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Posted on September 3, 2019 by only1crice

At first, I was not looking forward to taking this test because I had already taken a version of this test. This test was not the exact one that I took before. This one was shorter and through a different website. The shortness of this test was an absolute plus and a different experience than before. I believe it was because we discuss what the four letters meant and not left to form our own opinions about what they mean. So after the clarification on the meaning, I felt that this test true to my personality. I am an ENFJ which interprets to say that I have a compelling character and people then to gravitate towards me. This statement was so right because people will talk to me before I speak to them. I do this mostly because my personality is secure, and because in the past, I have felt like I have offended people by just being me. But this test made me see that it ok to be all of me and not only some of me. Also, after I saw celebrities that are also ENFJ, I realized they got to where they are by being themselves, all of themselves, and I should start doing that.