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Customizable TikToker
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Chet was bored enough to browse the App Store on his phone one day, searching for a game or platform that could entertain him.

“Customizable TikToker? What’s that?” He asks aloud, downloading the app and logging into his TikTok through it.

A list of relationships and personalities appear, but he ignores it and presses ‘Skip’. The app defaults to ‘Best Friend’ and ‘Preset 1’, before the screen goes black. When it lights back up Chet watches with interest as a fit girl in workout clothes poses, her yoga pants tight enough to show the outline of her panties.

You had been simply hanging out in your kitchen, making yourself a sandwich when the words “Best Friend”, and “Preset 1” rang in your mind. Suddenly you felt an intense hunger, and fat from all over your body got eaten by the growing craving in your belly.

The emptiness eats up more than just body fat, and your boxers almost get inhaled as your manhood gets sucked up inside you.  Your vocal cords tighten as your lips start moving on their own, and you slowly realize you are singing along to a pop song. The music comes from a pink phone on the counter, and you find yourself unable to look away as it displays your shrinking body through the camera. You look anemic when the hunger ceases, holding your pants up with no fat in your face or arms. Then your shirt shrinks into a crop top, and you gasp as your loose pants snap tightly around your thin waist. You feel them soften as the waistband, belt, and buttons disappear, turning into cream colored yoga pants.

You wonder about your loose shirt as you pull on it, till you feel a surge of fat from your belly. Next thing you know, budding breasts grow into the once baggy shirt. Soon a round pair of B cup boobs fill your shirt, creating small cleavage as the TikTok app on your phone opens up. Your body poses seductively, sexilly singing into the camera even as your mind protests and cringes.

Your best friend, Chet, watches the video he doesn’t know is live for several seconds, soon losing interest and swiping up to the next video.

‘Please choose customizations.’ A disclaimer pops up over a black screen, followed by a long list of sliders and switches.

Chet chuckles as he goes through the list, noting every distinct character and body customization. He increases the sliders labeled ‘Softness’ and ‘Playfulness’, and decreases the one labeled ‘Awareness’. He then presses continue, proud of his decision to make the next girl on screen be more outgoing and less self aware.

You hear the different titles of the various sliders as he swipes through them, followed by a number from one through a hundred. You feel your boobs and skin soften when the ‘Softness’ is almost doubled to ‘45’, and fear the worst when you hear your ‘Awareness’ go down sixty five points to ‘20’.

You’re suddenly no longer standing in the kitchen, instead playfully dancing in a girly bedroom. You feel the soft yoga pants turn into coarse low rise jeans on your softer thighs, and your shirt scrunches up around your chest. Your worries disappear as you feel your eyes glaze over, and your seductive movements become even more exaggerated as the music turns up. You laugh and bounce as your boobs jiggle uncontrollably, your new shirt doing nothing to contain your soft breasts.

Chet’s pants tent up from the fun display, his eyes locked in on your perfect boobs before he swipes up and hungrily edits you further. He thinks he’s using an AI program that searches for girls on TikTok based on his filters, and won’t stop editing the filters till he finds his perfect girl. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to either of you, he selected you when the app defaulted to ‘Best Friend’. The app is for making customizable TikTokers, magic the App Store usually doesn’t allow. Unfortunately for you, Chet got the app right before moderators could take it down.

You feel your hair poof out, becoming much more smooth and voluminous as your ‘Style’ is changed from ‘Modest’ to ‘Regal’. Your shirt stretches, merging with your jeans and making them shrink up your smooth legs. Soon a form fitting white dress straps itself over your shoulders, and you fix your jiggling bust as Chet edits you further. The word ‘Bottom’ sounds in your head, and you feel an explosion of fat behind you when the slider goes from ‘10’ to ‘65’. Your thighs swell too, and you spin around to check out your new curves as Chet watches.

His cock throbs when you turn, and a million ideas pour into his head as he swipes up. After going through all the sliders on the black screen he changes ‘Interests’ from ‘TikTok and Instagram Influencer’, to ‘Cock and Cum Addiction’. First a screaming image of Chet’s veiny erection runs through your mind, and you blink when the urge to be disgusted isn’t there. Then a flood of bubbly thoughts make you stare ahead blankly, your reeling mind in awe as millions of horny ideas overwhelm your consciousness.

You hear the ‘Style’ option change to ‘Gamer Girl’, and you lustfully moan in anticipation when you hear ‘Boobs’ change from ‘B’ to ‘DD’. You feel your dress cut in half, the top shrinking into a bikini as the cups grow to accommodate your inflating boobs. The drafty breeze on your inner legs disappears, and you giggle as you feel your former dress tightly wrap and squeeze itself around your thighs.

