Honours Programme Research Proposal June 2023


Alya Farah Taufiqoh – 5564379

TU Delft (the Netherlands)

HPM Project Proposal 4.7

June 2023

Supervisor: Dr. Henriette Bier


This research proposal aims to identify and explore the essential functional requirements for the interior design of a Martian habitat, focusing on promoting the physical and psychological well-being of its inhabitants. The research will investigate the challenges associated with designing interior spaces for prolonged isolation and confinement, considering factors such as comfort, aesthetics, and stress mitigation. The methodology involves a literature study to define functional requirements and room parameters, case studies of existing space habitats, and proposing design guidelines (considerations and recommendations) based on selected projects. The research will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in space architecture and inform future missions to Mars.


Since the 20th century, the vast expanse of the universe beyond the confines of Earth's orbit has been under exploration by humanity (Zhiyuan et al., 2016). Around six decades ago, a historic launch of the first man-made satellite, Sputnik-1, have elapsed by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957 (Sputnik 1 | NASA, 2011). Since then, space agencies have demonstrated that our society can accomplish aspirations and objectives once considered mere science fiction tales (Space Colonization | NASA, n.d). Space exploration and the planning of colonization have become ingrained in our culture, with widespread belief that they will eventually become integral parts of our everyday lives. Initially driven by ambition and curiosity, the motivations for venturing beyond our planet have expanded to include the mission of colonizing another planet (Valentyn & Serhii, 2019).

Aiming to create a new space age, various space agencies and private firms are investing in challenging missions towards the potential human settlement in other planetary bodies starting from the Moon. One of the missions is NASA’s program called Artemis which is a complex mission to establish a continuous and long-lasting human presence on the Moon n (Kessler et at., 2022). Without exception, there is a growing interest in the possibility of human habitation on other planets such as Mars (Verseux et al., 2021). Future long-duration missions to Mars, as well as the human habitation on the planet, will require extensive planning and preparation. One significant aspect of this planning is the design and construction of interior spaces of the habitat that will provide comfort, functionality, and safety for the crew during extended periods of isolation.

Just as the excitement surrounding the colonization of Mars grows, formidable challenges of the interior design inevitably arise. Isolation and prolonged proximity to others in the confined spaces of a planetary habitat may cause stress and interpersonal conflicts (Arce et al., 2012). One of the Russian Cosmonaut said:

“All the conditions necessary for murder are met if you shut two men in a cabin measuring 5 meters by 6 and leave them together for two months.”

Therefore, designing an interior environment that enhances crew well-being is critical. In their work, Kalapodis et al present various structural concepts about the design of prospective extra-terrestrial human habitats (Kalapodis et al., 2020). However, it is not just the physical structure of habitats that needs to be considered. The mental and emotional well-being of the crew must also be prioritized in the design process. According to published literature, interior design plays an important role in improving the well-being of the crew by taking into account their physiological and psychological needs (Costa et al., 2021). Future long-duration missions will require more attention to aesthetics as they must fulfill not only basic survival functions but also reduce stress levels among astronauts.

To ensure successful adaptability and sustainability for future planetary habitats, there is a need to re-evaluate habitable requirements, particularly for mitigating specific types of stressors experienced during space travel and exploration. Space architecture has become an increasingly relevant field focused on designing and building environments for humans in outer space, with a particular emphasis on habitats destined for Mars. Given the potential for human settlement on other planetary bodies, there is a promising future for conceptualizing, designing and building the first extra-terrestrial habitats within the next few decades.

With all those aforementioned backgrounds, this research is aimed to identify and explore the essential functional requirements for a Martian habitat interior design and propose design guidelines that promote the physical and psychological well-being of its inhabitants. The proposed research will focus on addressing both the physiological and psychological needs of the crew, with a particular emphasis on mitigating stressors that arise from prolonged isolation and confinement. For the purpose of this study, a habitat design similar to TransHab design and several Martian Habitat initial designs from D2RP&O (Design to Robotic Production and Operation) will be assumed as a starting point (Kennedy, 2000).

