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Voodoo Child
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Your chubby little sister walks into your room with her hands behind her back, and a bright smile on her face.

“What are you so happy about?” You tease her, giving her a mean look and closing the door in her face.

She opens it back up calmly, “I found a website that shipped me these dolls…”

A miniature replica of yourself, fully dressed in the same clothes as you in her right hand. A doll of herself in the left, also the same wardrobe as her current one.

“They looked like crash test dummies before I put some of our hair on their heads, and now look at what I can do!” She giggles, her fingers glowing red as she stretches out her doll’s torso.

Her stomach flattens and elongates, making you scream in shock as she moves on to the doll’s face. A couple of pinches and pulls later, and your sister has the face of a supermodel. She accentuates the doll’s curves, making herself look twice her age as her legs stretch out below her.

“Now your turn!” She laughs, immediately pressing down on your doll’s crotch.

You want to jump and try to stop her, but instead a burst of euphoria makes you fall back into the couch as your manhood quickly reverses inside you. Your pants disappear when she takes them off the doll, and your crotch opens up as your sister’s nails dig into the doll’s flat lap. She strokes the doll’s legs lovingly, making yours tingle with pleasure as they lengthen and slim.

Your nipples perk up when your sister pinches them erect on the doll, and your turned on groans morph into high pitched, lust filled moans as your sister stretches and slims the doll’s neck. Your nose shrinks, and your eyes become larger as your sister shapes your face into a younger version of her own. Then she squeezes fat from your stomach into your pelvis, making your pussy tighten as your butt inflates beneath you.

“Now to show you the real power of this thing!” She laughs, licking her lips excitedly as her thumb gently opens up your virgin lips.

You try to cry out in protest, but could only moan as you feel her giant thumb furiously massage your G spot. You can even feel her nail scratch your groin as she gets you closer to the brink of climax, making cum gush out of you and ruin the couch you’re sitting in.

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“You thought that was cool? Check this out” She laughs, putting a skimpy sweater on the doll and making it instantly appear on your still orgasming body.

It fits your slim shoulders, but you’re now much taller than the average person your size. Your sister doesn’t stop rubbing the doll’s pussy, putting it down on the table so her other hand can play with the doll’s boobs.

As soon as the doll lands on the table you’re able to move, and immediately try running out the door. Your sister doesn’t pick the doll up, instead pulling out a mini dildo and holding it up to the doll’s pussy. Your jaw drops when you see how big the dildo is compared to the doll, and you scream in euphoric bliss as she slips the vibrator deep into the doll. Your legs give out immediately and you fall to the floor in a squealing pile of ecstasy, letting the tiny sweater slide up your bouncing boobs and free your sensitive nipples as you try to cover the amount of lust in your cries.

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You look up into your sister’s evil eyes, begging her between moans to stop the insanity.

“Insanity? You drive me crazy everyday, and for no reason!! This is revenge, plain and simple.

Recognize who this is?” She asks menacingly, pulling out an exact miniature replica of your best friend, Scott.

You beg her to stop, but she rubs the doll’s crotch before removing the pants. A throbbing cock that looks much too big to be realistic stands at attention, your eyes unable to look away from it as you plead for mercy.

You lose the ability to speak as soon as your sister picks up the doll of you, and your body falls onto its back as she tilts the doll. You get dizzy from the rush of blood to your head, and see your sister shove the giant erection from Scott’s doll into your doll’s folds. The vibrator fades away quickly, and you breathe a sigh of relief. That instantly turns into squeals of joy though, and you watch through squinted eyes as Scott materializes from thin air mid-intercourse.

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He looks worried to suddenly be in a totally different location and naked, but you watch the worry on his face turn to happiness as your sister manipulates the mouth of his doll into a smile.

“Scott, any chance you’re a boob man?” Your sister asks casually, her thumb already arching your doll’s back to accommodate the weight she’s about to add.

“Of course!” He answers excitedly, his thrusts speeding up as a vein in his cock bulges into your folds.

“No coming yet!” Your sister laughs, putting her glowing red fingers around the Scott doll’s balls and presumably not letting him ejaculate.

Your begging for him to stop falls on deaf ears as his engorged cock fills you, and he pins your legs back to get even deeper when your sister does the same to the dolls. Then your sister starts changing your body more, making you much shorter and curvier. Your thighs swell in Scott’s hands, and your boobs start jiggling as they fill with fat. Then she changes your face, sharpening your features and somehow making your slutty moans even sexier as your neck extends slims even more.

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She places the doll on the table, wanting both hands to move even more fat from your stomach to your boobs. This immediately frees you, and your legs slam into Scott’s shoulders before you kick him off you.

You jump off the floor, ignoring your leaking pussy as you run for the front door. Then suddenly two strong, powerful hands grab your hips. You squeal in protest, telling Scott your name and true identity as he bends your slimming body over. Your boobs grow closer to the ground as they fill with fat from your stomach, and you cry out orgasmically as he slips his giant cock back into your folds. Your sister then squeezes Scott’s doll’s balls again, and you try pushing off from the wall of a man to no avail as he starts cumming inside you.

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He holds you tight against his lap, pumping your tight pussy full of cum before you’re finally able to free yourself from his grip. Your legs don’t move, and instead of running away you just collapse to the ground. Your vision goes dark before your head hits the floor, and you suddenly wake up what feels like years later.

The raw soreness and pulsating sensation from Scott’s cock is long gone, and you feel like someone bathed the sweat and cum from before off your body. You pick your hand up to brush some hair out of your face, pausing when you feel heavy jiggling weights on your chest. Your hand goes straight for your boobs instead of the hair, and your jaw drops at the size and heft of your new bosom. The fear of being at your sister’s whim washes away as you play with your new boobs, and you forget yourself as your giant nipples rub against the smooth fabric of your padded bra liner.

Suddenly the door bursts open, and your sister stands with your doll in her hands. You blush when you see the happy look on the doll’s face, it’s own giant boobs cupped in its hands.

“I'm becoming better with this voodoo doll, I can even influence your thoughts now!” Your sister giggles, whispering into the doll’s ear.

A red haze slips from her mouth into the doll’s ear as she whispers, and you suddenly feel the urge to play with your boobs even more. Bursts of euphoria shoot down to your womanhood as your hands violently mash and squeeze your breasts, your bimbo voice squealing in ecstasy as your sister watches with a smile.

She laughs as she runs her fingers through the doll’s hair, changing it and yours to a bright, pinkish blonde color. You feel helpless as she takes the doll’s bra off, undressing you before putting a tiny micro bikini around the doll’s chest. You moan in orgasmic discomfort as the straps pinch your soft chest fat, and an orgasmic push makes your tongue plop out of your mouth as your sister forms an ahegao face on the doll.

“I can do anything to you, and I’m learning all types of tricks constantly!” She laughs, gently rubbing the doll’s crotch and making yours wet.

She then places it in front of the cable receiver, and laughs as she turns on CBS. It must’ve been planned, cuz suddenly Kat Dennings as Max Black is on the screen from Two Broke Girls. A white orb engulfs the doll, almost blinding you before it fades away. Your doll is now in perfect Max Black cosplay, with bigger boobs to match!

You wait for the same to happen to you, smiling concedingly when you realize you’ve already been dressed up. You playfully grab at your boobs in mock surprise, making your sister roll on the floor in laughter when even that elicits a sensuous gasp from your plump made up lips.

“Don’t need to ask what I’m so happy about anymore, huh?” She mocks you, grabbing your boobs and making you moan lustfully before blushing in shame.

Your sister jokes that your body seems primed for a man, then a spark goes off in her head. She puts her own doll in front of the cable box receiver, and turns on the WWE network. Suddenly she grows into a seven foot tall behemoth, a hungry smile on her face as she picks your doll back up.

Her cock tents up in her pants as she stretches your body, shaping your cute busty fat into supermodel curves. Your stomach slims down and lengthens as she pulls at your feet and head, your boobs almost doubling in size as your height stretches and rises to meet her’s. Her large hand closes tightly around the doll’s length, suffocating you momentarily before transforming your cafe costume into a tight, stretchy one piece. Your sister whispers more red haze into the beautiful doll’s ear, making your head spin as an addiction to cum and a craving for cock overwhelms your senses.

You keel over from the surge of arousal, only to then have your bent over bubble butt grind into the sexiest man you’d ever seen. You melt in his arms, his hands manipulating your body into multiple orgasms as he slips his giant throbbing cock inside you. You cry out as you’re penetrated, but the feeling of your folds being spread open is nothing compared to the bliss of having your craving for warm cum nursed. Loud squeals ring through the apartment as the muscular man pumps you full of jizz, almost making you black out as his hand expertly massages your pussy.

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You manage to ask, “Why?” in a ditzy voice as your exhausted body falls into the couch, making the statuesque man laugh as your mind fades to nothing.

“Maybe now you’ll be a better person, and not be so mean to everyone!” Your boyfriend laughs, sounding like a twelve year old girl and putting a weird doll in his drawer as your eyelids close.