You bounce playfully, your hair tying itself into pigtails as you smile for your phone. Then the music changes, and you lose control of your body as it performs a choreographed dance. Your unaware laughs are interrupted when another sound rings in your head, and ‘Cuteness’ gets turned up to ‘85’ as you bounce. Your lips plump up as your eyes enlarge and become round, your stomach and hips cinching in from the tightening shorts as Chet tunes in.

He swipes up before increasing the ‘Age’ slider, automatically disabling the ‘Gamer Girl’ ‘Style’. Your eyes sharpen as your height shoots up, and you feel your hips spread out as your thighs and ass fill with more fat. The front of your bikini stretches down your torso, cupping your moist pussy and meeting the back straps to form a soft onesie. Your dance doesn’t change as your shorts turn blue, tattoos burning themselves into your arms as Chet edits more things about you.

Your stomach tones as he changes your ‘Body Type’ to ‘Athletic’, and you feel a gush of arousal as he turns ‘Libido’ up to ‘69’. You giggle as your boobs bounce and jiggle, your panties getting damp as you hornily think about riding Chet and playing with his cock.

Chet watches you drool and bounce for a full minute, smiling excitedly as he swipes up. He changes your ‘Occupation’ from ‘Streamer’ to ‘Maid’, making you laugh nervously as your outfit quickly shrinks. The app shows this change to Chet, making him realize he’s actually changing people in real life.

Your onesie fades away, reducing to a tiny corset that barely covers your tight stomach. Your shorts become a frilly mini skirt that doesn’t cover your bubble butt, and a cloth crown appears on your head as a matching choker wraps tightly around your neck.

Even if he doesn’t know it’s his best friend, Chet should feel remorse for ruining someone’s life, instead he instantly becomes drunk with power. He increases the ‘Boobs’ slider to the max, watching you gasp orgamsically as your nipples puff up. He then moves the ‘Intelligence’ slider for the first time, decreasing it to ‘0’ as he maxes out the ’Bottom’ and ‘Bimbo’ sliders.

Your boobs slow their inflation as your hips and ass join, your mind emptying all thoughts besides the ones that make your pussy wet as Chet laughs. The mini skirt gets ripped to shreds as your hips grow outward, and you play with your boobs for the camera as the need to clean the house overwhelms your thoughts.

You giggle and orgasm as you sexilly dust your bookshelf, Chet’s cock ready to explode in his hand as he watches. He desperately searches through the settings, trying to find your location or a way to get you in his house. Then he finally sees your name under ‘Original User Name’, and realizes he’s been changing his best friend the whole time. His first thought is to reverse all the changes, but instead he quickly calls you.

The live video continues uploading to his phone as you answer his call, sweetly swinging “Hello?” into your phone to no response. Suddenly you hear your ‘Obedience’ slider being raised to ‘100’, and an oddly familiar voice on the phone instructs you to go to Chet’s house right after that.

Next thing you know, you’re walking through the streets in maid lingerie, smiling and showing your bouncing tits to the camera for Chet like he’d commanded. He soon starts to notice all the odd stares you’re getting and has mercy, changing your ‘Occupation’ from ‘Maid’ to ‘Escort’.

Your corset instantly strateches out, covering your torso before turning into a red dress that tightly hugs your massive curves. The top opens wide, again letting your boobs bounce freely as every man you pass stops to stare. Some catcall for you, but Chet had commanded you to ignore them and just smile for the camera.

You arrive at your best friend’s house, your male mind trying to fight its way out of the deep bimbo abyss that Chet created. Your chest jiggles like jello as you knock on the front door, waiting with a ditzy smile for Chet and his big cock. Just hearing his footsteps makes you leak through your panties, and you jump the handsome hunk as soon as he opens the door.

Your only desire is to fill your mouth and pussy with his cock, your mind screaming for Chet’s fullness as you undress him. You follow Chet deep into his house, chasing his chiseled jaw as he backpedals to the master bedroom. You get on your knees after feeling up his muscular chest, crawling after his erection as you grab at his pants. He finally lets you pull his them down when he’s in the shower, and you let out a blissful squeal when you finally get your hands around a throbbing cock.

Chet laughs and pulls out his phone, now able to edit himself and you. He makes his cock big enough for just the head to fill your mouth, making you choke on his shaft and cough it back up. He then increases your ‘Sexual Prowess’ to ‘100’, and you feel your jaw unhinge to let in the massive erection.

Your mouth opens wide, just big enough to get your plump lips around Chet’s giant member. The musky taste makes you drool as you lick the tip of his cock, precum hitting the back of your throat and making you giggle as you swallow the salty drink.

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“I’m getting an alert that more cum will make this transformation permanent, what should I do?” Chet asks facetiously, presenting the phone screen to your arousal-flushed face.

You don’t think twice, hitting ‘Ignore’ as you let the full length of his shaft go down your throat. You feel a large vein bulge into your neck, and happily swallow the explosion of cum that shoots into your belly.