The broad research question guiding this study is:

"What are the essential functional requirements for a Martian habitat interior design, and how can they be optimized for the well-being of the inhabitants?"

Lastly, this research will be conducted side by side with other research on life support and the assembly system of the habitat which are also critical for promoting the well-being of Martian inhabitants.

Problem Statement, Research Question, and Research Objectives:

Problem Statement:

The design of interior spaces for future Martian habitats poses significant challenges due to the prolonged isolation and confinement experienced by the crew. The well-being and psychological health of the inhabitants are crucial factors that need to be addressed in order to ensure their successful adaptation and sustainability in such extreme environments. Therefore, there is a need to identify and explore the essential functional requirements for a Martian habitat interior design that can optimize the physical and psychological well-being of its inhabitants.

Main Research Question:

What are the essential functional requirements for a Martian habitat interior design, and how can they be optimized for the well-being of the inhabitants?

Research Sub-questions:

What are the functional requirements for a Martian habitat interior design?

What are the factors that affect inhabitants’ psychological conditions in a confined space?

How can a confined space be optimized for the well-being of the occupants?

Research Objectives:

To identify and explore the essential functional requirements for a Martian habitat interior design and propose design guidelines that promote the physical and psychological well-being of its inhabitants.

Literature Review:

A significant aspect of establishing a livable Martian habitat is the design and construction of an appropriate living space for Martians. This living space should meet the functional requirements and room parameters necessary for a sustainable and comfortable Martian habitat. The literature review in this proposal will be limited to an overview of Martians Habitat, functional requirements, and room parameters.

The design of the Martian habitat should take into consideration various factors, such as radiation exposure, extreme temperature changes, air pressure and composition (Wu et al., 2021). For the sake of illustration (Figure 1), existing literature assumes a habitat similar in size and shape to TransHab, which was originally designed to serve as a micro gravity "transit habitat" for a crew of six from Earth to Mars.

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Figure I. ISS TransHab Internal View (Kennedy & Adams, 2004)

Several interior design requirements related to comfort are needed to design a livable Martian habitat (Kozicki & Kozicka, 2011). These requirements include proper lighting and temperature control, adequate space for movement and storage, effective waste management systems, safe and functional work areas for scientific research and experimentation, as well as access to proper hygiene facilities. In addition, the design must also take into consideration energy use and generation systems, as well as food production facilities.

Room and space parameters are also crucial for the design of a Martian habitat. These parameters include the allocation of space for various functions, such as living quarters, laboratories, recreational areas, and storage facilities (Dede, 2021). Several attempts have been made to model and simulate advanced life support systems that could exist on potential Lunar and Mars Surface Habitats. As the literature suggests, creating a comfortable living space for Martians requires careful consideration of various factors. Early studies of missions to Mars considered radiological tolerance criteria for spacecraft, which are still being debated. Protection strategies, such as habitat shields and radiation ''storm'' shelters, are complex because the shielding materials need to be integrated into the spacecraft or habitat design criteria. However, one issue that is not typically addressed in these literature sources is the potential stress that can arise and how design can mitigate it.

Studies have indicated that factors such as lighting, color, layout, and size can influence psychological well-being significantly. In terms of lighting, researchers have found that exposure to natural light can significantly improve mood, productivity, and cognitive performance (Boyce, 2014). This may be especially critical in a Martian habitat's design, given the potential for long periods of artificial lighting due to the Martian day-night cycle.

Color is also essential, with different shades provoking various physiological and psychological responses (Kwallek et al., 1988). Hence, careful color selection can provoke feelings of relaxation or stimulation as needed within the space. Spatial layout also matters. Hughes, Times, and Galbraith (2011) reported that open floor plans can improve communication and cooperation but may also decrease privacy and concentration levels. Therefore, a balance between communal and private spaces may need to be struck within the habitat. Size, or the perception of space, can have psychological effects as well. Limited space can lead to feelings of confinement, stress, and lowered mood (Evans et al., 2000). Thereby, habitats may need to maximize perceptions of space, possibly using strategies like virtual windows, strategic mirrors, or high ceilings.

