
Once upon a time the autumn leaves were piling on the floor and then there was a squirrel. And he was eating chestnuts and then there was a petite figure. With sharp claws a massive hawk with chocolate eyes and then the hawk came down to the squirrel like a torpedo and then the squirrel saw an oak tree and climbed up so did the hawk and the little creature ran up trees and jumped from tree to tree. And then the hawk came flying down and was determined for a mouthful of prey and the squirrel was in mortal danger. Then the squirrel found a big tree to climb so he raced to the big tree and the hawk almost got the squirrel but the squirrel was like an acrobat and a sprinter the squirrel  just keeped on going. He was running and jumping and climbing trees. The hawk came down like a bullet, the squirrel  just was not tired. Then he found a tree to climb. He climbed up the tree and jumped very far and landed on the tree. The hawk chased the squirrel. The squirrel found a tiny hole in the pile of leaves and used his tiny little claws to slash through the leaves. He fell down very high up and the hawk got lost. He did not know where the squirrel went. Then the squirrel was fine after that fall. He sprinted then the hawk found the little squirrel. The squirrel found a tree to climb, then as the hawk chased the squirrel the squirrel was running for his life then he found a little hole to hide in. He crawled into the hole then the hawk got mad the hawk trying to use his claws to grab the little one then the squirrel was making fun of the hawk like a bully the hawk then the hawk flew away  

The End

Then the squirrel lived happily ever after