8th Grade Science

Mrs. Skidmore

I am looking forward to a great year with a great group of students. I truly believe student success is a team effort and I want you to know that I am on your team. Students and parents, if you need anything please do not hesitate to contact me. My contact information is below, under Communication.  

Absences and Makeup Work

If you are absent, you must ask for your absent work. I will have it on the board located under your class period. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for their makeup assignments and plan a time to come in and copy the notes. CSI is a great time for this.


Email is the best way to reach me during the school day.  Please make sure your email is up to date with the district. Google Classroom and BAND will be other ways of communication that will be used regularly. My email address is cskidmore@chisumisd.org.

Discipline procedures:

  1. Formal/Verbal Warning
  2. Parent Contact
  3. Office Referral


  1. Students should use the restroom before class.
  2. Students should dispose of their food, beverages, candy and gum before entering the classroom. A clear container of water with a lid on it will be allowed.
  3. Students should be prepared to learn with all needed materials when the bell rings.
  4. Students should enter the classroom quietly, put their cell phone in the cell phone holder, and begin independently working on their bell-ringer assignment.
  5. Students should be respectful to all people and property.
  6. Students should listen carefully, follow directions, and stay on task.
  7. Students should remain seated at the end of the class period until the class is dismissed by me.

Grading Policy

        50% Daily Work

        50% Assessments (Students can redo 1 test per six weeks. Students do not need to wait until the last week of the six weeks to redo a test.)


Students will have notes that come home with each lesson (TEK). Most lessons start on Tuesday and a quiz over the material will be on Friday; some topics may last 2-3 weeks. A 10 point extra credit is given for each DMAC test.

Things to bring to class

Receipt for Mrs. Skidmore’s science syllabus and safety contract.

Please print your name and sign below stating that you have read the syllabus and the safety contract and agree to follow the safety contract during lab activities. This must be signed and returned in order to participate in any lab activities. The syllabus and safety contract will be kept in the student’s science binder at all times during the year so that they can be referred back to throughout the year.

_____________________________                ___________________________        ___________

Student printed name                                Student signature                        Date

_____________________________                ___________________________        ___________

Parent or guardian printed name                Parent or guardian signature                Date