Importantly, confinement can pose significant psychological challenges. Long periods of isolation and confinement can lead to depression, sleep disorders, and cognitive impairment (Palinkas & Johnson, 2001). These potential effects underscore the necessity of both physical and social recreational facilities within the habitat. Therefore, this research is aimed to identify and explore the essential functional requirements for a Martian habitat interior design and propose design guidelines that promote the physical and psychological well-being of its inhabitants.


This research will be conducted in three steps: literature study, case studies, and design guidelines proposal.

Literature study:

The first method, literature study, will focus on defining the functional requirements and room parameters of the Martian habitat, and also the physical and psychological condition of humans in confined space. Each part will be further studied in-depth during the research. Since the subject of this study is a relatively nascent concept, the majority of existing literature comprises academic and scientific articles published in journals or presented at conferences associated with space engineering. The data of mission plans was examined by tracking the programs of various space agencies, such as NASA, ESA, and SpaceX. Lastly, the conditions on Mars will also be addressed as an overview. To conclude, the topics that will be investigated are:

  1. Mars conditions
  2. Martians’ conditions on space
  3. Physical and psychological conditions of humans in confined space
  4. Overview of Martians Habitat
  5. Functional requirements of the habitat
  6. Room and space parameters

However, for this research proposal, the literature review will be limited to point d, e, and f as an overview. These reviews are already presented in the previous section “Literature Review”.

Study cases:

The second research method, case studies, will focus on studying existing space habitats and their effects on occupants' well-being. This will include an in-depth examination of the TransHab design, which is assumed as a starting point for the habitat design. Additionally, case studies of other preliminary designs of Martians habitats and occupant comfort using computer vision by D2RP&O (Design to Robotic Production and Operation) will be examined. To sum up, the cases that will be studied are:

  1. TransHab design
  2. Rhizome 1.0 and 2.0 (D2RP&O)
  3. Communal Housing Typology on Mars (D2RP&O)
  4. Computer vision for TU Library (D2RP&O)
  5. Several design studio project from MSc 2 TU Delft

As for this proposal, the study cases will be limited to point a and c. The findings will be presented in the next section “Preliminary Data”.

Design guidelines proposal:

To propose design guideliness, an evaluation and selection of several design studio projects from MSc 2 TU Delft will be conducted. The parameters of the selection will be discussed with other fellow team members who are working on different topics, namely the life support system and assembly system research. With the chosen design, our team will contribute to its further development by providing valuable input and insights for the design guidelines. Our team focus will encompass three key aspects: enhancing livability, optimizing life support systems, and refining assembly systems. However, it is important to note that the focus of this research is only on the livability aspect.

Preliminary Data:

Apart from the overview in the literature review section, the preliminary data that has been gathered are from the design of TransHab and Communal Housing Typology on Mars (D2RP&O).

TransHab Design:

The TransHab design was developed to serve as a microgravity "transit habitat" for a crew of six from Earth to Mars. It is a cylindrical module with an inflatable shell that allows for increased volume and ease of transportation. The design includes a central hub for storing supplies and equipment, with six individual sleeping quarters arranged around it. The design also includes a galley and food storage area, a health station for medical needs and exercise equipment to maintain physical fitness during the long flight. The design of TransHab serves as a valuable starting point for considering the essential requirements for a Martian habitat. However, it is important to note that the Martian habitat will have different functional requirements and room parameters than those of TransHab due to differences in gravity and environmental conditions. Indeed, designing a Martian habitat presents unique challenges that require careful consideration beyond the TransHab design (Kennedy & Adams, 2004).

Communal Housing Typology on Mars (D2RP&O):

This studio work from students features a collection of individual underground houses connected through a central courtyard, which is covered by canopies. Additionally, various clusters are interconnected through underground tunnels, facilitating connections between different communities. The design incorporates Voronoi principles, allowing for customized cells that serve different functions while ensuring efficiency in construction and structure.

The arrangement of cell spaces is determined by a spatial diagram, considering factors such as privacy and light availability. For instance, the more public areas like the entrance and dining room are situated towards the communal courtyard to encourage social interaction. Working spaces are designed to protrude above the ground, maximizing natural light exposure. On the other hand, the most private bedrooms, where inhabitants spend extended periods sleeping, are strategically located in the innermost part of the structure to provide protection against radiation (D2RP&O, 2023).

Apart from the information presented in this proposal, it is necessary to gather more data during the research process by conducting additional case studies. These case studies will help in identifying and exploring the essential functional requirements for the interior design of a Martian habitat.


Designing interior spaces for Martian habitats presents unique challenges due to the prolonged isolation and confinement experienced by the crew. It is essential to address the essential functional requirements for interior design, with a focus on promoting the physical and psychological well-being of its inhabitants. The literature review highlights the importance of considering factors such as comfort, aesthetics, and stress mitigation in the design process. The first case studies of TransHab design and Communal Housing Typology on Mars provide valuable insights, as a starting point, into potential solutions. By conducting further research and gathering additional data, a contribution to the development of design guidelines that enhance the livability of Martian habitats can be made. The proposed research will not only advance the field of space architecture but also support the planning and preparation for future long-duration missions and human habitation on Mars.


    Arce, C. C., Insausti, A. V. D., & Marco, J. B.. (2012, July 19). Lighting of space habitats: Influence of color temperature on a crew’s physical and mental health. 42nd International Conference on Environmental Systems. http://www.spacearchitect.org/pubs/AIAA-2012-3615.pdf 

    Boyce, P. (2014). Human factors in lighting. CRC Press.

    Costa, M., T., Fabio et al. (2021, April 21). Spaceflight Induced Disorders: Potential Nutritional Countermeasures. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2021.666683 

    D2RP&O. (2023). Communal housing typology on mars. Robotic Building. http://cs.roboticbuilding.eu/index.php/Shared:2023W4G4Design

    Dede, G.. (2021, October 15). Performance-driven design methodology for habitation shell design in extreme conditions on Mars. Frontiers of Architectural Research. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2021.10.005 

    Evans, G. W., Lepore, S. J., & Schroeder, A. (2000). The role of interior design elements in human responses to crowding. Journal of personality and social psychology, 79(5), 665.

    Hughes, R., Times, V., & Galbraith, D. (2011). The practicality of open plan offices. CIBSE Technical Symposium.

    Kalapodis, N., Kampas, G., & Ktenidou, O.. (2020, May 26). A review towards the design of extraterrestrial structures: From regolith to human outposts. Acta Astronautica. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.05.038 

    Kennedy, K. J., & Adams, C. M.. (2004, July 14). ISS TransHab: An Inflatable Habitat. NASA Johnson Space Center Houston

    Kennedy, K. J.. (2000, August 1). Inflatable Habitats Technology Development. NASA Johnson Space Center Houston

    Kessler, P., Prater, T., Nickens, T., & Harris, D.. (2022, January 19). Artemis Deep Space Habitation Enabling a Sustained Human Presence on the Moon and Beyond. IEEE Aerospace Conference. https://doi.org/20220000245 

    Kozicki, J., & Kozicka, J.. (2011, September 5). Human friendly architectural design for a small Martian base. Advances in Space Research. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2011.08.032 

    Kwallek N., Lewis CM., Lin-Hsiao JW., Woodson H., (1988). Effects of nine monochromatic office interior colors on clerical tasks and worker mood. Color Research & Application, 13(6), 368-389.

    Palinkas, L. A., & Johnson, J. C. (2001). Issues and challenges in conducting research in extreme environments. Aviat Space Environ Med, 72(5), 476-84.

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    Valentyn, H., & Serhii, D.. (2019, January 1). Private International Space Law. Philosophical and Legal Factors of Approval by the World Community. https://scite.ai/reports/10.29202/phil-cosm/22/2 

    Verseux, Cyprien et al. (2021, February 16). A Low-Pressure, N2/CO2 Atmosphere Is Suitable for Cyanobacterium-Based Life-Support Systems on Mars. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.611798 

    Wu, Zhongchen et al. (2021, April 4). A Mars Environment Chamber Coupled with Multiple In Situ Spectral Sensors for Mars Exploration. Sensors, 21(7), 2519. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21072519 

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