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BAN - Devarim-Hazon 5783
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The BAN – Beth Aharon Newsletter

Riverdale’s Sephardic-Yerushalmi Congregation at The Riverdale Bayit 

3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx NY 10463 *


Šabat Ḣazon Parašat Devarim

22 July 2023 * 4 Ḣodeš Av 5783

ד’ אב התשפ”ג
Earliest Candle Lighting Time - 6:50pm

Candle Lighting Official Time - 8:04pm

Šir Haširim - 6:45pm

Minḣa / Qabalat Šabat / Ȯrvit - 7:00pm

Šaḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest Šəmaȯ - 9:22am

Dəvar Torah - 10:45am

Qiduš - 11:45pm
Open Mind - 12:30pm - Free Talk

Torah Learning - 6:45pm @ LLBM

Daf Yomi - 6:55pm

Paraša Limud - 7:15pm

Zohar - 7:45pm / Minḣa - 7:50pm

Səȯuda Šəlišit & Šiȯur - 8:30pm

Šəqiȯa - 8:21pm * Ȯarvit - 8:56pm

Ṡet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 9:06pm

Šabat Šel Šalom :)

Rəfuaa Shəlema

Our prayers for full and quick recovery to ‘Am Yisrael wounded bodies & souls and to those who are sick, among them:  * Reuven ben Aliza * Haim ben Ester * Alisa bat Rahel * Yig’al ben Sulika * Gavriel ben Yocheved * Shoshana bat Yocheved * Yehuda Baruch Noam ben Tova Batya * Yedida Chava bat Sheva * Mouna bat Ouraida * Dan Rahamim ben Mouna * Yonathan Shlomo ben Danielle Esther * Ilana bat Victoria * Nachum ben Yehudit * Eliyhu ben Yulenda * Asher ben Dvora * Dvora bat Myriam * Yaniv ben Sarah * Michael Ben Sonia * Uri Gidon ben Julia * Chayka Chana bat Sarah Feiga * Juliet bat Oshrat * Dalia Sarah bat Rina Leah * Rut Frieda bat Debbie * Zahvah bat Devorah Beracha * Maayan Odeya bat Esther * Nahara Hallel bat Leba Batsheva * Yona bat Saada * Adi Shira bat Vered * Liba bat Bruna * Dina bat Toya * Yaaqov Tzvi ben Hinda Rochel * Oded ben Dina * Jessica Hanna bat Sarah * Esther bat Alia * Bryan ben Deniza Salazar * Hanna bat Sarah * Esther bat Alia * Jacob Ben Alia * Rei ben Batel * Rivqa Shinfeld, Snir Vitenber, Boaz Kokhav * and to all the ḥolim and the ḥolot.

This Shabbat & Beyond

This Shabbat Ḣazon Parashat Devarim and Nine Days.

Shiur after minḣat shabbat - on Giants and Anaqim.

Tefilat Erev Shabbat starts w/ Shir Hashirim, time is listed on the left. Minḥa is 15 minutes later :)

Sarah & Avraham’s Tent at the Bayit welcomes all every Shabbat for communal dinner, in memory of Henry & Goldie Guttman z"l.

 Kids Are Encouraged to participate in tefilot Beth Aharon, such as Ashre, Shema’ Yisrael, Sim Shalom, Listen to Aliyat Cohen, Say Yimlokh, Ein KəEloqenu, Adon Olam, and more.

Shabbat Bayit Groups are available to all kids of all ages from 9:30am to 11:30am, on the 3rd floor.

Berakha - Moshe ben Eliyahu, for having the zekhut of hakhnasat sefer Torah.

Azkara: Evelin bat Roza z”l, Bella bat Ruth z”l.

Dvar Torah: Reb Yossi ben Harush on The Vision of Redemption: Shabbat Ḣazon and haRav Uziel’s Mashiaḣ.

Qidush this Shabbat is Co-sponsored by the Ben Harush family in honor of the Beth Aharon Qehila and the Bayit hospitality and for their upcoming return to Eretz Yisrael. Kiddush sponsorship for next Shabbat available and welcomed: Donate On-Line

 Open Mind: After Kiddush, for those who care, a free talk on things that matter.

Torah Learning for kids and adults @ the LMB w/ some eats & good learning.

Parasha Limud - Parasha reading w/ Tsuri @ the LBM.

