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English translation: "ASL - We're not supposed to talk about this."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Do you know Michigan State University?  It has a building for research, sociology, and other things.  The building is called Berkey Hall.  Recently, a man entered Berkey Hall with a gun and started shooting.  

On February 13, the man entered the building.  He shot and killed two people.   Students hid and fled.  The man left Berkey Hall and shot one person.  All together, three people were killed and five were injured.  When the police arrived, they conducted a search, found the man, and confronted him.  The man shot himself.  

This is important.  Liberal media often blame white conservatives for shootings.  This time, the media are upset, because the shooter was a black man, meaning that the liberal media can’t blame white supremacy.  The liberal media also try to blame Trump supporters for shootings, but who do black people mostly support politically?  Democrats.  Liberals’ narrative is falling apart.  

Another important thing is that Democrats try to stop gun violence by setting up gun free zones.  Democrats say that gun free zones prevent gun violence.  Democrat-controlled cities have gun free zones, but they still have a lot of gun violence.  Many people commit shootings.  

Now we’ll get into some statistics - statistics that Democrats don’t like.  In America, black people are about 13 percent of the population, but they commit about 50 percent of the crime.  Democrats and the liberal media refuse to talk about that statistic.  Many black people commit crimes, because they grow up without fathers in their lives.  Many children who grow up without fathers end up joining gangs, which leads to them committing crimes.  We’re not allowed to talk about those facts though.