (Stopwatches may be used for verification.)  The four second clock starts on the snap of the ball
  2. Running/Rushing plays are not permitted
  3. Blitzing is not permitted
  4. Challenge Flag Option
  1. Only applicable in the 15U & 18U High School divisions during the semi-final and final games
  2. The following type of plays will be challengeable:
  1. Touchdowns
  2. Out of Bounds
  3. Catch or No-Catch
  1. Interceptions included
  1. Penalty Enforcements
  1. Coaches cannot challenge judgment calls made by officials i.e. Defensive Holding or Pass Interference
  2. Coaches will be provided a HERO Sportz Red Challenge Flag
  1. Challenge flags must be presented/tossed immediately prior to the next snap
  2. If the challenge flag gets tossed, it initiates an instant replay review, which can be provided from any clear camera footage surrounding the field of play
  1. Video evidence must be provided from the teams, officials will make the final decision if video quality is clear and concise to make an overturning a challenge decision
  1.  If video evidence is not clear, then the original call on the field will stand and the team will lose their timeout and challenge
  1. Coaches will receive 1 challenge a game
  1. If the coach fails the challenge, he forfeits his timeout.
  2. If he successfully challenges, no timeout is taken away.
  3. If a coach challenges with no timeouts, that will be an unsportsmanlike penalty — a 15-yard penalty.
  4. If a challenge is made and there is no clear video evidence, the call of the field will stand, coach loses his challenge and timeout
  1. A team can’t commit a penalty before the next snap and then challenge, that will be an unsportsmanlike penalty — a 15-yard penalty.


  1. Mouth guards are MANDATORY
  1. Not applicable to QBs
  1. Soft shell helmets are highly recommended
  1. Soft shell helmets but they must be secured at ALL times while on the playing field
  1. Teams must provide their own matching uniforms
  1. Secondary uniforms are mandatory (Dark colored or Light colored shirts are acceptable)
  2. Numbers are recommended but not mandatory
  3. If teams are wearing the same color, there will be a coin toss, the losing team will need to change to a different color
  4. Suggestion, bring an extra white shirt or backup color
  5. Home teams wear dark color jerseys. Visiting teams wear light color jersey
  6. QBs may wear a different color on offense
  7. Subject to change based on Tournament Directors discretionary
  1. If teams cannot change uniforms cordially, during pool play a coin toss will determine who changes and during bracket play Higher seed has option
  1. Teams will provide their own footballs
  1. PeeWee - Size 5 (5U - 8U)
  2. Junior - Size 6 (8U - 12U)
  3. Youth - Size 7 (12U - 14U)
  4. Pro/Official - Size 9 (14U & up)
  1. Players must wear closed toed shoes. Cleats are allowed, however, no metal cleats are permitted
  1. Subject to change based on certain facility rules
  1. Players may tape their forearms, hands, and fingers. Players may wear gloves, elbow pads and knee pads. Braces with exposed metals are permitted
  2. Players must remove all jewelry, hats, and do-rags. Winter beanies are allowed


  1. Field Length will be 50 yards x 53.3 yards wide
  1. 40-yard playing field with a 10-yard end zone
  2. Line-to-gains will be at the 25-yard, 10-yard and Goal lines
  3. 1st line-to-gain will be 15 yards (25-yard line)
  4. 2nd line-to-gain will be 15 yards (10-yard line)
  5. 3rd line-to-gain will be the Goal line

Timing & Overtime

  1. Game time is Forfeit time
  1. Registration will not be a reason to hold up games
  2. Forfeited games will result in a 28-0 final score
  3. Subject to change based on Tournament Directors discretionary
  1. Games are played on a 25-minute continuous clock unless one team gains a 28-point advantage at any time, which will then end the game
  2. Clock stops only for timeouts (Bracket play only) or injuries at the officials/tournament director’s discretion
  3. Each time the ball is spotted, a team has 25 seconds to snap the ball
  1. Offense is responsible for retrieving the football after every play and spotting the ball with the line judge official
  1. Each team has (1) 30-second timeout per game ONLY DURING BRACKET PLAY
  1. The game clock does not run during extra-points after a time out has been called
  1. Officials can stop the clock at their discretion
  2. In the event of an injury, the clock will stop then restart when the injured player is removed from the field of play
  3. Injured player must take off for at least one play if attended to during an injury timeout
  4. If the score is tied at the regular game play, an overtime period will be used to determine a winner during BRACKET PLAY ONLY. Pool play games will be allowed to end in a tie
  5. Overtime period format is as follows:
  1. Higher seeded team will choose Offense of Defense
  2. Each team will receive 3 plays from 10-yard line, choice of hash
  3. If the offense scores, they MUST go for 2 points from the 10-yard line
  4. If after the 1st overtime is still tied each team will get ONE (1) play from the 40 and the team that produces the most yardage off of that play will win
  5. 2nd OT the higher seed will choose to play Offense or Defense first
  6. There are no timeouts
  7. An INT will end the game