Mila baParasha - after minḥa: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “Anaqim - ענקים” - what does the word mean; are they Anakites or giants; and ‘how tall were they? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Blessings & Thanks & More

Mazal Tov to Toby & Rav Avi on the birth of a great-grandson in Israel.
Many Thanks to the aliyot pledgers for supporting kiddush last shabbat; To Rav Yonah Berman for Dvar Torah; To Sandra & Sam Sigal and Ami Aharon for sponsoring Sunday post-tefila shiur by Reb Shalom Stitou; To Eliezer Ohayon for sponsoring Sunday breakfast; To all adults and kids who joined the BA Challa Bake this week, and to those who organized and helped: Shoshana, Yeal, Susanna, Jeo, Chico, Sara, and Michelle.

Happy Birthday to Moshe Assaban, Yossi Weissman, and to all Av-July borns.
Sunday Tefila @ 8:15 with Hodu followed by Sunday Shiur between 9:00-10:00am by Reb Shalom Stitou:

Reb Shalom is a YU BA graduate, an MA student at Revel, engages in an MA program in applied economics, and a semikha senior student of RIETS.

Our Community & Beyond

Shabbat Ḥazon

The Shabbat before Tish’a b’Av is called Shabbat Ḥazon - שבת חזון - the Shabbat of foretelling - as we read the Haftara portion from the prophecy of Isaiah (1:1-27), as the final of the "three of affliction" readings. It includes words of rebuke and doom coming from Isaiah. This Shabbat is also referred to as the Black Shabbat due to its status as the saddest Shabbat of the year as opposed to the White Shabbat, Shabbat Shuvah, immediately preceding Yom Kippur.

Community Matters

 Ahavat Yisrael and Ahavat Haberiyot, love for the Jewish people and love for all humanity, are values central to the Bayit’s mission to be a warm, welcoming, and inclusive community.

Shabbat Parashat Ḥaye Sara is Beth Aharon’s Anniversary. This year 5783 is our 24th year. In gematria 24 equals Beyaad-בְּיַחַד which translates as TOGETHER. 
Berukhim Habaeim to all our new members, individuals and families.
Stay Tuned for all BA upcoming events. Share your thoughts with our Board members: Ami Aharon, Akiva Small, Illan Donnard, and Roberta Kraus; Email us @ to get the weekly BANewsletter.

 ● Sunday Shaḥarit tefilot are ON every Sunday and on US national holidays at 8:15am. Donuts-Coffee sponsorship is welcomed!
 Join Beth Aharon’s WhatsApp Groups

CBA Tefilot information and details: BethAharonTefila;

CBA Notifications: BethAharonNews;

CBA Community Chat BethAharonCommunity;
Contact Us at for general inquiries and to join our email listing and the BANewsletter.

Qidush Sponsorship is available and always welcomes, full or partial, is always welcomed and appreciated.
Questions or Help? Email
Contributions: Supporting Beth Aharon tefilot and programs is much needed & welcomed! Support and DONATE ONLINE Tizku leShanim Rabot veTovot.

This Week’s BAN is Sponsored By





Beth Aharon is Riverdale’s sephardic orthodox congregation, located at the Riverdale Bayit (HIR) Bronx, NY, since its establishment on parashat Ḥaye Sara 5768/1998. Beth Aharon tefilot follow the Yerushalmi nusa, based on the teachings of Rav Ovadia Yosef, z”l. Our community embraces Jewish worshipers of all ethnic communities (‘edot) and of any level of observance, and welcomes all individuals who are in search of the Jewish faith. We encourage our congregants to take an active-leading role in Tefila and Qriat haTorah.

Tishעa b’Av 5783 Schedule

Tishעa B’Av Fast - Wednesday, July 26, Night to Thursday Day, July 27, Commemorating the destruction of the Temple and praying for its rebuilt. Sacrifices TBD.



Minha followed by Arvit & Migilat Eikha:(BA & HIR): 8:00pm

Fast Begins: 8:18pm * Sheqia: 8:22pm

Post-Arvit programs at the Bayit: 9:30pm

Eikha Midrash w/Rav Steven: 10:30pm



Shaharit: 6:00am (BA & HIR); 8:00am (HIR)

Explanatory Qinot: 8:45am * Shiurim : 12:00am-1:45pm

Early Minha: 1:45pm

Minha and Arvit (BA & HIR): 7:30pm

Fast Ends: Sunday at 9:02pm

Tishעa B’Av Bayit Page: BayitNineAv

*** Have a meaningful fast Fast :) ***


Rav Ovadia Yosef z”l

שבת חזון

שבת זו, שקודמת לתשעה באב, נקראת "שבת חזון", על שם ההפטרה שמפטירים לאחר קריאת התורה, "חזון ישעיהו בן אמוץ". וכל שלושת השבתות שלפני תשעה באב, נקראות "שלושה דפורענותא", כלומר, השלושה של הפורענות, מפני שההפטרות בכל אחת מהשבתות הללו עוסקות בתוכחות ובענייני החורבן והחטאים שגרמו לו.

והשבתות שלאחר תשעה באב, נקראות "שבעה דנחמתא", מפני שמפטירים בהם בדברי נחמה ואהבתו של ה' יתברך לעם ישראל גם כשהם בגלות. וכשהיה מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל קורא את דברי הנביאים בהפטרות, שמלאים באהבת ה' לעמו ישראל, היו עיניו זולגות דמעות של התרגשות, והיה כמו נחנק בקולו מרוב דבקותו ורגישותו ואהבתו לה' ולעמו. וכל הקהל היה נענה אחריו בהתרגשות גדולה.השבת, שבת פרשת דברים, וגם היא "שבת חזון" הסמוכה ליום תשעה באב, שבו נחרב בית המקדש בעוון שנאת חינם.

השבת נקרא בפרשת השבוע:
"אֵלֶּה הַדְּבָרִים אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר מֹשֶׁה אֶל כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן בַּמִּדְבָּר בָּעֲרָבָה מוֹל סוּף בֵּין פָּארָן וּבֵין תֹּפֶל וְלָבָן וַחֲצֵרֹת וְדִי זָהָב".

לכאורה עלינו לבאר, מדוע הוזכרו כאן כל אותם המקומות? רש"י הקדוש, מבאר את הדברים:

"לְפִי שֶׁהֵן דִּבְרֵי תּוֹכָחוֹת, וּמָנָה כָּאן כָּל הַמְּקוֹמוֹת שֶׁהִכְעִיסוּ לִפְנֵי ה' בָּהֶן, לְפִיכָךְ סָתַם אֶת הַדְּבָרִים וְהִזְכִּירָם בְּרֶמֶז, מִפְּנֵי כְּבוֹדָן שֶׁל יִשְׂרָאֵל".

כלומר, היה צורך להזכיר את כל אותם המקומות, כדי לרמוז, שבאותם המקומות הכעיסו בני ישראל את ה', והדברים הם דברי תוכחה המכוונים כלפיהם. ומשה רבנו עם כל היותו מנהיגם של ישראל, שמר על כבודם של ישראל, וכשבא להוכיחם, עשה זאת ברמזים, בכדי שלא לפגוע באף אחד מישראל.

שהרי אף במקרה שיש מצוה להוכיח אחד את השני, הרי שעלינו לעשות זאת בצורה שלא תפגע בשני, "הוֹכֵחַ תּוֹכִיחַ אֶת עֲמִיתֶךָ וְלֹא תִשָּׂא עָלָיו חֵטְא".

השאלה היא, כיצד עושים זאת? איך נצליח להוכיח אחד את השני בלא לפגוע בו? הרי אנו רואים אותו חוטא או עושה עוול, ואם כן בודאי שהוא יפגע מדברינו! אז כיצד עושים זאת?

 The Shabulletin - Your shabbat-table newsletter, on the parasha and beyond... 5783:40

Parasha & Times

Šabat Ḣazon Parašat Devarim

22 July 2023 * 4 Ḣodeš Av 5783

ד’ אב התשפ”ג
~ Fourth Day of Nine Days ~

Jerusalem - 7:03pm Candles; 8:23pm Havdala

Modiin - 7:14pm Candles; 8:24pm Havdala

Miami - 7:55pm Candles; 8:50pm Havdala

Manhattan - 8:04pm Candles; 9:09pm Havdala

Bronx - 8:04pm Candles; 9:09pm Havdala

Moscow - 8:38pm Candles; 10:17pm Havdala

London - 8:47pm Candles; 10:10pm Havdala
Paris - 9:26pm Candles; 11:43pm Havdala

Picture of the Week

Weekly Moment

Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it.

- Milan Kundera

In the Beginning

“Now, although any one would lament the destruction of such a work as this was, since it was the most admirable of all the works that we have seen or heard of, both for its curious structure and its magnitude, and also for the glorious reputation it had for its holiness; yet might such a one comfort himself with this thought, that it was fate that decreed it so to be, which is inevitable, both as to living creatures and as to works and places also... However, one cannot but wonder at the accuracy of this period thereto relating; for the same month and day were not observed, as I said before, wherein the Holy House was burnt formerly by the Babylonians.”

(Josephus Flavius in “Wars of the Jews” - War 6.4.8 267-268 in

 (According to Josephus Everything the Romans did was at the behest of, not in spite of, divine will. The fact that both Temples were destroyed on the same month and day, may further support this.)

Cyril Zooms In

“Like flowers scattered in a storm, a man’s life is a long farewell” – Haruki Murakami

This week’s parasha, Devarim (“words”), the first and eponymous parasha of the last book of the Torah, is Moses’ farewell address to the Israelites. They are about to cross the Jordan River westwards and to start the conquest of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua, Moses’ successor. Before his death, Moses addresses the entire people and rebukes it. Based on his 40-years experience in the desert, he knows that the Israelites will sin and will undermine their own spiritual potential. This is why Moses finds it necessary to rebuke the people through reminding them of the fateful events that happened in the desert. Beyond that, Moses knows that the transition from being nomadic tribes to becoming an agricultural nation is going to be complex and full of catastrophes, especially after the death of Joshua. The Israelites will feel apprehensive about their ability to succeed in their new identity, without strong leadership and surrounded by many enemies. The temptation to forget God and His laws will increase tremendously. This is why in Deuteronomy, Moses will restate the Divine laws for a new nation so they never forget them. But Moses is not the only one to address his farewell. God’s supernatural presence will also progressively be veiled under the forces of nature and be hidden up until this day. The Jewish people, because of its sins, will also say farewell to the Land of Israel and will endure a 2000-years exile. Those farewells may take thousands of years but they are temporary. Moses’ words are still read and respected today, God speaks to us even if we do not listen to Him, and we have started to return to our Land.

Wishing you and your family a welcoming, restful and joyful Shabbat, and an easy fast of Tisha Be’Av. Shabbat Shalom! C.B.

Tish’a b’Av

The Mishnah (Ta'anit 4) speaks of five national misfortunes that occurred on the Ninth of Ab, the first one being that night "when the Israelites were doomed to stay in the wilderness" for forty years; the second and third the destruction of Jerusalem under Nebuchadnezzar and Titus; the fourth is the fall of Betar; and the fifth misfortune was the drawing of the plow over the Holy City and the Temple a year later, in order to turn the place into a Roman colony. Henceforth the Ninth of Ab was like the Day of Atonement, the national fast-day, beginning with the evening before. No enjoyment whatsoever, whether in the way of eating and drinking or of bathing and anointing, is being permitted from evening to evening. Even the study of the Torah Law was to be confined to matters of a sad character, nor should any work be done on that day." (

The Weekly Riddle

How many Jewish Temples were there?

(Guess before you take a peek. The answer is on the back page.)

On the Parasha & Beyond…

Biblical Quiz: Dəvarim

Kids: How do we say “the Jordan River” in Hebrew?

Teenagers: Why were Bene Yisrael instructed not to conquer the land of Se‘ir?

 Adults: There are two lo-ta‘ase mitsvot (negative precepts) in parashat Devarim, what are they?

Parasha: Dəvarim-Dəvarim (Deuteronomy) 1:1-3:22

Historical Context: Creation Time: 2488 (1271 bce according to Seder Olam). Bene Yisrael's 40-year journey is close to an end as they encamped in the plains of Moav, across the Jordan from Jericho, on the first day of the 12th month of the 40th year.

Parashort: In the land of Moav, across the Jordan River, Moshe begins the repetition of the Torah to Bene Yisrael. He reviews the events that occurred and the laws that were given in the course of their 40 year journey from Egypt to Sinai to the Promised Land. Moshe recalls his appointment of judges and officers to ease his burden of bringing justice; the journey from Sinai through the great desert; the sending of the spies; the decree that the exodus generation will die out in the desert; the refusal of Moav and Amon to allow Bene Yisrael to pass through their countries; the wars against the Emori’s kings, Siḥon and ‘Og; the settlement of their lands by the tribes of Reuven and Gad and half of Menashe. Finally, Moshe instructs Yehushu‘a, to take the People into the Promised Land and lead them in the battles for its conquest with no fear of the nations of Kna‘an since Hashem will fight for them.

Haftara: 3 Weeks (3) - Yesha’ayahu (Isaiah), 1:1-27

Haftit: The haftara of Shabbat Ḥazon starts with prophecies of the suffering of Bene Yisrael because of their sins and of the forthcoming destruction of Bet Hamiqdash and Jerusalem. G-d appeals to the Jewish people to repent. G-d tells Bene Yisrael that they should learn to do good, seek justice, and support the oppressed. Once Bene Yisrael becomes good, they will be redeemed. G-d warns them that Jerusalem’s moral deterioration will lead only to Bene Yisrael’s destruction. The land must return to her pure state and G-d will have to purify Jerusalem with fire.

Connection to the Parasha: The Haftarot of Ben haMetsarim are taken from Isaiah and Jeremiah and are about the Temple's destruction and the exile of the Jewish people. Our haftara is the 3rd of 3 haftarot of the Three Weeks period, before Tish‘a B’Av.

Speechless in the Parasha: Dəvarim

Reading Moshe’s words to Bene Yisarel, do you feel that he is really ready to let go and go?

Biblical Quiz - Answers: Dəvarim

Kids: Nəhar HaYarden - נהר הירדן.

Teenagers: G-d gave Se‘ir to Ya‘aqov’s brother, ‘Esav, and to his descendants. (Lesson: respect your siblings’ stuff).

Adults: Not to appoint any judge who is unlearned in the Torah; a judge presiding at a trial should not fear any evil man.

A Story - on אותיות

ל שנאה יש 4 אותיות. ל אהבה גם.

ל אויבים יש 6 אותיות. ל ידידים גם.

ל שקר יש 3 אותיות. ל אמת גם.

ל טיפש יש 4 אותיות. ל פיקח גם.

ל עבירה יש 5 אותיות. ל מצווה גם.

ל כישלון יש 6 אותיות. ל ניצחון גם.

ל מורת-רוח יש 7 אותיות. ל קורת-רוח גם.

אם תהפכו כל אנרגיה שלילית להילה של חיוביות,

הכל יכול להיראות אחרת... כי הכל תלוי בזווית הראיה שלנו.

לפני ט באב, היום שבו חשוב וצריך להיות בשלום עם החברים,

מאחל לכם להיות תמיד באהבת חינם,

ותמיד לדון כל חבר ואדם לכף זכות!

  💛 נחשוב טוב יהיה טוב 💛

Rav Question - שאלת רב

There is a simple yet important commandment: v’akhalta v’savaעta u’verakhta וְאָכַלְתָּ וְשָׂבָעְתָּ וּבֵרַכְתָּ and you shall eat and you shall feel satiated and you shall bless G-d, but it’s not easy to always do it and more so with full intention. Why?

Time to Smile  

The Holy Ruzhiner (Chassidic master Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin, 1797-1851) rejected all feelings of sadness, even of bitterness.1 So his chassidim would engage in all sorts of practical jokes on the Ninth of Av (in order to mitigate the sadness of the day). They would throw burrs at each other. Then they conceived of the following prank: they opened a skylight on the roof of the study hall and dropped a snare; when someone walked into the study hall, they would yank on the rope so that the snare fastened itself around him, and pull him up to the roof.

It happened that the Ruzhiner himself walked into the study hall. Those who were up on the roof could not see clearly who was coming in, so they pulled him up. To their dismay, they saw that they had pulled up their rebbe! As soon as they recognized who it was, they let him down.

Cried out the Ruzhiner: "Master of the Universe! If Your children are not properly observing Your “festival,” then take it away from them!" --- Told by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch

In The Israeli News

- Israel GDP per capita grew to be the 3rd largest in Asia, after Singapore and Qatarץ

Riddle Solved

It depends how and what we count. As far as Temple periods we have 2: The First Temple era from King Solomon 970 bce to the Babylonian Exile 586 bce and the Second Temple era from the return of the Exile and rebuilt of the Temple in 516 bce to the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 ce.

As far as Temple structures we have 3: The Solomon Temple, the Ezra-Hashmonite Temple, and the Herod Temple. There is one more overlooked Temple, The Julian Temple.

In 362 ce, the Roman Emperor Julian decreed the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. Works started a year later, with the cleanup of the Temple land and building the foundations, but the project failed due to earthquake, fire, and the death of Julian in 364 ce.