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Job Board
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

 Community Job Opportunities

This board is simply a resource for students to discover possible job opportunities available in our community.  The job opportunities posted on this list have not been vetted through any kind of criteria.  Please exercise the same caution you would if you were using any public classified listing system.  As always, discuss these opportunities with a parent or guardian before contacting them.

Camp Counselor: City of Sandpoint

They are non-student school day camps. They will  be held at the community Hall on days where the kids are not in school and the teachers are doing in service work and holiday non-school days (thanksgiving break/winter break/spring break) no longer than 6 hour shifts.


They can also work on the kids night out days (third Friday of the month starting in November) 5-9pm are the hours for the kids night out.

Apply here:


Woods Meat Processing:

 Looking to hire dependable employees, offering on the job training and long term placement. Looking to hire cashier, packaging, cleaning and office help.

Please call or stop by store for more information  208-263-3077 ask for Jodi