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C Size-A-Like Discussion - 2024 Montana Principals Conference
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C Size-A-Like Discussion Questions - 2024 Montana Principals Conference

Discussion Leaders

Questions/Input to be Considered by the Group

  1. Describe your successes and challenges so far this school year.


  1. Staff meeting scheduling when every driver is a school employee
  2. How are activity drivers handled when they are also hourly employees?
  3. Exploring alternate forms of transportation: passenger vans, suburbans


  1. Local colleges have to meet hour outreach requirements - encouraged to connect with them; swag donations, etc
  1. In response to Student My Voice Survey feedback - Why is this course relevant? How is this important?
  2. Several alumni were guest speakers

  1. How are districts changing their policies to address open enrollment?
  1. Pad McCracken - MT Legislative Fiscal Division is a resource

  1. How are you preparing for the new accreditation process?
  1. Adult Living (FCS), Business/Tech

  1. How are you addressing recruitment and retention of qualified teachers and staff?
  1. Forsyth teacher lived in a hotel for 1 ½ years
  2. Some teachers living in Idaho and working in West Yellowstone
  1. 1 hour+ commute
  2. Passed bonds but now building costs surpass bond amount
  1. Keeping lists of community members that have houses, apartments, rooms available for rent
  2. Flathead is doing student-built houses
  3. Consider attaching teacher housing to the school when doing building projects
  1. Governor was trying to get feedback on this from Belt last May - no one knows how to access this money
  1. Belt considering four day week to retain teachers because teachers nearing retirement are saying they’d be more inclined to stay a few more years with a shortened week schedule
  2. Meals - making sure kids have meals on Fridays
  1. Backpack Programs
  2. 5th Day Programs
  1. Philipsburg saw increase in teaching applicants and improved attendance for high school students due to away game scheduling on Fridays and Saturdays
  2. Teachers on 4-day weeks are generally not expressing loss in instructional time as a concern
  3. Some new curriculums are starting to show 4 day plans with an optional 5th day

  1. OPI feedback:  (reporting, support from OPI, MAST testing)

  1. Other topics discussed by members: