RIP Horsham & District Bar Billiards League (1949-2023)
Result of the Extraordinary General Meeting of HDBBL, held at Roffey Club on 27/06/2023.
The meeting was well attended with all teams represented; a proposal and vote was taken on distribution of League Funds with a number of options.
Clive Thompson reminded the meeting of a previous commitment to raise money for Charity, the committee also proposed that the AEBBA truck fund is a worthy cause as the tables are used by all leagues across the country thus promoting the continuation of playing Bar Billiards.
A vote was taken and the result was unanimous for a 4-way split between:
1. AEBBA truck fund; 2. St Catherine's Hospice; 3. Guide Dogs for the Blind; 4. British Heart Foundation.
The perpetual Trophies were sorted into 3 categories - Silver, plate metal and wooden shields etc.
A rough valuation had been sought on the 4 silver trophies, with the non-silver items only having a scrap value. It was agreed that donations will be accepted from those wishing to retain them.
Most of the Trophies found homes to either Sponsors, the current holders or multiple winners of the particular event.
Finally, in his opening Graham Sparksman gave thanks to all previous committee members & players and made a presentation of a crystal bowl with inscribed plinth to Ian Giffen in recognition of 23 years of service to the League. This took me totally by surprise but is much appreciated. - Ian Giffen
A list of where the trophies ended up is now viewable HERE
I think the majority have now been handed out - or arrangements have been made to do so.
Thanks to everyone for their involvement and time spent on this, I feel that this is the best outcome all round, and not a single one of them ended up as scrap. - Ian Giffen.
“I am pleased to let you know that finally we have been able to distribute the final balance of the funds as per the wishes and vote taken at the EGM. They were split equally between the three charities and the AEBBA. Cheques for £275 have been sent to:-
St Catherine's Hospice
British Heart Foundation
Guide Dogs for the Blind
AEBBA (Truck fund)
Also, the Best Performance Trophy has been engraved and presented to Danielle King at the Steve King Memorial Masters day held recently.” - Ian Giffen, Retiring Secretary
The following acknowledgments have been received from the three charities, together with a note of gratitude from the All-England Bar Billiards Secretary, reading thus:
“Dear Ian,
On behalf of AEBBA we would like to say a big Thank you for your donation of £275 for our truck fund.
We really appreciate the generosity of your league and thinking of us.
Although appreciated, we are sad that the reason is the winding up of the Horsham league. We all remember how strong the league once was both locally and nationally.
Please pass on our thanks We wish you all the best for the future.
Kind Regards, Jean Brackenridge, AEBBA Secretary.”
Minutes of the 2023 Extraordinary General Meeting at Roffey S & SC
Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting at Roffey S & SC
Minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting at Roffey S & SC
Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting at Roffey S & SC
Minutes of an informal Special Meeting between Leagues 25-May-2021 at Southwater Sports Club
Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting (held via Zoom)
Past executive members of the Horsham & Dist BBL Committee:
PRESIDENTS – 1.Ralph Tarratt; 2.Charles Cordery; 3.Ron Child; 4.Ding Johnson (2004-2005); 5.Rod Tarratt (2011-2021)
LIFE VICE-PRESIDENTS – 1.Len Tibbles; 2.Eric Gardiner; 3.Gwyneth Mercer; 4.Arthur Mercer; 5.Ron Child; 6.Brian Howard; 7.Gerry McCarthy; 8.Mick Holmwood; 9.Clive Thompson; 10.Margaret Thompson; 11.Graham Sparksman.
CHAIRMEN – Len Tibbles; Brian Howard; Ron Child; Gerry McCarthy; Mick Holmwood; Eddy Griffin (1998-2000); Pat Smither (2000-07); Graham Sparksman (2007-13 & 2017-23); Clive Thompson (2013-2017)
DEPUTY CHAIR – Mick Holmwood; Derek Rowling; Jan Wells (2003-06); Dick Dewdney (2014-16); Steve Hopkins (2016-20)
TREASURERS – Charlie Francis; Percy Barnett; Arthur Mercer (1966-1982); Margaret Thompson (1982-92); Eddy Griffin (1992-98 & 2000-04); John Slee (1998-2000); Brian Coomber (2004-06); Roy Wells (2006-07); Steve King (2007-23)
HON.SECRETARIES - Charlie Francis (1956-59); Percy Barnett (1959–64); a.n.other x2 (1964-66); Gwyneth Mercer (1966-82); Clive Thompson (1982-92); Eddy Griffin (1992-98 & 2000- 04); John Slee (1998-2000); Ian Giffen (Fixtures Sec throughout 2000-23); Tricia Smither (2000-05); Maggie Worsell (2007-10); Ding Johnson (2010-11)
Competitions Sec only - Richard Deadman(1992- 199?) Gareth Lloyd; Roy Wells (2000-06 & 2007-10); Brian Coomber (2006-7);); Matt Senior (2010-11); Bob Hall (2011-12); Steve Hopkins (2013-14 & 2018-20); Stuart Carruthers 2014-17); Clive Thompson (2017-18); Iain Tarrant (2022-3)
Horsham & Dist BBL retiring Committee:
Chairman & L/V/P: Graham Sparksman; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Ian Giffen
Competitions Secretary: Iain Tarrant; Playing member: Paul Jobbins
Life Vice-Presidents: Clive & Margaret Thompson, Mick Holmwood, Brian Howard