  1. 6 points for a Touchdown
  2. A team that scores a touchdown must declare whether it wishes to attempt a   a 2-point conversion (from the 10-yard line). Any change, once a decision is made to try for the extra point, requires a charged timeout. A decision cannot be changed after a penalty
  3. 0 points are awarded to the defense for on offensive Turnover on Downs.
  4. 2 points are awarded for a safety
  5. 3 points for an interception (no runbacks or “pick-six”)
  1. NOTE: New offensive possession at the 30-yard line
  1. 4 points will be awarded for a defensive stop during a 4th down option (Only in the Red Zone)
  2. Turnover on a PAT is a dead ball (including an interception) and no points will be given
  3. If there is an interception that occurs with no time on the clock, three (3) points for the interception will awarded
  4. Official scores will be kept by the officials


  1. Only (4) four coaches per team are allowed on the sidelines. All team photographers, managers, position coaches, team moms, fans, etc. must remain a minimum of 10 yards off the field in the end zone area
  2. Only (1) one offensive coach is allowed on the field at any time. Penalty is delay of game and a loss of down
  3. Only (2) two substitute players can be on the field (players must be on one knee) during play. Penalty is delay of game and a loss of down
  4. The offensive coach must be positioned behind the offensive huddle and not coaching after the ball is snapped. Penalty is delay of game and a loss of down
  5. Offenses/Defenses cannot set up on the field until the opposing team reaches the 10-yard line. Penalty is delay of game and a loss of down
  6. No defensive coaches can be on the field at any time
  7. Coaches will be given 1 sideline warning during play. Second warning will result in a 10-yard penalty or half the distance to the goal. Third warning will result in coach’s ejection

Live Ball/Dead Ball

  1. The ball is live at the snap of the ball and remains live until the official whistles the ball dead
  2. The official will indicate the neutral zone and line of scrimmage
  1. It is an automatic dead ball foul if any player on defense or offense enters the neutral zone. Regarding the neutral zone, the official may give both teams a “courtesy” neutral zone notification to allow their players to move back behind the line of scrimmage
  1. A player who gains possession in the air is considered in bounds if the first foot contacts the ground in the field of play
  2. The defense may not mimic the offensive team signals by trying to confuse the offensive players, while the quarterback is calling out signals to start the play. This will result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty
  3. Substitutions may be made on any dead ball
  4. Any official can whistle the play dead.
  5. Play is ruled “dead” when:
  1. When touched below the neck with one hand
  2. The ball hits the ground
  3. If the ball hits the ground because of a bad snap, the ball is then placed where the ball hit the ground
  4. The ball-carrier steps out of bounds
  5. A touchdown, PAT or safety is scored
  6. The ball-carrier’s knee or arm hits the ground
  7. The receiver catches the ball while in possession of one or no flag(s)
  8. The 4 second pass clock expires
  9. Inadvertent whistle

Note: There are fumbles. The ball becomes a dead ball. However, If the ball is fumbled by the ball carrier, then it will be spotted 10 yards from the spot where the ball carrier lost possession.

  1. If inadvertent whistle occurs the offense has two options
  1. Take the ball where the whistle blew, and the down is consumed
  2. Replay the down from the original line of scrimmage

Note: If it occurs on the last play of the half or game, the offense will be awarded one untimed down and given those two options


  1. The ball is spotted where the ball is when the runner is touched
  2. The offense may never run the ball at any time
  3. The quarterback has a four-second “pass clock.” If a pass is not thrown within the four seconds, the play is dead, the down is consumed, and the ball is returned to the line of scrimmage.
  4. All passes must be from behind the line of scrimmage, thrown forward and ball out of hand prior to breaching the line of scrimmage
  5. Should a swing pass not cross the LOS and a defensive player tags the ball carrier behind the 40-yard line, the play will result in a safety (2 points for the defense)
  6. No blocking or “screening” is allowed at any time – THIS WILL RESULT IN A 5-YARD PENALTY FROM THE PREVIOUS LINE OF SCRIMMAGE AND A LOSS OF DOWN
  7. Offensive players without the ball must stop their motion once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage. No running with the ball-carrier
  8. All offensive formations must be legal sets. The offense (wide receivers) has to line up outside the tackle box, and one receiver has to be on the line on each side. Illegal Formation, 5 yard penalty and replay the down
  9. All offensive substitutions must enter through the back of the offense
  10. Only one player is allowed in motion at a time. All motion must be parallel to the line of scrimmage and no motion is permitted toward the line of scrimmage
  11. Multiple players may go in motion but will all need to come to a full stop before snapping the ball. Illegal Shift, 5 yard penalty and replay the down
  12. A player must have at least one foot in bounds, contacting the ground first
  13. In the case of simultaneous possession by both an offensive and defensive player, possession is awarded to the offense
  14. Interceptions are not returnable
  15. Fumbles are a Loss of 10 Yards


  1. A player is legally down when the ball carrier is touched with at least one hand below the neck
  1. Excessive force by shoving, pushing or striking a blow will be penalized by Automatic 1st down and 10 yards.
  2. A player can be ejected from the game if ruled Unsportsmanlike or Flagrant
  1. Defense is allowed to jam within 5 yards and play tight defense. Excessive holding, hands to the face, slapping head or throwing player down will not be tolerated.
  2. Excessive force or shoving will not be tolerated and will be penalized with automatic first down and 10 yards.
  3. NO BLITZING ALLOWED in the ENTIRE game (INCLUDING overtime). If a team blitz’s, they will be penalized 15 yards Unsportsmanlike penalty
  4. An interception will result in an immediate stoppage of play and a change of possession with the interception team gaining possession at the 30-yard line and awarded 3 points
  1. If an unsportsmanlike penalty is given to the interception team, they will be penalized half the distance (15 yard penalty) and loss of down penalty.
  1. Offense will start at the 35 yard line and 2nd down
  1. Defensive pass interference will result in a 15-yard penalty if infraction spot is greater than 15-yards or spot foul if infraction spot is less than 15-yards and automatic 1st down
  2. Defensive holding will result in a 10-yard penalty and automatic 1st down




Spot Assessed




Previous Spot

Replay Down

False Start


Previous Spot

Replay Down

Illegal Formation


Previous Spot

Replay Down

Illegal Shift


Previous Spot

Replay Down

Illegal Motion


Previous Spot

Replay Down

Delay of Game


Previous Spot

Replay Down

Illegal Participation


Previous Spot

Replay Down

Illegal Blocking


Previous Spot

Loss of Down

Offensive Pass Interference


Previous Spot

Loss of Down

Defensive Pass Interference


Spot or Previous Spot

Auto 1st Down

Defensive Holding


Previous Spot

Auto 1st Down

Illegal Blitzing


Previous Spot

Auto 1st down

Excessive Celebration/Taunting

No Extra Point

Loss of Down

Unsportsmanlike Penalty


Previous Spot

By the offense: Loss of Down

By the defense:

Auto 1st down

  1. No penalty may be assessed in excess of the 40 yard line. If a penalty would move the offense beyond the 40 yard line, the offensive team will only be charged with loss of down.

Celebrations / Fighting Conducts

  1. We encourage celebrations. However, we do not tolerate taunting. Keep it fun and keep it quick so as not to unnecessarily delay game play. If during a celebration your players pass the other team's hash, you will be penalized for Excessive Celebration/Taunting. If a team is penalized for excessively celebrating/taunting, the result is an unsportsmanlike penalty, a loss of down and ejection of the player.
  2. BALLHEAD NOTE: Circling or touching players from the opposite team will result in an excessive celebration penalty plus two (2) points being awarded to the non-offending team. A second violation may result in ejection at the discretion of the Tournament Director
  3. Punting or throwing the Ball will result in a personal foul, if on a change of possession, the penalty will result in a loss of down and the ball placed on the 40yd line
  4. Fighting will not be tolerated. 
  1. If any coach encourages inappropriate behavior and acts aggressively towards other coaches or players, the coach will be ejected from the event after one warning
  2. If any coach touches any player from another team, the coach will be ejected from the tournament
  3. If a player throws a punch, he is ejected immediately and CANNOT return to the tournament
  4. If players are involved in pushing or shoving, they may be ejected immediately from the game at the referees’ discretion
  5. If a second incident occurs with the same player(s), they will be ejected from the tournament in its entirety
  6.  If a team’s bench clears, resulting in a fight, both of the teams are ejected, resulting in a forfeit
  7. The officials have the right to throw out any player, players, or team out of the game
  8. The tournament staff has the right in extreme cases to eject players, coaches, teams, and by-standers of any tournament and they will have to leave the facility immediately. A referee can also give a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty