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Working Principles and Metrics
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Working Principles & Metrics

for (Collaborations in) the

Mathematical Education of Teachers

JimFest: What, Where, and For What Purpose is the Mathematics in Mathematics Teacher Education?

Why “Principles and Metrics”?

We live in a moment with many tensions. If we are to make any progress on the mathematical education of teachers, we must be able to hold civil discourse and take considered and principled action on complex issues. Our hope for JimFest is for all presenters and moderators to model nuance, courage, open-mindedness, and compassion in speech and action.  

Two major goals of JimFest are to:

With this in mind, we are asking all participants to reflect on the principles and metrics that may guide their work. Principles are practical, ethical, or even aesthetic stances that we turn to when we need to find a way to keep going, or to find a new path. When we act to improve a system, we are well-served by ways to measure what needs to be changed and what we aim to do. Metrics help us keep track of progress. The focal questions for each session are meant to be hard questions. It is our experience that by asking hard questions and genuinely listening across perspectives, and by finding common ground between perspectives, that we can identify underlying principles that guide us to better ideas and actions. Throughout the conference, we will also hear how speakers have used metrics to identify and characterize progress. Together, principles and metrics are used in any significant, complex endeavor, such as the mathematical education of teachers.


Prior to the conference, we asked presenters and moderators to share principles and metrics from their own experiences. Some themes that stand out from these pre-conference contributions, combined with the conference presentations and interactions, are the following.

At the conference, some of the following themes and ideas were raised.

Conceptual framing for work to improve mathematics education

Spaces for boundary crossing

Boundary crossing happens when individuals cooperate, and those individuals come into the work with different commitments, backgrounds, or expectations for what may be most important. Cooperation can happen despite these differences, and can result in products that are more robust and innovative than those created by groups without as many differences. For boundary crossings to be successful, there are often “boundary objects” such as shared documentation or shared experiences that facilitate cooperation. At the conferences, various presenters shared examples of spaces for boundary crossing.

Openness and communication

Cultural change

We need to be growing a generation of students and teachers who do not disidentify with mathematics. There are 50 million children in this country. The problem we are tackling is one of enormous scale.

Mathematical flourishing, in teaching and learning

Designing structures that support the learning of teachers

Encountering technology

Lessons learned and new perspectives taken

On Saturday, we discussed lessons learned and new perspectives taken. These include:

Reflections shared by presenters and moderators

The following are reflections on “principles or metrics that they have found useful in their collaborations across stakeholders in the mathematical education of teachers”. Prior to the conference, we asked those willing to share a reflection to identify three such principles and metrics for participants to consider. We appreciate the generosity of those who shared their reflections below so that we can learn from them and use them as a lens for our own work.


As a mathematics educator in a math department, I teach both mathematics and mathematics education courses for preservice secondary mathematics teachers. In mathematics education, good mathematics teaching has been characterized in a number of ways. The NCTM Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education includes several perspectives on high-quality math teaching. Here, I will focus on three principles that I find useful in guiding mathematics experiences for teachers.

The first principle parallels a well-known piece by Dorothy Law Nolte: Children Learn What They Live. I will share just a few lines to jog our memories:

“If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn… If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.”

Extending this idea to the practice of teaching, we quickly arrive at the apprenticeship of observation, a term coined by Dan Lortie in Schoolteacher: A Sociological Study to describe how student teachers carry with them into their teacher training programs and their eventual classrooms the many thousands of hours of experience they had of being a student. In both cases, the key principle is that we learn the things that we have experienced. This principle forces us to ask, “What will their mathematical experiences tell them about what mathematics is?

This leads us to a second principle: Mathematics is more than just a body of facts, theorems, and even proofs. It is a shared (or at least a shareable) way of thinking and of making sense of the world. For many years at the University of Delaware, we have had the Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education. One piece of the work of this institute has been to shape the secondary mathematics education program so that preservice teachers get to experience both the kinds of important mathematics we hope they could teach their future students and the kind of high-quality instruction we hope they will use to teach their future students. I will provide three such examples in my talk.

These three examples point to a third principle: The equitable education of teachers requires attention to both individual and social processes. If, for example, we take equitable teaching to include providing more opportunities for students to learn, we must ask whether students actually have access to those opportunities. What barriers, either social or specific to the individual student, may be keeping a student from seeing those opportunities as available to them? What kinds of mathematical activity, such as posing their own mathematical problems, may be accessible to every student so that they can be positioned as a successful, active doer of mathematics? What image of mathematics is represented in the instructional choices? That image of mathematics—that answer to the question, “What is mathematics?”—will ultimately be what they teach to their students.

---Jinfa Cai


There are three principles or metrics that I have found helpful in my time.

First: Using practice-based teacher education pedagogies. Those include but are not limited to doing rehearsals, using student work, using video recordings of classroom instruction, and simulations.

Second: The practice of assigning/acknowledging competence[4]. This practice allows me as an instructor to attend both to mathematical content and equity. Specifically, to practice well, I have to be aware of status issues in my class, I have to use mathematical content flexibly and I have to have strategies and techniques to assign competence to students in the moment.

Third: Using the Equity QUantified in Participation (EQUIP) tool to see patterns in my instructional practice. Specifically, using this tool allows one to see which students they are calling across social demographic markers (i.e. race, gender, language, etc.) the nature of the interactions (i.e., what type of question did the teacher ask and the teacher's response evaluative), and students responses (i.e. did they ask a question, explained their thinking, etc.). This tool is powerful because it provides data about one's practice, which could then be used as a powerful tool to intentionally disrupt inequities that occur in classrooms.

---Charles E. Wilkes II


1. Acknowledge and capitalize on the expertise of those with diverse backgrounds.

2. Recognize that a collaborative product is most likely to be a better product.

3. Acknowledge the limitation of my perspective and work to reconcile it with other perspectives.

---Gail Burrill


1. Be patient and make genuine efforts to understand positions and perspectives of others.

2. Ask questions and watch for opportunities to synthesize and articulate common ground.

3. Draw on educational research to help ground assumptions and claims.

---Joan Ferrini-Mundy


I'll share the principles we've used in our work on the META Math project:

1. Habit of respect: In teaching, it is the instructor's responsibility to take an asset-based view of students;

2. Active Engagement: Prospective teachers should have opportunities to make, explore, and validate conjectures and make sense of new ideas in their mathematical work;

3. Recognition of mathematics as a human activity: The practice of teaching involves interacting human beings about mathematics content

---Elizabeth A. Burroughs


1. Mathematics is for everyone.

2. All students deserve access to inclusive mathematics learning environments where they can participate meaningfully.

3. Mathematics learning environments should be co-constructed with learners, teachers, and their communities.

---Ursula Nguyen


1. An emphasis on mathematical habits of mind that build on low threshold, high ceiling mathematical investigations and that support independence and creativity in facing unfamiliar mathematical challenges.

2. A belief that mathematics is a deeply human activity best experienced within a richly interacting and mutually supportive community of learners including high school students, undergraduate and graduate students, and experienced mathematical researchers.

3. A commitment to meeting students in their own school environments through mathematics activities led by mathematically experienced teachers in their schools.

---Glenn Stevens


1. You should strive to help your students see that the mathematics they are learning has meaning.

2. You should try to figure out what is actually going on in the heads of your students, even if that scares you.

3. Procedural and conceptual knowledge are deeply intertwined. When you talk about procedures you should use conceptual language, when you talk about concepts you should use procedural examples.

---William McCallum


Here are one each for recruiting potential teachers into 4-year programs, the programs themselves, and in-service education.

1. Four-year institutions should actively increase their recruiting of mathematics students in 2-year colleges into their teacher preparation programs. The point here is that this is another way to increase the diversity of mathematics teachers across several axes.  

2. Students in mathematics teacher preparation programs should have access to courses of study in the mathematical and statistical sciences that reflect the mathematical and statistical sciences in the 21st century (and thus prepare them to teach the standards/curricula that are emerging).

3. Teachers deserve substantial, content-rich professional development that includes training in technology, and which reflects the mathematical and statistical sciences as we see them in the 21st century. (This is a principle but can also be turned into a metric).

---Charles Steinhorn


1. Mathematics, including school mathematics, is beautiful, deep, and richly interconnected at every level. Thinking deeply about school mathematics can be a joyful, challenging, and worthwhile intellectual experience.

2. Mathematics education is a collective, shared responsibility. Sharing the responsibility requires openness, compassion, learning with and from each other, trying ideas, and being willing to change our thinking.

3. Consider teaching mathematics courses for teachers that are coherent, logically structured, and derived from a few core ideas in elementary mathematics, and that also draw on and develop teachers’ own reasoning and sensemaking.

---Sybilla Beckmann


1. Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.

2. Assume good will and good intentions on the part of others.

3. Articulate a piece of common ground as a starting place, and return to it often.

---Denise Spangler


1. I have found it helpful for partners to read articles and books together that provide everyone with an opportunity to understand the major issues surrounding mathematics education.

2. Within the partnerships that I have been, I have found it useful to leverage each other's strengths.

3. Within partnerships, I think distributed leadership is important.

---Marilyn E. Strutchens


1. All students are mathematicians.

2. Always try each question.

3. Respect yourself, others, and this classroom.

---Jill Edgren


First, we as teacher educators and leaders need to ensure that all stakeholders have a strongly aligned vision for and common language around high quality mathematics instruction. Organizations such as AMTE, NCTM, and NCSM provide guidelines, research, and resources that can help to support initial and ongoing conversations among stakeholders to determine the Why, the What, and the How when it comes to effectively serving all students and families in our communities. We must engage in challenging but necessary conversations so that we can identify and address inequities in our system so that we can effectively support those students who have been historically marginalized and made to feel inferior or invisible in mathematics spaces.

Second, it is vital that all stakeholders are critically conscious of the assets, biases, potential stereotypes, and assumptions that we all bring to the conversation around equitable mathematics instruction. When leaders and educators do not have similar backgrounds or experiences as the students we are called to serve, it is imperative that we get to know our communities and families at a personal, humanistic level. How do we seek out the assets our students and families bring into educational spaces and uplift them, rather than assume that we as educational professionals are needed to “fix” what is broken with mathematics education?

Finally, framing tools, resources, and professional development around a vision of “ambitious mathematics instruction” where all children are given access to and expected to engage with rigorous, high quality, contextualized, and meaningful mathematics, is a key to making meaningful change in the field. As we build the vision and the community, we can then collaboratively enter into the deep work of teaching mathematics with a truly centralized focus on equity.

---Paula Jakopovic


The three main principles I am focusing on with my teaching:

 1. The first principle I practice is to grade equitably - My assessment practices are patterned from "Grading for Equity" by Joe Feldman

 2. Make mathematics relevant and "trick free". For example, do they understand the connections between distance, pythagorean theorem, absolute value, and standard deviation. Can they explain what they mean and when to appropriately apply algorithms when they say ""skip dot flip"", ""butterfly"", ""cross multiply"" or other such nonsense. Should we spend a week trying to learn that algorithm built from the days without technology for efficient pencil and paper minimizing calculation, when we can now visualize it in seconds?

3. The third principle I want to follow is implementation of authentic problem solving and communication. For example - I would love to switch my classroom structure to 100% Philip Exeter Academy. Or to what our very own Shleby Aaberg does to radically transform the mathematics learning environment at Scottsbluff High School. Make math courses problem based rather than traditional set and get content based. This third one is the one I am spending most of my time on now with my own Math competition team. I would love more collaboration and development in this area.

---Daniel Schaben


“If you give people the resources they need and expect them to succeed, then they will.”

---Allan Donsig, quoting Jim Lewis


First, mathematicians (and mathematics departments) must own teacher preparation as a central part of their mission, rather than viewing it as a necessary evil. Without effective mathematics teachers, K-12 students will continue to enter the university underprepared to engage in high-quality mathematics.

Second, mathematics teacher educators (and education departments or colleges) must seek out and value the contributions of mathematicians as central to effective teacher preparation. As Jim Lewis, one of the founders of MTEP, emphasized to me many times over the years, accusation and blame are not good foundations for collaboration.

Third, we need to put in the work to make this happen!

---W. Gary Martin


[1] We will learn more about this in Charles E. Wilkes II’s talk!

[2] As we learned in Deborah Loewenberg Ball’s talk

[3] As argued in Charles E. Wilkes II’s talk

[4] For examples of assigning competence, a participant suggested: